Buhari charges leaders to help Nigeria unlock potentials

President Muhammadu Buhari on Saturday charged leaders at all levels to show exemplary quality in order to help the country to overcome its current challenges.

President Buhari made the call in his address at the 2021 annual lecture of Arewa House held in Kaduna.

The President, who was represented at the forum by his Chief of Staff, Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, also urged Nigerians to put the nation first in all their dealings as was done by the country’s founding fathers such as Sir Ahmadu Bello.

He stressed that good leadership would provide a platform for Nigeria to overcome its challenges and unlock the country’s huge potentials.

President Buhari said: “Our ability to collectively address the challenges in our country today will go a long way in unlocking its huge potentialities and the starting point is leadership by example.”

He also called for inclusiveness and the provision of quality education, particularly for girls, to develop to their full capacity.

Buhari added that there was the need to improve coordination and collaboration among leaders for good governance at federal, state, and local levels in a bid to take the country to enviable heights.

“We must not assume that the problems of our country should and can be solved by President Buhari’s administration alone.

Yes, we lead by example, but every stakeholder has a responsibility to work collectively and put the interest of our country first and foremost.

“We have no choice if indeed we are committed to the welfare, prosperity, peace, and security of our people, but to be selfless in service and honor them by making peace and security as a cardinal point in all our actions,” the President added.

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