How they planned to frame by filming me with prostitutes – Father Mbaka

Spiritual Director, Adoration Ministry Enugu, Father Ejike Mbaka has alleged that there was a plot to frame him using prostitutes.

Mbaka claimed that the plot was to kidnap him and drag him through a brothel in Enugu, after which he would be recorded with them.

He explained that they planned to carryout the plot after he left a meeting with Catholic Bishop of the Enugu Diocese, Callistus Onaga.

Giving his new year message on New Year Day, Mbaka recounted how Onaga directed him to shut down his Adoration ministry in Enugu for one-month and embark on a retreat. He said the Bishop cautioned him against meddling in politics.

The fiery priest said he obeyed the Bishop’s order, but that the Holy Spirit ministered to him that he should not park “anywhere”.

Mbaka said: “I didn’t know I was being tracked that night. Before the next day you people started searching for me.

“Their plan was to capture me that night and drag me to Cubana (Hotel) and take me to Mobil where prostitutes stay and then take me around (there) and then, show video of me in the place (Brothel) so that people would ask what Mbaka was searching for in brothel.

“Then, they will again, drag me to Igboeze, another spot for Prostitutes. That’s where they planned to naked themselves, not me. So, then people would begin to ask what I am doing naked in prostitutes’ spot. Then, they will take me to Abuja and the story will be much, they will kill themselves, not me.”

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