Court stops Peter Obi’s supporters from converging at Lekki toll gate

Justice Daniel Osiagor of the Federal High Court sitting in Lagos has ordered the Labour Party and its supporters not to converge at the Lekki toll gate for the rally it plans to hold in the state on October 1st, 2022.

The court also directed the Inspector General of Police and the Lagos State Police Commissioner to ensure compliance with the order.

The judge issued the orders today while ruling on a motion for injunction brought by 10 plaintiffs, who are asking the court to, among others, restrain the LP, its presidential candidate Peter Obi, his vice Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, one Julius Abure, and their loyalists from holding the rally.

The court also held that while the rally cannot stop at the Lekki toll gate, it can pass through the venue to access Falomo Bridge and other venues at which the rally plans to meet.

A preliminary objection filed by the defendants seeking to stop the court from hearing the motion on the grounds that it lacked jurisdiction could however not be entertained as all parties to the suit had not been served.

The court adjourned the hearing of the substantive suit to November 4th.

In the suit, 10 plaintiffs through their Romeo Ese Michael, Esq. asked the court to, among others, restrain the LP, its presidential candidate Peter Obi, his vice Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, one Julius Abure, and their loyalists from holding their rally, until the hearing and determination of their Motion-On-Notice of September 12, 2022.

The plaintiffs include Adedotun Ajulo Esq., Salamatu Suleiman Lewi Esq., Hakeem Ijaduola, Esq., Ogunbona Akinpelu Esq., Owolabi K. Oluwasegun, Esq., Mogbojuri Kayode Esq., Wuyep Mantim Nadom Esq., Dimimu Mabel, Esq., Kolawole Salami, Esq. and Mr. Wale Abe Lawrence.

The 1st to 10th defendants are Obi, LP, Baba-Ahmed, Abure, the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Commissioner of Police (Lagos State Command), Director-General (Department of State Services), Lekki Concession Company (LCC) Limited, Attorney-General of Lagos State and The Governor of Lagos State.

In the substantive suit, the plaintiffs argued among other things that a repeat or celebration of the “infamous” EndSARS protest of 2020 under the political guise of “#Obidatti23 Forward Ever Rally” will cause a breakdown of peace and will result in post-traumatic stress disorder for them and the public.

“If You’re Planning To Invade Lekki Tollgate Again, Actions Will Carry Great Consequences”- Igbokwe

It’ll never be forgotten in the history of Nigeria that millions rose up and objected the continuous evil activities of some leaders in our nation. I would tell you that the whole world was watching as Nigerians said “no to police brutality in the country”. The most memorable being 20th October, 2020 when souls were lost at the Lekki Tollgate after they were shot to death. All around Nigeria, many were injured, properties were damaged and people were in fear of threats.

However, the tollgate’s activities and operations were stopped as a result of this incident which played out last year. It has now come to the notice of Nigerians that the tollgate will be reopened shortly because millions of naira have been lost due to non-payment of tickets. Many have objected this call for the reopening of the tollgate and thus will be gathering in large numbers at the tollgate on 13th February, 2021.

An Igbo man who resides in Lagos as the All Progressive Congress (APC) Chieftain (Lagos Chapter) has sent a strong warning to all Nigerians who will resurface at the tollgate on 13th February. The man being Joe Igbokwe shared via his Facebook account that those who are planning to invade the tollgate again, should ask those who invaded US Capitol Hill for their experiences. It will be recalled that some Americans took over the United States’ Capitol in Washington DC to oppose the results of the election. These rioters were apprehended and are now facing sentences in the law court and prison. Joe Igbokwe has called on people who are yet to come to the tollgate to protest as he said that actions this time will carry adequate consequences.

Should this be a threat to some Nigerians who will flood the tollgate on 13th February, 2021? Are there unknown motives and plans by the Lagos State Government? In all these, we must stand for the truth but be careful because live has no second chance. A lot lost their lives and are no more but will be remembered for their bravery, we don’t know what’ll take place on that day.

Lagos panel rejects LCC’s request to retake possession of Lekki tollgate

The Lagos State judicial panel of inquiry probing the alleged shootings of #EndSARS protesters in the Lekki area of the state on Tuesday rejected the request by the operators of the tollgate, Lekki Concession Company, to take back possession of the facility.

Armed soldiers had on October 20 opened fire on the protesters.

A few of the protesters were reportedly killed while others sustained injuries in the incident.

However, nobody has come forward to give the actual number of #EndSARS protesters killed in the shooting.

The panel’s chairman, Justice Doris Okuwobi (retd), declared in a short ruling that the tollgate would remain closed.

He said panel needed to pay another visit to the tollgate plaza after watching the video footage from a surveillance camera submitted by the LCC on Tuesday to arrive at a definite conclusion on the matter.

Counsel for LCC, Rotimi Seriki, had urged the panel to allow the firm to take possession of the tollgate plaza to evaluate the level of damage before seeking insurance claims.

He said: “My humble request is that if the tribunal doesn’t have further need to visit the plaza, the LCC should be permitted to take back possession of the toll plaza for the purpose of evaluation of the damage and commence the process of carrying out necessary repairs.”

DJ Switch shares heartbreaking experience at lekki toll gate.

The celebrity disc jockey,DJ Switch has shared her heartbreaking experience at Lekki toll gate, Lagos. She shared the story which was full of sad emotions on her Instagram page earlier today.

On Tuesday, 20th of October 2020 , there was a massacre at Lekki toll gate Lagos. The massacre was done by military men, which according to rumour were ordered by the president of Nigeria.

Unfortunately, so many peaceful #endsars protesters who are vibrant Nigerian youths were killed in cold blood while others were injured. However, those who were lucky to escape the bullets are still in a state of shock, this includes DJ Switch.

Below is the video clip in which the celebrity DJ shared her experience.

President Buhari addresses Nigerians 2 days after the Lekki toll gate massacre.

President Buhari has finally addressed the people of Nigeria following the Lekki toll gate massacre on the 20th of October 2020.

Below is his speech.

Fellow Nigerians,

It has become necessary for me to address you having heard from many concerned Nigerians and having concluded a meeting with all the Security Chiefs. I must warn those who have hijacked and misdirected the initial, genuine and well-intended protest of some of our youths in parts of the country, against the excesses of some members of the now disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

On Monday 12th October, I acknowledged the genuine concerns and agitations of members of the public regarding the excessive use of force by some members of SARS.The choice to demonstrate peacefully is a fundamental right of citizens as enshrined in Section 40 of our Constitution and other enactments;… but this right to protest also imposes on the demonstrators the responsibility to respect the rights of other citizens, and the necessity to operate within the law.

As a democratic government, we listened to, and carefully evaluated the five-point demands of the protesters. And, having accepted them, we immediately scrapped SARS, and put measures in place to address the other demands of our youth.On approving the termination of SARS I already made it clear that it was in line with our commitment to the implementation of extensive Police reforms.

Sadly, the promptness with which we have acted seemed to have been misconstrued as a sign of weakness and twisted by some for their selfish unpatriotic interests.The result of this is clear to all observers: human lives have been lost; acts of sexual violence have been reported; two major correctional facilities were attacked and convicts freed; public and private properties completely destroyed or vandalised;… the sanctity of the Palace of a peace-maker, the Oba of Lagos has been violated. So-called protesters have invaded an International Airport and in the process disrupted the travel plans of fellow Nigerians and our visitors.

All these executed in the name of the ENDSARS protests. I am indeed deeply pained that innocent lives have been lost. These tragedies are uncalled for and unnecessary.Certainly, there is no way whatsoever to connect these bad acts to legitimate expression of grievance of the youth of our country.The spreading of deliberate falsehood and misinformation through the social media in particular, that this government is oblivious to the pains and plight of its citizens, is a ploy to mislead the unwary within and outside Nigeria into unfair judgement and disruptive behaviour.

On the contrary, both our deeds and words have shown how committed this administration has been to the well being and welfare of citizens, even with the steadily dwindling revenues, and the added responsibilities and restrictions due to the Coronavirus pandemic.Government has put in place measures and initiatives principally targeted at youths, women and the most vulnerable groups in our society.  These included our broad plan to lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty in the next 10 years;… the creation of N75 billion National Youth Investment Fund to provide opportunities for the youths, and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Survival Fund, through which government is:

a. paying 3-months salaries of the staff of 100,000 micro, small- and medium- enterprises
b. paying for the registration of 250,000 businesses at the Corporate Affairs Commission
c. giving a grant of N30,000 to 100,000 artisans
d. guaranteeing market for the products of traders

These are in addition to many other initiatives such as:

a. Farmermoni,
b. Tradermoni,
c. Marketmoni,
d. N-Power,
e. N-Tech and
f. N-Agro.

No Nigerian Government in the past has methodically and seriously approached poverty-alleviation like we have done.With regard to the welfare of police personnel, the National Salaries, Income and Wages Commission has been directed to expedite action on the finalization of the new salary structure of members of the Nigeria Police Force.The emoluments of other paramilitary services are also being reviewed upwards.

In order to underscore the importance of education in preparing youths for the future, this administration has come up with a new salary structure and other incentives for our teachers.Let me at this point reaffirm the Federal Government’s commitment to preserving the unity of this country.We will continue to improve good governance and our democratic process, including through sustained engagement.

We shall continue to ensure that liberty and freedom, as well as the fundamental rights of all citizens, are protected.But remember that government also has the obligation to protect lives and properties, as well as the right of citizens to go about their daily businesses freely and protected from acts of violence.To our neighbours in particular, and members of the international community, many of whom have expressed concern about the ongoing development in Nigeria, we thank you and urge you all to seek to know all the facts available before taking a position … or rushing to judgement and making hasty pronouncements.

In the circumstances, I would like to appeal to protesters to note and take advantage of the various well-thought-out initiatives of this administration designed to make their lives better and more meaningful,… and resist the temptation of being used by some subversive elements to cause chaos with the aim of truncating our nascent democracy.For you to do otherwise will amount to undermining national security and the law and order situation. Under no circumstances will this be tolerated.

I therefore call on our youths to discontinue the street protests and constructively engage government in finding solutions.Your voice has been heard loud and clear and we are responding.And I call on all Nigerians to go about their normal businesses, and enjoin security agencies to protect lives and properties of all law-abiding citizens without doing harm to those they are meant to protect.Let me pay tribute to officers of the Nigeria Police Force who have tragically lost their lives in the line of duty.

I would like to thank those State Governors, traditional and religious leaders who have appealed for calm and restraint.I also thank youth leaders who have restrained their followers from taking the law into their hands.This government respects and will continue to respect all the democratic rights and civil liberties of the people, but it will not allow anybody or groups to disrupt the peace of our nation.

Thank you all. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu speaks about Lekki toll gate massacre.

Following the massacre at Lekki toll gate, Lagos…Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu has released a message for all Lagosian via his social media page. Below are his statements;

This is the toughest night of our lives as forces beyond our direct control have moved to make dark notes in our history, but we will face it and come out stronger.

I’ve just concluded visits to hospitals with victims of this unfortunate shooting incident at Lekki .

It has taken me this long to make a statement because I have to prioritize the welfare of the victims of this very sad incident.

There are currently 10 patients at the Gen Hospital, 11 at Reddington and 4 at Vedic; with mild to moderate levels of injuries while 2 are receiving intensive medical care.

3 patients have been discharged & we will continue to monitor and ensure all patients get the best care.

As the Governor of our state, I recognize the buck stops at my table and I will work with the FG to get to the root of this unfortunate incident and stabilise all security operations to protect the lives of our residents.

I will give a state broadcast in the morning.

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