Al-Shabab claims responsibility for Somali parliament’s attack

The Al-Shabaab terrorist group had claimed responsibility for a mortar attack on the Somalian parliament which injured at least six people during a joint session.

The newly inaugurated lawmakers were meeting on Monday to approve dates and procedures for the election of speakers for both the Upper House and Lower House later in the month when the attack occurred.

A presidential candidate, Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, who confirmed the attack on Facebook, said several rounds were fired and six people were wounded, including two of his bodyguards.

The militant group, in a social media post, claimed responsibility for the attack and promised to carry out more of such in the future.

Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble in a statement condemned the assault on the parliament.

In posts on social media, Roble said the attack was a cowardly attempt to intimidate parliament, which was in the process of finishing Somalia’s indirect election.

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