Meet the lady with the worst physical conditions and yet found true love.

Will you love someone unconditionally, can you love someone and yet marry them? These problems can only be honestly addressed if you face them, not in questions, but in real life and it shows how profound you are when you think you love someone. Meet Carmen a 29-year-old Brazilian whose physical life is one of the most difficult for any human being and yet he has found true love.

Carmen is a 29-year-old Brazilian female who suffers from a xeroderma pigmentosum hereditary condition. Anyone with this disorder should not be subjected to sunlight or UV radiation. If exposed to UV light in the sun for a few minutes, it can induce serious sunburn and freckles. Carmen has since lost one cheek, her left ear, because she experienced these unimaginable limitations throughout her childhood, her nose is partially lost as a result of nasal cancer. And she’s got a blind eye too. Doctors attempted their hardest to rebuild it with an operation, but it failed.

Throughout all these, Carmen has endured over 120 repair procedures. These circumstances rendered it difficult for her to go to classes, and she only studied at home. Getting a career is another matter for her. But all these limitations and pain throughout her life did not hinder Edmilson to love and share Carmen’s life.

Her tale became popular when she started a fundraiser for aid to finance her dream wedding with her fiancé, and also to renovate her home. And people responded with generosity and money to sponsor their wedding and the wedding took place on July 31, 2020. She now even has a spacious home. Since then, she has been posting her real life with her husband on Instagram with over 247k fans.

So, loving someone beyond physical appearance is the best love and the best proof of love ever.

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