Desist from attacking my bishop, Mbaka warns followers

The Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria, Fr Ejike Mbaka, has disassociated himself from the protests in the Adoration Ground on Sunday. The protest was against the ban imposed on  Mbaka by the Enugu Diocesan Bishop, Most Rev Callistus Onaga.

Onaga, in a pastoral injunction, which was read in all Catholic parishes, chaplaincies and religious formations, had imposed a ban on Mbaka ministry.

He directed that no Catholic faithful should henceforth go there for any  activity.

But less than 24 hours after the ban, some Mbaka’s followers thronged the Adoration Ground on Sunday, in disobedience to the bishop’s ban, and protested against him.

Consequently, Mbaka, in a statement, on Monday disowned the protesters and warned them to desist forthwith.

He said he received with obedience the directive of the bishop and warned his followers against any measure of violence either in action or by abusive utterances.

The statement read in part, “My attention has been drawn to activities that took place in the Adoration Ground on Sunday. I am not in any way involved in such activities.

“We received with obedience the directive issued by my Bishop, Rev Callistus Onaga, on June 17, 2022.

“May I therefore appeal to the faithful, in particular, members of Adoration Ministry Enugu, Nigeria, to remain calm and united with the body of Christ in the Diocese and also refrain from any measure of violence either in action or by abusive utterances.”

“Those who take to attacking or insulting my dear Bishop should desist from such.

“The Bishop is the Shepherd of the Church in the Diocese and we remain his flock who in every way and at all times is expected to be respectful, obedient and willing to respond favourably to his apostolic directives.

“May I also remind you that all Adoration activities have been suspended until further notice.

“Adoration Ministry is ever submissive to the mother Church. I enjoin all adorers to know this and remain constantly in prayers for the manifestation of the will of God in the life of the ministry.”

Mbaka blesses Peter Obi, apologises for initial utterances

The Spiritual Director, Catholic Adoration Ministry Chaplaincy, Enugu, Rev Fr. Ejike Camillus Mbaka, yesterday, blessed and tendered an apology to the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr. Peter Obi and his supporters over his utterances against his person.

In a statement signed by him and made available, Mbaka said, “I am a servant of God and my intention is not to malign Peter Obi’s image, but to pray for him.”

“May God’s will be done in his life. I pray to God whom I serve to give our beloved people good and excellent leaders who will take care of them and lead them to the Promised Land.

“Anyone who God wishes to make our Leader is my choice. In this vein, I give my blessings to the supporters of His Excellency Peter Obi.

“In any way, they feel offended by my utterances or however I was misunderstood by them, I ask for their understanding and forgiveness. As a servant of the Most High God, I pray that it shall be well with my people. I am an ardent supporter of Good Governance, Justice, Equity, Love and Godliness,” he said.

Recall that before his apology, yesterday, the Catholic Diocese of Enugu had dissociated itself from Mbaka’s utterances and described his actions as unbecoming and divisive.

The Diocese under the leadership of Most Rev. Callistus V. C. Onaga, in a statement, signed by the Chancellor/Secretary, Very Rev. Fr. Wilfred Chidi Agubuchie; Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr. Geoffrey Aguigwo and Auxiliary Bishop of Enugu, Most Rev. Ernest Anezichukwu Obodo, explained that Mbaka’s utterances are contrary to canon 220 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which prohibits anyone from illegitimately harming the good name of a person.

According to the statement, it is also a violation of the provisions of Canon 287 and 2, which forbids priests from engaging in partisan politics.

The Diocese said Mbaka’s views on the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr. Peter Obi, of being ‘a stingy man’ and ‘a joker’ was entirely personal and do not represent the position of the Catholic Diocese of Enugu.

While calling on Mbaka to refrain from making further provocative prophecies or utterances capable of heating up the polity, the Diocese assured God’s people and the public that the Catholic Diocese of Enugu is taking the due canonical process.

The statement reads in part: “The Catholic Diocese of Enugu has been drawn to the inflammatory political utterances by Rev. Fr. Camillus Ejike Mbaka, the Director of Catholic Adoration Ministry Chaplaincy, Enugu, on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 during his Wednesday Adoration programme.

“Fr. Mbaka during his preaching attacked the good reputation of Mr. Peter Obi, the Labour Party presidential candidate, describing him as ‘a stingy man’ and as ‘a joker,’ contrary to canon 220 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which prohibits anyone from illegitimately harming the good name of a person.

“He also made fun of the Labour Party and vowed that Mr. Obi could not be the president of Nigeria. This is a clear violation of the provisions of canon 287 & 2, which forbids priests from engaging in partisan politics.

“The Catholic Diocese of Enugu hereby condemns and dissociates herself from such unbecoming and divisive utterances from Fr. Mbaka. We notify the general public that Fr. Mbaka’s views on the matter are entirely personal to him and do not represent the position of the Catholic Diocese of Enugu.

“In an effort to keep him united to the body of Christ, we enjoin him to refrain from making further provocative prophecies or utterances capable of heating up the polity. We assure the people of God and the general public that the Catholic Diocese of Enugu is taking the due canonical process,” the statement added.”

The Diocese appealed to Nigerians to continue to pray for peaceful elections as well as discharge their civic responsibilities by getting their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs), which will enable them to vote and elect the right candidates.

NNAMDI KANU: Mbaka dares Nigerian govt to ‘do its worst’

The Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry Enugu, Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Ejike has voiced his disapproval of the re-arrest of the leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu.

Ripples Nigeria had reported that the Federal Government on Tuesday rearrested Kanu.

According to the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami (SAN), the IPOB leader was arrested by a combined team of Nigerian and foreign security agents in a coordinated interception.

However, in his reaction on Thursday in a sermon, Mbaka dared the government to do its worst while God does his best.

He said, “Arrest is not the solution. There is agitation in the land, let the leaders listen. Their stubbornness one day will collapse this country.

It is not a matter of referendum, the Israelites did not do any referendum before they left the land of Egypt.

“Who is fooling who? You don’t call a bulldog a bad name to kill it. People have senses. This is not between power and money, there is still God.

“For my beloved Nigerians and children of God, as far as God is still alive, in spite of all these, there is still hope.

“Let them do their worst, God will do his best. They will do their worst against us, God will do his best”.

The Pope will clap for me if he knows my role in this govt, Mbaka replies APC

The Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu (AMEN), Father Ejike Mbaka, has dared the All Progressives Congress (APC), to go ahead with the threat of reporting him to the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, for daring to criticize President Muhammadu Buhari.

The APC had, last week, threatened to report Mbaka to the Pope after he had asked Buhari to either resign or be impeached by the National Assembly over the escalating insecurity in the country.

The Presidency also came hard on the priest who was one of Buhari’s staunch supporters during the presidential elections in 2015 and 2019, saying Mbaka was angry with the president because he was not compensated with contracts for his support

However, Father Mbaka has told the APC and any Nigerian who wants to report him to the Pope to go ahead as the Vatican will surely clap for him if they hear that he is criticising Buhari on bad governance.

While speaking to members at the Adoration Ministry on Sunday, Mbaka said that the leaders of the “Catholic church will surely clap for me if they know my level of involvement in this country.”

”Why I don’t want them to report to Rome is because If the Pope hears the extent of my involvement, they may give me a position I might not like.

”Don’t think you have a thing to report to Rome. If Rome hears that Fr Mbaka is challenging evil governance, Rome will clap for me

“I dare them to go ahead and report me to the Vatican. I will really like that because I will really love that”, he said.

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