ANALYSIS: Atiku under storms as Fayose, Ortom, Obasanjo fire salvos

Atiku Abubakar faces a major hurdle. Since the commencement of the present democratic dispensation in 1999, no president has been elected to succeed another from the same region of Nigeria.

Atiku Abubakar

 is entangled in a web of controversies, roughly one month after clinching the ticket of the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the second consecutive presidential election.

The complex crises ricocheting on the front burner of national discourse concern moral standing, zonal propriety and the democratic style of the PDP candidate.

The Benue State governor, Samuel Ortom, and former Ekiti State governor, Ayodele Fayose, Wednesday landed uppercuts on Mr Abubakar’s presidential quest. While Mr Ortom criticised him for not choosing Rivers Governor Nyesom Wike, the candidate overwhelmingly recommended by a 17-member advisory committee of which the Benue governor was a member, as his running mate, Mr Fayose emphatically reaffirmed his commitment to power shift to the southern half of Nigeria in 2023.

Governor Samuel Ortom, governor of Benua state.

Mr Ortom accused the candidate of failing to honour the democratic choice in the selection of his running mate. He also berated him for failing to reach out to Mr Wike and other aggrieved members of the party after picking Delta State governor, Ifeanyi Okowa, for the slot.

Mr Ortom, who spoke in an interview on Arise TV, said he was waiting for God’s direction on whether to campaign for his party’s presidential candidate or not.

On his own part, Mr Fayose, through his verified Twitter handle, stated that it was important for power to return to the South after the eight-year rule of President Muhammadu Buhari, who is from Katsina State in the North-west geopolitical zone.

Atiku, PDP, Fayose and the North-South power rotation

Since his emergence as the PDP candidate against the grain of the rotational understanding, Mr Abubakar has been carrying the moral hunch of running away with a ticket that ought to have been held by someone from the southern part of the country. As the incumbent president, the opposition candidate is a Fulani-Muslim from the defunct Northern Region.

Nigeria, as a single entity, was formed through the amalgamation of the Southern and Northern protectorates of the British colonial empire on January 1, 1914. Based on a common understanding anchored on the need to foster unity and inclusiveness among the citizenry, the PDP enshrined rotation in its constitution.

Former Ekiti State governor, Peter Ayodele Fayose.

Mr Fayose in his tweet harped on that provision when he contended that: “The PDP Constitution provides for a rotational Presidency. Section 3(c) provides that the party shall pursue its aims and objectives by ‘adhering to the policy of the rotation and zoning of party and public elective offices in pursuance of the principle of equity, justice and fairness.”

He added: “The current President of Nigeria is a 2-term Northern Presidency, thus implying that it MUST be a Southern Presidency in 2023 or NOTHING. Awa ‘South’ lo kan’. Nigerians should await details soon.”

Since the commencement of the present democratic dispensation in 1999, no democratically elected president from either north or south has taken over power from an outgoing president from his own section or region of the country. Similarly, no president from one ethnic group has handed over to another president from his own ethnic group.

In a complex country like Nigeria, with more than 250 ethnic groups, this scenario may weigh against Mr Abubakar when all the variables and analytics are put on the table in the approach to the 2023 general elections.

However, the zoning brouhaha is by no means the only moral burden resting on Mr Abubakar’s shoulders. There is an overhang of corruption allegations and counter-allegations.

FILE: Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Board of Trustees (BOT), Walid Jibrin.

Obasanjo’s salvo and Jibrin’s ultimatum

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees (BoT) of PDP, Walid Jibrin, on Monday called out former President Olusegun Obasanjo and gave him 48 hours to clarify his statement that his choice of Mr Abubakar as his running mate in the 1999 presidential election was a mistake. Mr Jibrin, a northern Fulani-Muslim like Mr Abubakar, threatened to expose Mr Obasanjo unless the former president withdraws the statement.

Mr Jibrin said he would be left with no option but to expose the former president and tell Nigerians and the whole world who Mr Obasanjo is in reality if he failed to explain his statement about Mr Abubakar.

Mr Jibrin, who addressed a press conference in Kaduna, said despite the high regard the PDP has for the former president, it would be very disappointing if he indeed made the statement credited to him (Obasanjo) and carried by virtually all the nation’s news platforms.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo

He said the statement, among others, that he made a mistake in picking Mr Abubakar as his running mate in 1999 was worrisome.

Mr Walid’s 48 hours ultimatum expired Wednesday without a response from Mr Obasanjo or Mr Jibrin as to his next line of action.

Mr Obasanjo, while reflecting on his political experience, during an interaction with some students, on Saturday, remarked that one of the costly mistakes he made in life was his choice of Mr Abubakar as his running mate in 1999.

Mr Obasanjo, who was fielding questions from selected secondary school students that participated in the final of the National Exhibition and Awards organised by Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship (SAGE) at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) in Abeokuta, said his mistake in choosing Mr Abubakar psychologically impacted him.

The former president said, in response to a question by one of the students, “One of the mistakes I made was picking my number two when I wanted to become the president. But because it was a genuine mistake, God saved me…I will say there are many things that could have been a mistake but God saved me from them all.”

Mr Obasanjo was President of Nigeria between May 29, 1999, and May 29, 2007 with Mr Abubakar as the Vice President. After serving their first four-year term from 1999 to 2003, he re-nominated Mr Abubakar as his running mate in the 2003 election which they won despite their fractured relationship.

Atiku in Obasanjo’s lens

Preparatory to the unveiling of his memoir titled ‘My Watch’, Mr Obasanjo in December 2014 called his former deputy a ‘shameless liar’ amid other accusations.

“Those who can be regarded as influential and who have publicly accused me of allegedly manipulating a third term were Atiku Abubakar, who is a blatant and shameless liar, who was behind the whole episode of turning wholesome constitutional amendment efforts of the National Assembly to a futile exercise and as a means of riding on its ashes to be Nigerian President.

“Third term was not my agenda or intention although I would not say I didn’t know about it. I didn’t mastermind third term. Those who were telling me to go on were the governors that were going to benefit from it.

“If I did not want tenure elongation when I was military Head of State and had need to, I see no reason why I should be falsely accused of coup planning by Abacha and tenure elongation by Atiku.”

On pages 31 and 32 of the book, MY WATCH proper, Mr Obasanjo wrote about the former Vice President: “What I did not know, which came out glaringly later, was his parental background which was somewhat shadowy, his propensity to corruption, his tendency to disloyalty, his inability to say and stick to the truth all the time, a propensity for poor judgment, his belief and reliance on marabouts, his lack of transparency, his trust in money to buy his way out on all issues and his readiness to sacrifice morality, integrity, propriety truth and
national interest for self and selfish interest.”

The former vice president on his part had fought his former boss over the third term plot to remain in office beyond eight years.

In an interview with a Hausa newspaper, RARIYA, which was translated to English and published by PREMIUM TIMES in 2013, Mr Abubakar claimed that Mr Obasanjo nursed the ambition of tenure elongation. The former vice president said one of the instances he had altercations with President Obasanjo was about the third term ambition.

Mr Abubakar quoted Mr Obasanjo as stating as follows while craving his support for a controversial third term in office as against the maximum of two terms enshrined in the constitution: “I left power 20 years ago, I left Mubarak in office, I left Mugabe in office, I left Eyadema in office, I left Omar Bongo, and even Paul Biya and I came back and they are still in power; and I just did eight years and you are asking me to go; why?”

Mr Abubakar said he responded by telling him that Nigeria is not Libya, not Egypt, not Cameroon, not Zimbabwe and not Togo. “I said (to Obasanjo) you must leave; even if it means both of us lose out, but you cannot stay.”

Messrs Fayose and Obasanjo’s missiles have again brought into public focus, the moral issues surrounding Mr Abubakar’s perennial presidential aspiration.

With Mr Fayose’s usurpation clanger added to the familiar Obasanjo salvos, the former vice president’s incubus in the coming election is now two-pronged – the odium of corruption painted by Mr Obasanjo and the Southern tenure grabbing red flag raised by Mr Fayose.

The array of accusations, true or false, is certain to negatively affect Mr Abubakar by making many people distrust him.

However, Mr Abubakar and his political foot soldiers are not resting on their oars as they have continued to respond to the allegations, dismissing some of them as baseless products of bilious politics.

PDP National Chairman, Iyorchia Ayu

PDP’s negative perception

Shrugging off the charges is a task not just for the presidential candidate but also for his party leadership under its National Chairman, Iyorchia Ayu. The main opposition party, which ruled Nigeria for 16 years between 1999 and
2015, is still seen by many critics as a platform that willingly lent itself as an organ for the perpetration of sleaze and sundry opaque deals in governance.

The presidential primary of the party in Abuja which produced Mr Abubakar as the candidate was also suspected to have been egregiously dollarized. On the eve of the PDP presidential primary, one of the aspirants, Mohammed Hayatu-Deen, withdrew, alleging that the contest had been ‘obscenely monetized’.

Mr Hayatu-Deen’s withdrawal came a few days after another contender, Peter Obi, withdrew from the race and resigned entirely from the PDP. Mr Obi cited ‘recent developments within the PDP’ which were incongruent with his moral conscience and made it impossible for him to continue participating and making constructive contributions.

A few days after, Mr Obi joined the Labour Party and emerged as its presidential candidate. His message, which centres on low consumption, productivity and frugality, has been making impact especially among the youthful segments of the population.

Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State

PDP and the Wike dilemma

Mr Wike may be the proverbial last straw that will break the camel’s back as far as Mr Abubakar’s controversial presidential bid is concerned. He is believed to be incensed over Mr Abubakar’s ambition and alleged shifty stance. Judging by Mr Wike’s well-known stance on power rotation and the manner he was elbowed out at the presidential primary in May, will PDP be able to pacify and rekindle his faith in the party?

Mr Fayose exclusively told PREMIUM TIMES on Wednesday that he could wager that Mr Wike would never support the current presidential bid of Mr Abubakar. The former Ekiti State governor insisted that power must shift to the southern part of Nigeria in 2023 after the expiration of President Muhammadu Buhari’s second term.

Mr Fayose exclusively told PREMIUM TIMES on Wednesday that he could wager that Mr Wike would never support the current presidential bid of Mr Abubakar. The former Ekiti State governor insisted that power must shift to the southern part of Nigeria in 2023 after the expiration of President Muhammadu Buhari’s second term.

So far, Mr Okowa’s choice has not excited many PDP apparatchiks in the South, including some incumbent and former governors like Mr Fayose, and Mr Okowa’s two predecessors as governor of Delta State – James Ibori and Emmanuel Uduaghan.

“Wike never said he wanted to be VP, but when Atiku visited him, he was the one who said, ‘I want you to be my VP’. He said that to Wike. If that then changes, is Wike not supposed to be told? Is he not supposed to know?” Mr Fayose told PREMIUM TIMES.

Mr Fayose berated Mr Abubakar for ignoring the recommendation of a committee set up by the PDP leadership to shortlist his running mate. “PDP set up a committee to recommend a running mate for the candidate and the committee voted and picked Wike, but they didn’t comply with the recommendation of the committee,” Mr Fayose fumed.

“If the party is now a one-man show, we will show them that we can resist it. We are with Wike 100 per cent. When they need Wike’s money and Wike’s support, they will say, ‘Wike is good enough’. Wike has been injured, but we will remain with him. Whatever he does is what we would do; wherever he asks us to go is where we will go,” the former Ekiti governor declared.

Peter Obi & Bola Tinubu

Obi and Tinubu: who benefits?

In the evolving context, either the Labour Party’s (LP) Mr Obi or Bola Tinubu of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), who are the leading candidates from the South, may profit handsomely from the widening rift in the PDP, with the former being the likely beneficiary.

The ruling party is already a crowded platform by bigwigs who may not easily yield space for big rivals like Messrs Wike, Fayose and other aggrieved PDP chieftains.

On the other hand, the LP, apart from the cult following of its presidential candidate by the youth, is still literally a tabula rasa waiting to be annexed by gladiators. That position makes the party an attractive platform for aggrieved secret backers from the two leading parties – PDP and APC. Such covert backers can only come to the fore if their gambit succeeds in pulling an upset victory for the supported candidate.

Mr Fayose was non-committal when asked whether they would support either Obi or Tinubu. “This is not about Bola Tinubu or Obi, but this is about our belief that power must come to the South and it is a struggle we must actualise.

“This time, it is the turn of the South because Buhari has spent eight years. Why will PDP be insisting that it must again be the turn of the north?”

Mr Fayose also stated that he does not care if his actions are perceived as anti-party activity.

“What I am saying is, it is the turn of the South? And if they want to expel me, to hell with them. I am not taking money from anyone to belong to this party.

“If they want to rock this boat, we will help them to rock it,” the outspoken former Ekiti governor declared.

With these signals, accentuated by Mr Obasanjo’s darts, the PDP presidential candidate certainly has enough political, psychological and moral burdens to bear.

As things presently stand, all the commanding positions in the PDP are held by members from one region – the presidential flag bearer, National Chairman and the BoT Chairman.

Indeed, Mr Abubakar and the PDP leadership have a gargantuan task to stem the worsening tide and restore the confidence of all the stakeholders in the party.

Mr Abubakar, on Thursday, acknowledged that many leaders of his party were uncomfortable with his emergence and his choices. He promised to listen to their complaints.

“The @OfficialPDPNig will remain united. Focus on our actions. We are taking action to address the feelings of all party members. The unity in our community is my priority. Our resolve to unify Nigeria starts in our party and moves to the community, then on to society,” he wrote on Twitter.

Nigerian govt responsible if anything happens to Ortom, group reacts to alleged assassination plot

A group under the aegies of the Coalition of Southern and Middle Belt Youth Leaders Assembly (COSMBYLA), has called on the Nigerian government to investigate allegations of an assassination plot against Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom.

The group also called on the government to make sure nothing happens to the Governor due to his constant criticism of the FG as that could lead to the break up of the country.

The COSMBYLA was reacting to Ortom’s allegation on Wednesday that his intelligence team had discovered plots to assassinate him.

“Several attempts have been made to eliminate me, but God has protected me. I am not afraid of death and because of that, I have already written my will. I am not afraid of anyone,” Ortom had said.

In a statement on Friday issued by the coalition signed by Goodluck Ibem, the group said the Federal Government should be held responsible if anything should happen to Ortom.

“Information gathered have shown there was a meeting that was recently held to plan how to assassinate the Executive Governor of Benue, Dr. Samuel Ortom, and the security agencies have the details and they have not moved to arrest those involved in such despicable plan,” the group said.

Our country Nigeria is owned by all Nigerians and nobody or ethnic group or tribe, owns it more than the other.

“For one ethnic group (Fulanis) to target an entire state for extermination is vallainious and wickedness taken too far and we condemn it in its entirety.

We warn those actors who are killing Benue indigenes and at the same time, plotting to assassinate the Executive Governor of the state to steer clear now.

“We warn these evil actors to note that any attempt on Governor Samuel Ortom’s life will be totally resisted and it will lead to the disintegration of Nigeria.

“Ortom is a defender of the people; he has given a voice to the voiceless and we the youths stand solidly with him.”

Ortom dissolves cabinet, retains seven commissioners

The Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, on Tuesday, dissolved the state executive council.

However, the governor retained the state’s Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Michael Gusa, and six others in the cabinet.

Other retained Commissioners are Nenge Nenge (Land and Survey), Dr. Godwin Oyiwana (Energy, Science, and Technology), David Olofu (Finance), Dr. Joseph Ngbea (Health and Human Services), Dennis Ekpe Ogbu (Housing and Urban Development), and Nylazungwe Igirgi (Women Affairs).

The Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Tony Ijohor, disclosed this in a statement in Makurdi.

He added that the governor had forwarded the list of eight nominees to the State House of Assembly for confirmation.

The nominees are – Ternar Jester Kyange, Unngwa Sechia Jude, Agbatar Rodney Williams, and Michael Umoru Inalegwu.

Others are – Agber Benjamin Armar, Dr. Jane Ogoma Aja, Sarwuan Tamongo, and Nguhe Teyima Levi.

Ortom decries police handling of Vanguard reporter’s death, demands probe of incident

Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, on Saturday knocked the Nigeria Police over the handling of the death of Vanguard Newspaper reporter, Henry Tordue Salem, whose body was discovered last Thursday, three weeks after he was declared missing.

The police had in a statement issued on Friday by the Force Public Relations Officer, Frank Mba, said Salem was killed by a hit-and-run driver in the Mabushi area of the Federal Capital Territory.

The reporter’s body, according to the police, was discovered at the Wuse General Hospital mortuary after a painstaking investigation.

But in a statement issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Nat Ikyur, the governor slammed the police for parading the suspected killer of the Benue-born Salem.

He said the discovery of the reporter’s remains was “suspicious” and demanded a thorough investigation of the incident by a competent body.

Ortom also appealed to the Inspector-General of Police, Usman Baba Alkali, the Director-General of the Department of State Service (DSS) and other sister agencies to do everything possible to unravel the mystery surrounding the gruesome murder of the journalist.

He expressed regret that a Benue son would suddenly disappear only to be found dead by unidentified persons in an undisclosed location in Abuja.

The statement read: “He (Ortom) says such a mysterious recovery of the body of the deceased reporter was suspicious and deserves to be thoroughly investigated.

“The governor appeals to the Inspector-General of Police, the Director-General of the Department of State Service (DSS) and other sister agencies to do everything possible to unravel the mystery surrounding the gruesome murder of the Benue-born journalist.

Governor Ortom reiterates that the Benue State Government is always committed to the safety of all her citizens both at home and in the diaspora and will not rest on its oars until the perpetrators of this heinous act do not go unpunished.”

Ortom asks Nigerian govt to declare herdsmen terrorists

The Benue State Government, Samuel Ortom, on Monday urged the Federal Government to declare herdsmen killing and destroying property in the state as terrorists.

Ortom, who made the call during the commissioning of the Government Science Secondary School in Gbajimba, Guma local government area of the state, also asked the federal government to recruit more security personnel and inject more funds into security agencies to motivate them to protect Nigerians.

He said: “I will not keep quiet and allow some group of people chase my people away from their homes and continue to make them Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

“Gbajimba has over 500,000 IDPs. I appeal to the Federal Government to stop these herdsmen and declare them a terrorist group.

They should stop the killings and destruction of our property. I will not engage any militia group but I will continue to seek justice for my people.

“Security is a mandatory responsibility of every government. I want to appreciate the recent effort made by the government in nipping insecurity in the bud especially in the state but it should be sustained.

“I also, appreciate the effort of security agencies who are sacrificing their lives to ensure peace in our state. The Federal Government should do massive recruitment and ensure adequate funding of security agencies so that they can put in their best in securing the lives of Nigerians.

Ortom urges border communities to end dispute

The Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, on Saturday appealed to warring communities along the state border with Ebonyi to end their dispute.

Ortom, who was reacting to report on the missing persons at Ado community in Benue State, said the land dispute has led to the disruption of activities in the affected communities.

He told the people of the communities to allow the Benue and Ebonyi State governments to resolve the crisis.

He said: “This is a problem I inherited. It is a really unfortunate challenge.

“This is a situation where you have people who speak the same language, have kinsmen in Ado and residence in Ebonyi; also people who are originally from Ebonyi but live in Ado LGA of Benue State.

It is beyond boundary issue, but we are discussing with the national boundary commission to see what we can do.

“We must live as brothers and sisters because all the years of fighting, killing, and destruction from both sides have not yielded anything.

“The children are not going to school, no business or farming activities is going on there because of the crisis.

“I want to appeal to both sides to sheath their sword and allow the two governments to come in and solve the problem.”

Nigeria now on life support – Ortom

Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, declared on Wednesday that Nigeria was now life on support.

Ortom, who stated this when he paid a condolence visit to the family of the late Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Dr. Obadiah Mailafia, said those who think that all is well with the country are deceiving themselves.

Mailafia, who was a fierce critic of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration, died after a brief illness on September 19.

The governor said: “Dr Mailafia was fearless and he stood on the side of the truth. As the Bible says, ‘You should know the truth and the truth shall set you free.’ Our brother stood for truth and justice.

Anyone saying that all is well in Nigeria is just deceiving himself. Nigeria is on life support. Nigerians have never been divided as it is today.

“Let everyone know that Nigeria is greater than any person. Nigeria is greater than all of us. We must team up and work. We must combine our faith in Nigeria with work in order to salvage our nation from those who seek to destroy it. Refusing to combine our faith with work is akin to pumping a punctured tyre.

“We are here to pay our respects to Dr. Mailafia and console the family. We appreciate God for giving us Mailafia and for all he did in his life time.

Dr. Mailafia lived a worthy life, and we are happy the Almighty God spared his life to enable him achieved what he was able to.
“The actions and memories he left behind shall ever remain alive. We the living shall forever continue to cherish his principles and the indefatigable spirit he demonstrated throughout his life time.

“Those who are celebrating his death are lying. What Dr. Mailafia did in life will continue to germinate and bear fruits for many years to come. We appreciate him and thank God for his life.

“I stand with Dr. Mailafia even in his death. I appreciate his principles, and though dead, we shall continue with the struggle.

I encourage our mother to be strong. When our time has come, there is nothing on earth that can stop it. Be strong in the Lord and know that all things worketh together for good for those that are called by God.”

Again, Ortom blasts Buhari over ‘failed’ anti-graft crusade, oppression of opposition, others

Read her post below.

The Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, on Friday accused President Muhammadu Buhari of bad governance.

Ortom, who delivered a keynote address at the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) award ceremony in Enugu, asked Nigerians to hold the President responsible for the challenges that had brought the country to its knees.

He also slammed President Buhari for double- standards in his handling of corruption and security issues in the country.

Ortom had criticized the President severally recently on insecurity, economy and other major problems plaguing the country.

He said: “It is evident that the Federal Government has chosen to play double standards in its handling of the security situation as it affects some regions especially the South-East, North-Central, South-South and South-West while at the same time treating with kid gloves, the menace of killer Fulani herdsmen, bandits and other terrorists in the North- East and North-West.

“The speed with which the leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu and the Yoruba Nation agitator, Sunday Igboho, were arrested confirmed the fact that the Federal Government has the capacity to tackle insecurity with determination and commitment.

“We live in a country today where those who demand equal rights and freedom to end the wave of injustice and marginalisation are hurriedly declared terrorists while real terrorists who invade communities and kill hundreds of innocent people are pampered and given government protection.

“The South-East has been at the receiving end of such levels of injustice, impunity and marginalisation.

Let me make myself very clear. I am not a supporter of violence in any form, neither am I here to justify the violence being witnessed in parts of the South-East. This is why I condemn in strong terms, the destruction of Federal Government properties such as INEC offices, attacks on police stations, law enforcement operatives and even traditional rulers.

“Such attacks and destruction do not make a positive case for freedom fighters and campaigners for justice. Dialogue remains the best option in any dispute. We must however admit that the ongoing agitations by youths of the South-East are as a result of years of neglect, injustice, unfairness and lack of equity by those who have held this country to ransom.

“The current Presidency is on record to have levelled weighty allegations and criticisms against the Goodluck Jonathan administration. They even threatened that if they were not allowed to take over power in 2015, ‘the dog and the baboon would be soaked in blood.’

“As you may recall, they also claimed that the fight against Boko Haram was an attack on the north. Perhaps that explains why Boko Haram chose the then presidential candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) as their representative in negotiation with the Jonathan administration.

“These people occupying the Presidency at the moment also blamed the government of Jonathan for failing to tackle insecurity, but today, they are the same people harassing and intimidating Nigerians who speak against their failures.

Its fight against corruption is only targeted at those who hold alternative views. No matter how corrupt someone is said to be, the moment such a person defects to APC, he becomes a saint. That is why some of my colleagues have already joined them.

“For instance, in Benue State, no day passes without one or more appointees of government being invited and intimidated by EFCC simply because I have refused to bow to the strings of threats and harassment from Abuja to betray my people.”

Zoning will determine PDP’s fate in 2023 – Ortom

The Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, said on Friday zoning would determine the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) fate in the 2023 general elections.

The governor, who disclosed this to journalists in Makurdi shortly after his arrival from Abuja, said the PDP has no choice but to win the 2023 elections following the abysmal performance of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the last six years.

He added that the PDP leadership had apologized to Nigerians for the past mistakes which led to the party’s defeat in the 2015 election.

The governor expressed the hope that Nigerians would give the PDP a second chance in 2023.

Ortom said: “Zoning is very critical; do the right zoning, win elections; do the wrong zoning and you will lose elections.

“The ultimate is for us to win the 2023 elections because of the abysmal performance of the APC government in Nigeria and I’m very confident that, working with my colleagues, we will be able to bring out all that will add value to the party and organise credible, free, fair, and transparent primaries that will ensure that the right people are put in place, ensure that the right peg in the right hole is in place in our party. And that’s what Nigerians are looking unto.

“The PDP as the name implies is about the people. It’s about democratisation and that’s what some of us are selling because of the mistakes that were done in 2015 election that led to the PDP losing out.

“And I think that sometimes ago, the leadership of the party apologized to Nigerians that they made a mistake and for those of us who are Muslims and Christians, we appreciate that when someone apologizes, we should be willing to accept the apology and give him a second chance.

“I believe that Nigerians have given the PDP a second chance; I was a victim in 2015. But now I’m back and believe other people are back and by the grace of God, we will make it this time.

“Nigerians are tired of the lies and hypocrisy of the APC-led government. There is nothing that they did not say prior to the election, but after they won election, there is no more freedom.”

Benue gov, Ortom, threatens Buhari with legal action over grazing reserves

The Governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom, has insisted on dragging President Muhammadu Buhari before a competent court if the Federal Government goes ahead with plans to implement the Grazing Reserve Policy.

This is coming on the heels of Buhari’s approval of recommendations of a committee to review 368 grazing sites, across 25 states in the country, to determine the levels of encroachment.

The President’s directive followed his approval of the recommendations of a committee chaired by the Chief of Staff to the President, Ibrahim Gambari.

Among others, the committee had recommended the collection of field data on 368 grazing reserves across 25 states to assess encroachment and encroachers, stakeholder engagements and sensitisation.

Reacting to the approval in an interaction with newsmen in Makurdi, the state capital on Sunday, Ortom, insisted that the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria superseded the Northern Nigeria Law that provided for grazing reserves, and as such, the imposition of grazing reserves in states is illegal.

He maintained that Benue State under his watch would not accept the grazing reserve policy, stressing that his state would not concede any of its land for the policy.

“The truth is that if the entire country had accepted ranching, then why is Mr President insisting on open grazing when there is no land for such?

“In the 50s when this policy was initiated, what was the population of Nigeria? It was less than 40 million but today, we are more than 200 million.

“The 923 square kilometres is not even enough to cater for the population. The reason Mr. President is insisting, to some of us, I think there is a hidden agenda.

“Mr. President has aides. The Attorney General of the Federation, Malami (SAN) and other lawyers around him should advise him. For God’s sake, it is laughable and it appears we do not know what we are doing.

Under my watch, this state will not accept open grazing. I have already briefed my lawyers should Mr. President insists on going ahead with the policy,” Ortom said.

Ortom approves guns for vigilantes in Benue, tasks them to protect residents

Benue State government, has approved the establishment of vigilante groups to combat the high rate of insecurity in the state.

Governor Samuel Ortom disclosed this on Thursday when he briefed pressmen on the outcome of the expanded stakeholders’ meeting held at the new banquet hall of the Government House, Makurdi.

Ortom, who said renewed attacks on the people by armed herdsmen had overstretched security agencies, noted that the state government had decided to enforce “the law to provide for the establishment of community volunteer guards (vigilantes).”

He said the vigilantes would be constituted from the community to local government levels to complement the operations of conventional security agencies across the state.

The governor explained that the recruitment process would commence immediately, adding that those to be recruited would be within the age range of 18 to 50 and mostly ex-service men.

Ortom; “Those to be recruited are ex-service men and people from 18 to 50 years, and they must have stable sources of income and must have lived in their respective communities for a minimum of six years and they must be of impeccable characters and be loyal.

“All the vigilantes must carry weapons that are licensed so that anytime there is external aggression, they must be able to rise up to defend themselves.”

He said the state government has been mandated to support the vigilantes with logistics as provided in the law, adding that the recruitment of personnel should be carried out in the 23 local government areas of the state.

Adopt RUGA if you want peace in Benue – Presidency tells Ortom

The Presidency has urged Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State to accept RUGA and other policies if he wants peace and normalcy to return to his state.

Following a series of killings in the state by gunmen, Ortom had called for the urgent intervention of the federal government.

The governor had said President Muhammadu Buhari’s “action and inaction” was responsible for the insecurity, accusing him of Fulanisation of Nigeria.

However, a statement released by the President’s media aide, Garba Shehu, on Thursday, claimed the recent spate of insecurity ravaging the state resulted from Ortom’s rejection of Ruga settlements.

He said Ortom’s refusal to adopt the controversial Ruga policy showed he did not value people’s interest.

The governor had rejected the policy describing it as deceptive and against the interest of Benue indigenes, who are predominantly farmers.

Buhari, in the statement, also accused the governor of stirring religious and ethnic violence.

The statement read; “Benue under the Ortom administration ought to cooperate with the federal government in the implementation of a number of national strategies programmes in addressing underlying issues militating against peace, progress, and development.

This can still get done when the interest of the people is placed above all other interests. A government voted into office by the people should treat the people as its masters and not as its servants.”

“As Nigerians, we accuse colonial rulers of the policy of divide and rule.

“Today, it is our own leaders who pit region against region, religion against religion, ethnic group against ethnic group, and community against community.

“He also states his disappointment and sadness to hear Samuel Ortom, the Governor of Benue State, make a litany of accusations against his person and his government following the recent unfortunate incidents in the state,” the statement reads.

No responsible government takes pleasure in such events as the killing of the military and that of innocent citizens taking refuge in an Internally Displaced People’s camp.

“President Buhari is deeply pained by the terrible acts of violence happening not only in Benue State but also in other parts of the country and expects that the law enforcement agencies will go to every possible extent to catch the perpetrators of these heinous acts and bring them to justice.

“The lives of fellow citizens should not be desecrated by deploying them in political diatribe which unfortunately appeared to be the intent of the string of emotional attacks and blame laid at the doors of the President for those killings by Governor Ortom.

“President Buhari took an oath to defend the life and property of every citizen, a duty he takes seriously and is committed to ensuring.

Those citizens, regardless of their affiliations, who either incite, sponsor or are proven to be abettors of these atrocities will face the law squarely and be answerable for their crimes against our fellow citizens and nation.”

ORTOM: Police deploys special team to Benue

The Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, has deployed a special team to Makurdi, Benue State, followed an attack on Governor Samuel Ortom by gunmen.

The Force Spokesman, Frank Mba, who disclosed this in a statement on Sunday, said the Special Investigative Task Force is being led by a Deputy Commissioner of Police, Abba Kyari, regarded by the police authorities as a no-nonsense investigator.

He added that the team has arrived in the North-Central state.

Mba said the team consists of operatives from the Tactical Investigation Units of the Force Intelligence Bureau (FIB) and other experienced and crack detectives with competencies in crime scene investigation and reconstruction, ballistics, fingerprint analysis, and other core areas of forensics.

One of the team’s core mandates is to take over and consolidate all ongoing investigation into the incident.

The Force spokesman said: “The team is also expected to investigate all angles of the reported attack with a view to ensuring that all persons empirically linked to the incident are apprehended and brought to book.”

“IGP Adamu also charged the team to be professional, thorough, and clinical in their investigations, stressing that they should liaise and work with the Benue State Police Command and other relevant members of the law enforcement community to ensure that they deliver on their mandate.”

Gunmen suspected to be assailants opened fire on Governor Ortom’s convoy at Tyo Mu along the Makurdi-Gboko Road in Makurdi local government area of the state on March 20.

But the attack was repelled by the governor’s security aides.

Reps ask police, DSS to go after Fulani group threatening Ortom

The House of Representatives on Tuesday charged the Nigeria Police Force and the Department of State Services (DSS) to go after a terror group, Fulani Nationality Movement (FUNAM), which claimed responsibility for last Saturday’s attack on the Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom.

The lawmakers unanimously adopted a motion jointly moved by members from Benue State who demanded an investigation into the attack as well as arrest and prosecution of the suspects.

The motion titled: “Armed Attack and Assassination Attempt on Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State and the Worsening Spate of Insecurity in Nigeria,” was jointly sponsored by Kpam Jimin Sokpo, Benjamin Mzondu, Mark Gbillah, John Dyegh, Tyough Robert, Herman Hembe, Samson Okwu, Francis Agbo, Richard Gbande, Blessing Onuh and Godday Samuel.

The Benue lawmakers said they were concerned about the worsening spate of violent crimes and insecurity across the country ranging from cultism, armed robbery, armed herdsmen attacks, bandit attacks, armed militia attacks, Boko Haram insurgency and terrorism.

They expressed surprise that the police and DSS are yet to go after the FUNAM members despite the group’s claim on the governor’s attack.

The motion read:

“The House takes cognizance of the response by the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammadu Buhari, in condemning the armed attack and assassination attempt on Governor Samuel Ortom, and his subsequent directive for the Police to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the attack.

“The House acknowledges the directives of the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, and immediate deployment of FCID to Benue State for a thorough investigation of the incident.

The House is even more worried that the assassination attempt on Ortom of Benue State is an invitation to anarchy and glaring indication that the nation is drifting into a state of full-scale lawlessness.”

North-Central governors decry attack on Ortom

The North-Central Governors’ Forum (NCGF) on Monday decried the attempted assassination of the Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, and called for a thorough investigation by relevant security agents.

The Niger State Governor, Abubakar Sani-Bello, who made the call in a statement issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Mary Noel-Berje, said something urgent and drastic must be done collectively to curtail the situation.

“This issue of insecurity in our nation needs all and sundry to be collectively responsible in addressing it irrespective of religious, ethnic, and political affiliations,” he said.

Bello, who is the Chairman of NCGF, applauded the efforts of Ortom’s security details who ensured his safety and other members of his entourage.

He said the Forum is in solidarity with Ortom and the entire people of Benue State.

Gunmen suspected to be assailants had on Saturday opened fire on the Benue governor’s convoy along the Gboko/Makurdi.

But his security details repelled the attack.

Wike warns Nigerians to hold FG accountable ‘if Ortom is assassinated’

Nyesom Wike, governor of Rivers state, has revealed that the federal government should be held culpable, in the event of the assassination of his Benue counterpart, Samuel Ortom.

Ripples Nigeria had reported on Saturday, March 20, that gunmen suspected to be herdsmen attacked Ortom’s convoy while on a visit to his farm.

According to Ortom, the armed men, numbering about 15, trailed his convoy to the river bank where he was on foot with his security details and opened fire on them.

Meanwhile, in a statement issued by his special assistant on media, Kelvin Ebiri, Wike said the federal government should be “prepared to bury Nigeria” if harm befalls Ortom.

Wike added that if the Benue governor is killed, the country could be plunged into another civil war.

If you kill Ortom, then be prepared to bury Nigeria,” he was quoted as saying.

“If anything happens to Governor Ortom, the Federal Government will be held responsible and they should be prepared that there will be no more Nigeria.”

Wike added that it is disturbing that the lives of incumbent governors are threatened.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) also called on the police to investigate the attack on Ortom’s convoy and arrest the assailants.

Ortom bans political appointees from campaigns for 2023

The Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, on Wednesday banned his political appointees from embarking on any form of campaigns towards 2023 general elections.

Also, Mr Ortom stated that he has no ambitious for the coming general election as he is focused on the delivery of his promises to the people of the state.

“I’m not interested in any future elections for now. Likewise I have decided to ban campaigns for all those in my government interested in 2023 elections.

No member of the Benue state executive council or appointees of my government should talk about campaigns or anchor any campaign for me again in my government. I have banned it. Anybody found to be doing so henceforth will be removed.

“They must not involve themselves in any campaign for now so that we can focus on governance. When the time comes to do so, those who are interested will resign and go for their campaigns. But whoever is doing that now is not doing so in the interest of the Benue people,” he added.

End SARS: Ortom condemns attack on protesters at Lekki toll gate

Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom has strongly condemned the attack on END SARS protesters at Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos State.

The Governor made this known in a statement made available to DAILY POST by his Chief Press Secretary, Terver Akase, on Thursday.

Ortom described the killing of innocent and unarmed young Nigerians who came out holding the national flag and chanting the country’s anthem while calling for positive change, as an unfortunate and unacceptable one.

He further noted that democracy guarantees the right of citizens to express themselves against unfavorable policies of government and stated that security operatives owe the people the duty to ensure that such protests remain peaceful.

According to him, visiting the End SARS protesters with violence is not a solution to the agitations, urging the Federal Government to embrace dialogue and address the concerns of Nigerians as echoed by the protesting youths.

The Governor also called for thorough investigation into the shooting that led to the death of some of the protesters, to fish out perpetrators of the heinous crime for prosecution.

He, however, advised the End SARS protesters to remain peaceful and not allow miscreants to hijack their noble march towards a better Nigeria.

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