My husband abandoned us and hid in toilet during robbery attack – Nigerian woman seeking divorce tells court

A businesswoman identified as Asiata Oladejo, has told a Mapo Grade A Customary Court, in Ibadan, Oyo state to dissolve her marriage on grounds that her estranged husband, Abidemi, was unreliable and abandoned her and their children during a robbery attack. Oladejo made the submission in her counter argument in the divorce suit filed by her husband.

”My Lord, I am yet to recover from the shock I experienced when a gang of thieves raided our house. He hid in the toilet, leaving me to pant in front of the armed robbers, who terrorised the entire residents of the house.

My lord, when the thieves arrived at around 1am. on that night, my husband was nowhere to be found to defend the children and I.Unknown to me, he hid in the toilet. He only came out when they had gone. My husband wanted us to continue living in that house,” she said.

Akintayo granted custody of the three children to Oladejo, adding that she was in the best position to cater for them. “Both petitioner and respondent shall be responsible for the education and other welfare of the children. In addition, Abidemi shall pay a monthly feeding allowance of N20,000 for the children’s upkeep. Both of you must maintain peace and order,” Akintayo held. She, however, noted that there was no marriage to dissolve between the couple, because their union could not be considered as a marriage. She stated that their marriage was not in accordance with laid down customary laws of Nigeria.

Abidemi in his defense said that his wife was ill-tempered.

”She comes to my shop unannounced to torment me. It is true that I hid in the toilet when armed robbers attacked our house. All the attempts made to bring her back home failed, because she said she was unnecessarily scared,” he said He prayed the court to grant him custody of the three children because he had been a responsible father. Delivering judgment, the President of the Court, Mrs S. M. Akintayo, granted the order restraining Oladejo from threatening, harassing and interfering in the private life of Abidemi.

Staff Of A Finance Company Who Plotted Robbery Attack At His Office In Lagos

He was sure of having hatched the plot well, and he had done so much to perfect the plan to ensure he will get his strategies right. Last year, he had told his close friends that his first plan in 2021 is to get himself a Toyota Venza, among other good things of life. All he was banking on to achieve this was the success of his plan to rob his boss. Ayo Moses Olaosebikan was a staff of Ade Hariyike Global Enterprises, a financial company based in Lagos, where he had worked for over 12 months before he was caught in the act few weeks back.

Investigations revealed that he connived with one of the (supposedly notorious) street guys in the Oyingbo area of Lagos, where the finance company is located, and they had gone far with their plan to attack the office and cart away cash. The culprit had already given exact details about how and when cash is being moved in and out of the office to his co-plotters. The office accountant was a major target in the planned attack.

Apart from physical meetings with his major accomplice, they also exchanged several whatsapp messages. Olaosebikan thought he had every side of the plan covered and they had set the date to strike. But unknown to him, the owner of the finance company got lucky! The main accomplice he was setting all the plans with was only leading him on. He was the one who reached out to the lady-owner of the company to leak the secret plot brought to him by one of her main staff.

According to sources, Olaosebikan never had any idea that the person he was planning with had known his boss for many years. The lady had been benevolent to this guy, (even unknown to her in the past) and when he reached out to her anonymously to leak the plot, he revealed that he had to tag along so he could get enough evidence to make her know the magnitude of what her staff was planning behind her.

The guy recorded all their phone conversations, and kept screenshots of the messages they exchanged on whatsapp. He made all these available to the company boss. He told her about how they had planned to rob her of over N5 million naira on the particular date they set to strike.

She later reported the case to the police, with all the available evidences. Meanwhile, Olaosebikan had reportedly bolted out of Lagos before his arrest could be effected. Investigations into the case are still ongoing, as a manhunt has already started for the culprit, sources at the company.

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