Juliet Ibrahim explains what it entails to date a modern-day Christian woman

Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim has listed some of the major characteristics of a modern-day Christian lady.

In her Instagram post, the Ghanaian actress stated that the modern-day Christian woman will not condone some of the negativity from the older generation.

She stated that women are prepared to take charge of their lives and become everything that they were designed to become.

Juliet also spoke about domestic abuse; she admonished women to quit relationships where they are being assaulted or manipulated by their partners.

Read what Juliet published on her page;

“Apparently Dating a born again Christian woman is the best; you cheat, she finds out, you pray together and blame the devil…”

She continued;

“Oh well, the association of modern Christian women is officially opened oo.

Let he who have ears hear well ooo!

Do not be manipulated into domestic violence, miserable lifestyles, manipulation, misery, depression, emotional abuse, mental slavery and maltreatment from narcissistic egoistic humans.

Ladies, set boundaries, value yourself, become more self-aware of your worth, love yourself and build your self-esteem so you never have to fall victim of manipulation of any kind and most of all know when to draw the line and wake up from the brainwashing and emotional abuse.”

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