A Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge, Mark A. Young has on Monday dismissed a suit instituted by Wade Robson against the late singer, Michael Jackson’s estate, Fox New states.

A Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge, Mark A. Young has on Monday dismissed a suit instituted by Wade Robson against the late singer, Michael Jackson’s estate, Fox New states.

The suit was initially instituted in 2013 but dismissed for lack of merit. However, it was revived in 2020 after California Governor, Gavin Newsom signed a new law giving those who allege childhood sexual abuse a longer time to file lawsuits.

In an HBO’s produced blockbuster “Leaving Neverland,” Wade Robson had alongside James Safechuck, levelled allegations against the late singer for abusing them sexually when they were boys.

While Jackson’s family had regarded the production as “character assassination” on the late pop star, both men had instituted different lawsuits which have both been dismissed.

The reinstituted 2020 lawsuit alleged that Jackson molested Wade over seven years and that as Jackson’s employee, the two corporations (MJJ Productions Inc. and MJJ Ventures Inc.) had failed in their duty to protect him from their employee’s conduct.

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