I did the right thing for Nigeria,’ Babangida defends June 12 annulment again

The former military President, Gen. Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (retd), insisted on Monday that the annulment of the June 12, 1993, presidential election was in the best interest of the country.

Bagandida, who featured in a Channels Television’s programme, Politics Today, said he took the decision 28 years ago to save the country from a major crisis.

The former military ruler controversially annulled the election widely acknowledged as the freest and fairest in Nigeria’s history on June 24, 1993, and plunged the country into a major political crisis that lasted five years.

Babangida had in an interview on Arise TV about two weeks said he annulled the election in order to prevent a violent military coup in Nigeria.

He reaffirmed the position in Monday’s interview.

Babangida said: “It is a decision we took. I had to take that decision. I did that to the best of my knowledge in the interest of the country.

“I did the right thing. I can sit back and say some of the things I said manifested after I had left. We had the coup, and that coup lasted for five years.”

Sunday Igboho to join nationwide protest on June 12

Yoruba rights activist, Sunday Adeyemo aka Sunday Igboho, says he will join a nationwide protest fixed for June 12, 2021.

The freedom fighter alongside other Nigerians, will stage a protest on Saturday calling for Yorubaland to become a sovereign nation among other demands.

Recall that the National Association of Nigerian students, NANS, and civil societies have alerted the federal government that a protest will hold on Saturday to press Buhari’s regime to address insecurity, economic stability, unemployment and other rising matter in the country.

Adeyemo, represented by his spokesman, Olayemi Koiki, in an interview on Wednesday, called for the South-West governors’ support.

He said; “Let us warn the federal government that if there is bloodshed this weekend, the international community is watching. If the military kills any Nigerian this weekend, it is going to be very hot.”

He added; “The Yoruba Nation rally will go ahead in every part of Yoruba land and the rest of the country where it will hold.

“Red alarm will begin on Friday. People should stock up food Items from Friday night.

“We are not backing down this weekend. We are ready to take back what belongs to us.”

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