Nigeria is losing bright youths to other Countries – Gbajabiamila tells new lawmakers

Outgoing Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila had urged lawmakers to act quickly as youths in the country have lost faith in Nigeria and are securing their futures in other countries of the world.

He spoke on Wednesday, June 7 at a valedictory session organized for the 9th National Assembly in Abuja.

Gbajabiamila, who would start work next week as the Chief of Staff to President Bola Tinubu, said the executive and legislative arms of the government must act fast or there will be continuous exodus of bright youths to Europe.

Addressing his colleagues, Gbajabiamila said;

“Honourable colleagues, despite the considerable investments we have made to improve our public infrastructure and the numerous reforms we have enacted to change how we administer the government, our country faces many significant challenges.

“These challenges have caused many of our fellow citizens to wonder if the promise of democracy will ever become real in their lives. Too many of our young people have lost faith entirely and are choosing in droves to seek their fortunes and their futures in other lands.

“We are losing some of our best and brightest, and if we don’t act now, the consequences of this loss will shortly become painfully evident.

“How do we ensure a healthy, vigorous, growing economy that provides opportunities for all who work hard to succeed through their labour and ingenuity?

“How do we protect our people from the marauders and insurgents, the petty criminals and assorted villains who wish to harm them, whether for profit or in service of other agendas?

“How do we restore faith in our young people so that so many of them no longer feel like the only way to achieve their best aspirations is to chase their fortunes in far away, often hostile lands?

“These are the critical questions all of us in government must answer or risk the unforgiving judgment of history. With each new day, we have an opportunity to make the hard choices and take the necessary actions to guarantee our nation’s future. With each new day, we have less time to act and a more outstanding obligation to act quickly.”

Why many Nigerian youths are unemployed – Ngige

The Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, said on Thursday many youths in Nigeria are currently unemployed because of lack of functional skills.

The minister stated this at a one-day trade Job, Career and Employability Fair in Abuja.

The fair was organised by the Nigeria Employers Consultative Association (NECA) in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Ngige, who was represented at the forum by the Senior Special Assistant on Job Creation to the President, Mrs. Tilda Mmegwa, urged stakeholders to be actively involved in preparing the African workforce for future challenges.

He stressed that the Nigerian government was conscious of the fact that most of the unemployed people in the country are without functional skills.

The minister said: “Our strategy, therefore, is to equip the unemployed youths with market-driven skills, which will facilitate their access to self or paid employment.

“In recognition of this reality, my ministry is keenly committed to equipping unemployed graduates with entry point competences to make them employable.

“I am therefore happy to inform you that my ministry is scheduled to train 37,000 unemployed graduates, 1,000 in each of the states of the federation and FCT, on soft skills and marketable resumes.

“In the coming months, we will also train 3,500 unemployed youth in various vocations including fashion design, catering and event management, solar panel and CCTV installation, among others.”

‘Get into politics to make desired changes,’ Osinbajo charges Nigerian youths

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo on Wednesday urged young Nigerians to get involved in politics in order to make the desired changes in government.

Osinbajo, according to a statement issued by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Laolu Akande, made the call during a virtual interaction with Nigerian Fellows of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders.

The Vice President said he would not have made changes in government, if he did not occupy a public office.

He noted that nations cannot afford to have their best brains and committed social activists remain in the civil space without being involved in politics.

Osinbajo said: “You need to go the extra length if you are not already involved, get involved in politics—while a lot can be achieved in civil society, the government still holds the ace in terms of capacity and resources to bring social goods to the largest numbers.

“Besides, being deciders instead of pressure group at the table in policy formulation are hugely different positions. The consummation of our great ideas to transform our societies ultimately will depend on ‘those politicians’ as we sometimes derisively describe them.

African nations and especially our country, cannot afford to have its best minds and most committed social activists remain only in the civil space. No, we simply can’t afford it, you have to get involved in politics. You have to be in the position to make the difference on the scale that is required.

“Of course, there are many who will not be involved in politics but those that are inclined should, and there will be many challenges even in the winning or getting heard in politics. But I want to say to you that it should be an objective that you should set for yourselves, to get involved at whatever level of politics so that you can make the difference on the scale that is required.

“It took public office for me to be able to get the scale of change that is required to make a difference.

Without a public office, I would have remained a pressure group activist, I would have done some nice things, but I wouldn’t have been able to make the changes that my country required.”

Governor Masari blames Nigerian youths for high rate of unemployment

Governor of Katsina State, Aminu Bello Masari has said that Nigerian youths are responsible for their inability to be gainfully employed.

According to the governor young Nigerians complain that there’s no job whereas they are just unwilling to work and put their educational qualifications to good use.

Masari made the comment during an inteview on Channels TV, Thursday night and accused the youths of whining and displaying a sense of entitlement.

He said; “People tend to say there is no work. Who told you there is no work? There is work to a willing mind. Because people feel when they go to university, the society owes them a living, while it should be the reverse.

What are you doing with the education you acquire to help change yourself, your community, change your family, change the society? What are you doing about it? Are you waiting for a paid job of N50,000 or N60,000? We have to sit up.”

Masari’s claim is coming days after a World Bank report indicated that the unemployment rate in Nigeria had risen to the highest level.

National Bureau of Statistics, NBC in its 2020/2021 report, said the unemployment rate in Nigeria has shot up fivefold from 6.4 per cent in 2010, hitting 33.3 per cent as of the last quarter of 2020.

Stop renouncing your citizenship – FG pleads with Nigerian youths

The Federal Government has appealed to young Nigerians to stop the trend of renouncing their citizenship in pursuit of greener pasture abroad.

The Minister of Interior, Rauf Aregbesola who made the appeal on Thursday, described it as worrisome and counterproductive.

He expressed concerns at the Ministerial Alignment Meeting of the Presidential Task Force on Deliverables for Ministries, Departments, and Agencies of Government.

Represented by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Dr. Shuaib Belgore, the Minister said the Federal government would put up a mechanism in place that would keep young Nigerians busy in productive activities.

He said a committee would be set up in the Ministry with stakeholders to oversee the operations and implementation of the deliverables.

The committee would be chaired by the Director, Planning Research and Statistics (PRS) in the Ministry, Mr. Kabiru Ayuba, with representatives of the four Services under the Ministry and other relevant officers.

Video: Nigerian youths are calling on me to run for Presidency in 2023 – Yahaya Bello

Kogi State governor, Yahaya Bello has said that he wants to run for the seat of president in 2023 because the youths are calling on him to do so.

He stated this in an interview with BBC, noting that not only the youths but women as well have come forward to ask him to take over the mantle of leadership.

Nigerian youths, Nigerian women, and Nigerians generally across board are calling on me to run for President seat in 2023” he said.

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