Sultan of Sokoto decries insecurity, high cost of living, in Nigeria

The Sultan of Sokoto and President, Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III, has decried the lingering insecurity threats and the high cost of living in the country which in turn has led to things not improving in every sector.

The Sultan made the observation in Gombe State on Thursday during the 3rd Conference of the Da’awah Coordination Council of Nigeria (DCCN), which is an amalgamation of about 52 Da’awa groups in Gombe.

In his speech, the Sultan lamented the high cost of living insecurity bedevilling the country, and said
“action must be taken by political leaders and elite to address the issues.

We must tell ourselves the home truth and stop deceiving ourselves that things are getting better. The truth is, things are not getting better.

Therefore, the earlier we know things are not getting better the better for us, so that we can sit down and find means and ways of solving our problems.

“We must work hard to tackle the insecurity, hunger, poverty and all the negative things afflicting our great country.

“We have problems, yes we know we have problems and I have said it before that things are not just normal and right in this country, but we can make things normal and right by Allah’s wish, so we have to work hard.

“People are suffering and we have few people that have so much and too many people that have nothing, yet we are not helping the poor,” the revered monarch said.

Abubakar therefore, advised the government to get adequate food supply and store, so as to sell at a much subsidised rate to the common man.

“Without food, the country cannot experience peace, security and development. And without development we are just a bunch of people sitting down,” he added.

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