Hong Kong police confirm involvement of six secondary school kids in plot to build ‘powerful’ bomb

The Hong Kong police on Tuesday confirmed that six secondary school children were involved in an alleged attempt to manufacture a powerful explosive in the province, and are currently facing terror charges.

According to the police, five males and four females aged between 15 and 39 were arrested Monday on suspicions of “conspiracy to use explosives for terrorist activities.

This comes days after a 50-year-old man took his own life after stabbing a police officer in what authorities said was a “lone wolf” attack.

Speaking with newsmen on Tuesday, Senior Superintendent, Steve Li, from the city’s new national security unit, said Monday’s operation was against gangsters, who tried to manufacture TATP, a high-powered explosive, inside a homemade laboratory situated inside a hostel.

The police said the nine people belonged to a pro-independence group that called itself “Returning Valiant”.

Those arrested included six teenage students and three adults who worked at a local university, a secondary school, and as a driver.

Li said the suspects were planning to attack public facilities including a cross-harbour tunnel, the railway network, and courtrooms to “maximise damage to society”.

Ripples Nigeria learnt that anti-government movements went out of hand in 2019, during massive and often violent pro-democracy protests, which were stamped out with arrests and new national security law.

Although stability has been widely enforced, Hong Kong remains a deeply polarised city where many residents still live under Beijing’s rule.

Meanwhile, the police on Tuesday also said it seized various items from the group, including a small number of explosives, raw materials to produce TATP, air guns, mobile phones, SIM cards, an operating manual on how to plant bombs, and plans to leave the city.

Also, the police said the group was found with about HK$90,000 ($11,585) in cash and froze around HK$600,000 in related bank accounts.

Police have made multiple arrests in the last two years for alleged bomb plots, although no major attack has been carried out successfully.

In April, a 29-year-old man was jailed for 12-years for manufacturing a kilogram of TATP.

Man finds mum’s 1985 brilliant secondary school result

A young man has created much buzz on social media after he shared the school result of his mother

With many distinctions, the son said that no wonder his mum turned out to be a disciplinarian

Tweeps were considered about the school’s comments on her playfulness, wondering why they were needed

A young man with the Twitter handle @fawwaz_ibrah has generated massive reactions after he posted the 1984/1985 secondary school result of his mum.

As a way to praise her mother’s excellent report sheet, the man said no wonder his mum is always so strict with him.

Looking at the screenshots of the result, the woman scored 87 in English Language, 58 in mathematics, 91 in chemistry, 82 in biology, 85 in government among other scores.

The man’s mum was massively praised on social media.

Secondary Schoolgirl Takes Gun To School To Shoot Teacher Who Asked Her To Cut Her Hair

A senior secondary school girl in her 14 has been arrested after she attempted to shoot her teacher with a pistol in Cross River State

PARADISE NEWS learnt that the student whose name is yet to be ascertained was arrested on Wednesday at Government Secondary School, Ikot Ewa in Akpabuyo local government area of Cross River State.

According to Otunba Charles Edem, an eyewitness who shared the story, the teenager wanted to shoot her teacher for asking her to cut hair.

This girl went to school at Government Secondary School Ikot Ewa with a gun to shoot her teacher for asking her to cut her coloured hair…

Wonders can never end”, Otunba Charles Edem said.

Before now, school was a tamer for stubborn children and teachers where being feared like Hogan Bassey. Today, all that is in the past as both Parents and Students mistreat teachers for whatever reasons.

After Mr Macaroni Was Arrested, See What His Friend Said He Did Back In Secondary School In 2009

The Occupy Lekki protest was met with fierce resistance in the form of armed policemen as they clamped down on the protesters during the early hours of the day. 

They arrested a popular comedian, Mr Macaroni who was on ‘Instagram Live’ as people watched how he was locked up in a police van alongside other persons. He was also a mouthpiece during the EndSars protest and stood firm throughout the protest.

Many people were tagging him with some undesirable names, someone said he was looking for cheap popularity while others stood by him and said he will be remembered for his stance against the government.

A Twitter user named Toby who was saddened by the events wrote on how Mr Macaroni has been a person with a good heart since their secondary school days.

In his words; “Being in the same hostel as @mrmacaronii 2008-09, seeing him stay up till 3am washing 70m of gutters so juniors wouldn’t get punished, removing his socks to give to someone who didn’t have any so they could avoid being punished always baffled me.”

He followed that up by saying he was really sad after seeing him in a police van for trying to protest peacefully.

This is someone who knew him personally and it’s synonymous with almost everyone when you feel sad because you see people whom you know genuinely care for others go through some pains

Without sentiments, do you think Mr Macaroni was searching for cheap popularity?

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