Two Ekiti men to die by hanging for robbing 53-year-old lecturer

An Ekiti State High Court, sitting in Ado Ekiti, has sentenced 36-year-old Fakorede Olawale and 39-year-old Tunji Olaitan to death for armed robbery.

The two men were tried on three counts bordering on attempted murder, attempted rape and armed robbery.

The charge read, “The defendants on November 24, 2015, at the Adehun area, beside Petim Sawmill, Iworoko Road, Ado Ekiti, within the jurisdiction of the court, did attempt to murder, attempt to rape and rob one Titilope Ayeni on the same day.

“The offences are contrary to sections 320 and 559 of the Criminal Code Law, Cap. C16 Laws of Ekiti State, 2012, also Section 1(2) (a) of the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Act, Cap. R11, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.”

In her statement to the police, the victim, a 53-year-old lecturer, said, “I was about to sleep around 8pm when my generator suddenly stopped working. I went to check what happened to it; in the process, the defendants emerged from my compound.

“Before I said a word, they started cutting me with machetes. I shouted, as I defended my head and face. They dragged me inside my room and attempted to rape me, but they got distracted when my phone rang.

“Thereafter, they tried unsuccessfully to dump me inside my well. Following my shout, my neighbours called the police who came on time in a patrol van. One of the robbers, Fakorede Olawale, escaped with my N15,000 cash, my gold valued at $350, my phone, ATM cards and other valuables I cannot remember. He was later arrested.

“I was taken to a hospital by the police for treatment due to the deep machete cuts sustained in both arms.

“Olawale had once broken into my house and was arrested. That time, he was charged to court, but later released on bail. He had threatened to kill me until he came back with his gangs.”

The police prosecutor, Gbemiga Adaramola, called four witnesses and tendered the victim’s photographs, statements, and bond to release recovered items to the owner, among others, as exhibits.

The defendants spoke in their own defence through their counsel and did not call any witness.

They urged the court to temper justice with mercy.

Justice Adeniyi Familoni said the prosecution proved the offences of attempted murder, attempted rape and armed robbery against the first defendant and attempted murder and armed robbery against the second defendant.

The judge said, “On count one, attempted murder, the two defendants are sentenced to life imprisonment. On count two, attempted rape, the first defendant is sentenced to 14 years’ imprisonment without a fine option, while the second defendant is discharged and acquitted.

“On count three, armed robbery, the two defendants are sentenced to death. May the Lord have mercy on your souls.”

OAU dismisses lecturer for alleged sexual assault

The Governing Council of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, has dismissed one of the institution’s lecturers, Dr. Adebayo Mosobalaje, for alleged sexual assault.

Mosobolaje, who was a senior lecturer at the Department of English Language at the university, was found guilty of sexual assault by an investigative panel set up by the council.

The varsity don was accused of sexually assaulting a female student of the institution.

The university’s Public Relations Officer, Abiodun Olarewaju, confirmed the development is a statement titled: “Sexual harassment: OAU dismisses another lecturer,” on Tuesday.

The statement read: “In its avowed determination to rid the university of any form of sexual intimidation, harassment and, or coercion, the Governing Council of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, has dismissed another lecturer who was found guilty of sexual demeanor against a female student.

“The decision to dismiss Dr. Adebayo Mosobalaje of the Department of English Language in the Faculty of Arts was taken by the University Council at its last sitting on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021.

Having exhaustively deliberated on the report of the Joint Committee of Council and Senate, which investigated the case of sexual harassment against Mosobalaje, the University Council, unambiguously declared its zero tolerance for sexual harassment in any form or guise and, accordingly, applied the appropriate university sanctions for such an offence as contained in the university regulation.”

WhatsApp chat of lecturer telling student waiting for his class that he has left Nigeria permanently

A Nigerian student has taken to social media to reveal how she found out that her lecturer traveled out of Nigeria.

She shared a screenshot of a WhatsApp chat with the lecturer, where she asked if his class would be holding the next day.

However, the lecturer who had not told his students that he would be relocating, revealed that he had traveled out and would not be returning to Nigeria.

The young lady with Twitter handle @Eriittae who appeared to have been stunned with the discovery simply posted it with questions marks.

She wrote in the chat: ”Good day sir, Sir pls are we having our class tomorrow?”

He replied; ”I have left Nigeria. I will not come back”

See the screenshot and her post below:

She wrote in the chat: ”Good day sir, Sir pls are we having our class tomorrow?”

He replied; ”I have left Nigeria. I will not come back”

See the screenshot and her post below:

Lecturer gives students permission to cry uncontrollably during exam

Students of the Department of Civil Engineering, Kyambogo university, Uganda who recently wrote their exams were surprised when their lecturer decided to consider their plight in an odd way.

The Ugandan lecturer who has been described as ‘compassionate’ gave students writing exam a choice to cry if they so wish.

In the exam paper, asides from the usual instructions regarding how to answer the questions, the lecturer told students that they can cry if they want but they should do it quietly.

Crying is allowed but please do so quietly,” the instruction read.

The exam which was for the course, Strength of Materials with code; TCBE 1201, took place on March 29, 2021.

A social media user shared a photo of the exam paper with the caption;

”This exam no be easy crying is allowed. #engineers #exam…”

Lecturer, twins jailed for Internet fraud, love scam in Kwara

A lecturer at the Kwara State College of Health Technology, Offa, Abdullahi Opashola, and twin brothers, Taiye and Kehinde Adebayo, on Thursday, were convicted by Justice Adenike Akinpelu of the Kwara State High Court sitting in Ilorin, over offences bordering on impersonation and Internet fraud.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) prosecuted Opashola on a separate one-count charge, while the Adebayos were prosecuted on seven counts each, which they all pleaded guilty to.

In a statement released by Wilson Iwijaren, Head, Media and Publicity, EFCC, the charge against Opashola read: “That you, Opashola Abdullahi, (alias Devin Snow), sometime in August 2020 in Ilorin, within the jurisdiction of this honourable court, did attempt to cheat by impersonation, by portraying yourself as a female, named Devine Snow, via your email address,, to one Eugene Myvett, to induce him to send you $200, a representation you knew to be false, thereby committing an offence contrary to Section 95 of the Penal Code and punishable under Section 324 of the same law.”

Meanwhile, the charge against Taiye read: “That you, Taiye Adebayo, sometime in January 2020, at Ilorin, within the judicial division of the Kwara State High Court, did cheat one Gary Brenton, who you met on TWOO dating site, of the sum of $490 received via gift cards when you pretended to be a female, thereby committing an offence contrary to Section 320 of the Penal Code and punishable under Section 322 of the same Penal Code.”

Following the guilty plea of the defendants, two operatives of the EFCC, Paul Kera and Emezie Dominic testified against Opashola and the twins, respectively.

Delivering judgment on the two cases, Justice Akinpelu found Opashola guilty of the charge against him and sentenced him to four months’ imprisonment, however, the 26-year-old lecturer was given an option to pay a fine of N150,000.

Meanwhile, for Taiye and Kehinde, Justice Akinpelu pronounced each of them guilty as charged and sentenced them to 42 months imprisonment each (six months on each of the seven counts) preferred against them, however, she gave the brothers an option of fine of N50,000 on each of the count.

He ordered that the laptops and phones used by the convicts to commit the crimes to be forfeited to the Federal Government.

A Lecturer With A Wife And 2-Year-Old Daughter Who Became A Taxi Driver Found Dead in Abakiliki.

It seems that since the EndSars Protests rocked Abakiliki the capital city of Ebonyi State which was hijacked by disgruntled elements in the society, it has not been same. The insecurity has worsened in the state with killings, violence and robbery becoming order of the day. Recently the news carried it that Onueke Police station was burnt by unknown Gunmen and 3 police officers were killed and arms carted away.

Another bad news has set in where a lecturer in the Department of Physiology in Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo was shot dead. According to the news the lecturer who is simply identified as Kyria has turned his private car to commercial car popularly known as taxi cab in Abakiliki to make ends meet. He was forced to take such option after six months of not receiving his salary due to ASUU strike in Nigeria. It will be recalled that ASUU has been in faceoff with federal government which made Government to withhold salaries of the striking lecturers.

The lecturer has a wife and a 2-year-old daughter. He was using his car for taxi to be able to cater for the family as a last resort. Last Sunday it was reported that the lecturer was called by a customer to come and pick him at Udemezue street in Abakiliki and take him to a popular eatery known for native delicacies at Ogoja Road Abakiliki Ebonyi State. Kyrian did not make it as he was never seen but his lifeless body was later found with ridden bullets on 11th day of January 2021 at Rice Mill along the same Ogoja Road Abakiliki Ebonyi State. His car was stolen and still missing at the time of this report. The news was posted by Charles Kelechi Iteshi the media aid to the Hon. Chinedu Ogah who is representing Ezza South/Ikwo Federal Constituency in Abakiliki in his Facebook page. 

Going by the way it happened, it is believed he was lured out by armed robbers who are after his car. The police is yet to comment on the death of the lecturer.

Ogun lecturer found dead in his car

A lecturer of the D.S Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic, Itori in Ogun State, Engr Mufutau Olayemi, had been found dead in his car.

DAILY POST learned that the lecturer, who was the Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, was found dead in his car on Wednesday morning.

It was rumoured that Olayemi was attacked by some unknown individuals and shot dead in cold blood on his way back from a conference.

The Public Relations Officer of D.S Adegbenro Polytechnic has confirmed the incident to newsmen.

As at the time of filing this report, plans were underway for Olayemi’s burial.

Our correspondent could not immediately get details of the incident from the Ogun State Police command.

When contacted, the Ogun Police Public Relations Officer, Abimbola Oyeyemi, said he was busy at an event.

ASUU Strike: We now beg, drive taxi to survive – Lecturer laments

A lecturer with the University Calabar, Samuel Odey, on Monday said many lecturers have now resorted to begging due to the lingering strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU.

Odey also claimed that some lecturers have started driving taxis to survive.

The lecturer with the Department of Curriculum and Teaching in UNICAL made this disclosure during an exclusive chat with DAILY POST.

When asked how he and his colleagues survive the protracted strike, Odey said “Some lecturers have gone into other jobs, some have resorted to driving bolt, Taxify, Uber and whatever.

“Some are more into Agriculture, while some have resorted to begging to survive.

“There are lecturers with terminal illnesses such that they can’t afford their drugs now, so they have been depending on their wives or something else.”

On the possibility of ASUU calling off the strike soon, Odey said: “No, the National Chairman after the last meeting advised students to learn skills, go into business and travel and have fun.

“The federal government is not being responsive, they can loan money to revitalize or revive NTA but not education.

“If they can take a huge amount of the country’s budget to attend to NASS members who are fewer than the number of Professors we have in this country, if the federal government can take loans to renovate NASS complex but have intentionally and consciously neglected their education sector, then ASUU is resolute on their decision. We are not going back soon.”

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