Buhari signs Executive Order on maintenance of public buildings

President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday signed into law the Executive Order 11 on maintenance of public buildings in Nigeria.

The President signed the document shortly before the commencement of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting at the State House, Abuja.

In his address at the forum, Buhari directed all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) to set up maintenance departments in line with the provisions of the new Executive Order.

He said the order gives legal backing to the country’s national maintenance policy, following its approval by the FEC.

The President said: “Since the approval of the policy by the FEC, the Federal Government has consciously started the implementation of maintenance of strategic facilities like the Federal Secretariat in Abuja and federal secretariats in 24 states of the federation, where at least 40 people are now daily employed in each of those 24 secretariats.

The Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation has approved the establishment of a Department of Federal Public Assets Maintenance as a vital step in support of the implementation of this national policy, which is unprecedented in our history and approach to maintenance.

“In order to ensure the fullest implementation and impact of the policy, it is my pleasure to sign this Executive Order that ties maintenance directly to our economy.

“By this Order, I expect MDAs to set out and ensure the operation of their maintenance departments and make necessary procurements for their maintenance in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act.”

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