What Peter Obi won’t do to Nigeria if elected president – Northern elders

The Northern Elders Forum, NEF, has assured Nigerians that the Labour Party, LP, presidential candidate, Peter Obi won’t divide the country if elected.

Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, the spokesman of NEF, also noted that Nigeria will not be divided if Obi fails in the 2023 presidential election.

He pointed out that no presidential candidate would divide the country if elected in 2023.

Baba-Ahmed was reacting to a Twitter user who said he was scared the LP presidential candidate will divide the country if elected president.

The Twitter user @AnthonyAnya33, wrote: “I understand why you’re scared… he will divide the country but ask yourself what if he fails to win do you think the country will remain one?”

Reacting, Baba-Ahmed wrote: “I am afraid you are wrong on both counts. Not Obi, no candidate will divide the country when he becomes President, unless he deliberately chooses to govern in a manner that infinitely dwarfs the current administration’s record.

“The country will not divide if Obi does not win either.”

Northern Elders renew demand for Buhari’s resignation over insecurity

The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) on Tuesday renewed its demand for President Muhammadu Buhari’s resignation over worsening insecurity in the country, particularly in the north.

In a statement issued by its Director of Publicity and Advocacy, Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, NEF asked the President to step down from his position over the government’s inability to secure the lives and properties of Nigerians.

This is the third time since 2020 the group had asked Buhari to resign as Nigeria’s President over escalating insecurity across the country.

The statement read: “The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari does not appear to have answers to the challenges of security to which we are exposed.

“We cannot continue to live and die under the dictates of killers, kidnappers, rapists and sundry criminal groups that have deprived us of our rights to live in peace and security.

Our constitution has provisions for leaders to voluntarily step down if they are challenged by personal reasons or they prove incapable of leading.

It is now time for President Buhari to seriously consider that option, since his leadership has proved spectacularly incapable of providing security over Nigerians.

“Our Forum is aware of the weight of this advice, and it is also aware that we cannot continue to live under these conditions until 2023 when President Buhari’s term ends.”

The NEF decried the killings and assaults on Nigerian communities which have now become a daily occurrence in the country.

“Killers and other criminals appear to have sensed a paralyzing vacuum at the highest levels of leadership, and they grow more confident and acquire more competence in subverting the state and our security.

“Nigerians have shed enough tears and blood without an appropriate response from those with responsibilities to protect us,” it added.

President Buhari should be impeached – Northern Elders

The Northern Elders Forum, (NEF), have called for President Muhammadu Buhari’s impeachment following his inability to solve Nigeria’s insecurity challenges.

Speaking in an interview with AIT on Monday morning, the NEF spokesman, Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, said the nation could not wait two more years for Buhari to address the issues of insecurity.

He noted that those who had the constitutional responsibility to protect Nigeria must realise that the country was in a dire state and do something other than making promises.

The spokesman said the second option is for citizens to get together and decide to do something.

Baba-Ahmed said; “The third option is that those leaders who are failing will recognise the fact that they are the problem and resign because they clearly have nothing to offer in terms of leadership.

“As our democratic system provides, those with the responsibility to get them off should impeach those who are failing. If the president can’t deliver, he should be impeached.

“We don’t have a National Assembly that appears to have the level of patriotism and concern beyond partisan politics to realise that when this roof falls, it also falls on their heads.

Northern elders charge Buhari to be proactive over country’s challenges

The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has charged President Muhammadu Buhari to be more proactive towards securing the lives and property of citizens, rather than continue blaming everyone else for the woes befalling Nigeria.

This was contained in a statement issued by the spokesman of the forum, Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, during his guest appearance on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily on Friday, March 26

Baba-Ahmed said it was clear that the government was not doing enough and that was why the results have been felt negatively across the nation.

He asserted that it does not appear the administration recognizes the magnitude of the problem faced by the country, adding, however, that even if in all fairness they do understand the enormity, then their response has been unsatisfactory and inadequate.

This is a country that is facing unprecedented levels of insecurity from all angles and we don’t see any sign that they are doing anything different from what they have done in the last 3, 4, or 5 years, you cannot keep doing the same thing and expect to get different results,” Dr. Baba-Ahmed stated.

Furthermore, the forum acknowledged that Nigeria is losing the war against the insurgents and the bandits.

The former permanent secretary to the Federal Government said kidnapping and banditry have become big industries in Nigeria and the presidency has run out of ideas.

He emphasized that Nigerians don’t want to hear excuses, adding that the people want insecurity addressed outrightly.

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