Buhari confers Public Service awards on Jonathan, Wike and others

President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday October 21, conferred Public Service awards on 44 distinguished individuals, including former President Goodluck Jonathan.

Others conferred with various categories of honours in recognition of their public service contributions at the Nigeria Excellence Award in Public Service (NEAPS) are Senate President Ahmad Lawan; Speaker Femi Gbajabiamila and 16 Governors, including Rivers’ Nyesom Wike.

This maiden award in collaboration with the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation recognises and rewards innovation, leadership, and other exceptional achievements of individuals that have contributed immensely to the growth and development of public service and the country at large.

To be eligible, the recipient must be a living Public Official or a private a citizen excelling consistently in a given sphere of influence, in good character standing and must also be at the forefront of service and innovation.

Nigeria is derailing towards dictatorship – Jonathan

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has raised an alarm of the country’s democracy derailing towards dictatorship.

Speaking at the 70th birthday of Mathew Kukah, Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, in Abuja, on Wednesday August 31, Jonathan urged Nigerians not to lower their guards as this would make democracy recede into fascism.

The former President also called on Nigerian leaders to accommodate different views.

He said;

“Obviously many people, especially our youths, are becoming increasingly disillusioned about our politics and democracy.

“However, we must remain on the democratic path because it is the only practical way of effectively managing our diversity, developing sustainably, and recording progress as a nation.

“The task before all of us is not to lower our guards lest the democracy we cherish today succumbs to threats and recedes into fascism tomorrow because there are signs.

“Looking at the states and so on, we are derailing towards quasi-fascist form of government, but democracy is not only about winning elections alone, it is about accommodation. We, as leaders at the centre and at the state levels, especially at this time when elections are coming, must accommodate different views.

“Towards this goal, we are again faced with a good opportunity of choosing our leaders as the nation prepares to go to the polls next year. Let us choose those that will take us to the desired destination and the promised land.”

Urging Nigerians not to give up, he added;

“Nigeria may not be where we want it to and should be, but we should not give up or lose hope by focusing on only the negative.

“Judging from where we are coming from since independence in 1960, we may have been moving slowly in our journey of nationhood, but it is a journey of progress, all the same.”

Jonathan, Atiku, others salute Abdulsalami Abubakar at 80

The former Head of state, Abdulsalami Abubakar, turned 80 on Monday.

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has described the former Head of State, Abdulsalami Abubakar, as a selfless patriot and elder statesman who has made significant contributions to the growth and stability of the nation and the West African sub-region.

The former president said this in a statement he posted on social media to celebrate Mr Abubakar who turned 80 on Monday.

Mr Jonathan described the former leader as a peace maker and nation builder due to his activities at the National Peace Committee.

“Your commitment to our national aspirations and considerable achievements as Head of State at a momentous period in the history of our nation has continued to be referenced as a watershed in the birthing of the Fourth Republic.

“Out of office, you have earned a reputation as a peace maker and nation builder for your key roles in promoting unity, mutual harmony and peaceful elections through the National Peace Committee.

“As you celebrate, I wish you more strength, wisdom, and sound health in your future endeavours,” he said.

Epitome of unity

In his goodwill message, former Vice President and presidential candidate of the PDP, Atiku Abubakar, described the celebrant as a great Nigerian patriot and an epitome of unity.

In a statement by his spokesperson, Paul Ibe, Mr Atiku said the former Head of State demonstrated great patriotism and commitment to unity and democracy by keeping faith to his transition timetable in 1999.

According to the former vice president, Mr Abubakar has also committed himself to the promotion of unity and democracy since leaving office by involving himself in peace building efforts in the country.

“As you celebrate your 80th birthday today (Monday), I’m excited to say that my interactions with you have always been fruitful because I see in you a great fountain of inspiration and a reservoir of wisdom and knowledge,” Mr Abubakar extolled the general.

The former vice president also said Mr Abdulsalami’s contributions to creating a culture of politics without bitterness will always be appreciated by Nigerians.

“Keeping a promise is one of the greatest signs of a great leader. General Abdulsalami has met that criterion. I’m proud to associate with such a great and patriotic Nigerian. May Allah grant the General more good health and longer life to continue to serve humanity,” the presidential hopeful added.

A nationalist

In a separate message by his Chief Press secretary, Delta State Governor Ifeanyi Okowa said Nigeria benefited immensely from Mr Abubakar’s leadership as he returned the country to democratic rule in 1999.

He commended the former leader for his consistency in the pursuit of peace and credible electoral process in the country.

The governor also lauded the former head of state for his patriotism, which he exudes by always speaking up on national issues and unrelenting in his service to the country and humanity. He said Mr Abubakar had faithfully sustained those contributions to the polity.

He described the octogenarian as an epitome of nationalism, selflessness and statesmanship, and prayed that God would raise more persons like him in the country.

“On behalf of my family, the government and people of Delta, I felicitate with you, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar, on your 80th birth anniversary.

“As a great patriot and elder statesman, you have made significant contributions to the growth and stability of our nation through your selfless service to the country and humanity.

“Your commitment to our peaceful coexistence and laudable initiative, which birthed the Fourth Republic remains a momentous period in the history of our nation.

“Even out of office, you have continued to work tirelessly as a troubleshooter and nation’s builder and in promoting unity and peaceful elections through the National Peace Committee.

“As you celebrate your 80th birth anniversary today, I join your family, friends and wells wishers to thank Almighty God for your life and to pray that He continues to bless you with robust health, greater wisdom, guidance, protection and enduring provisions,” Mr Okowa said.

Jonathan to declare 2023 presidential bid soon, group claims

The Citizens Network for Peace and Development, a group rooting for former President Goodluck Jonathan as President in 2023, declared on Monday that he would join the 2023 presidential race soon.

The National Coordinator of CNPD, Raphael Okorie, who stated this at a press conference in Abuja, added that Jonathan might contest the election under the All Progressives Congress (APC) platform.

A group had last Friday stormed the ex-President’s office in Abuja and asked him to join the presidential race.

The group which comprised young men and women stormed the office with posters and urged Jonathan to declare his presidential bid.

He later addressed the campaigners and told them to “just watch out.”

At Monday’s briefing, Okorie told journalists that the ex-President was still making consultations with friends and associates before announcing his intention.

He said, “The entire country, men, women, East, North, South and West are unanimous for Jonathan to contest the 2023 presidential election.

“The presidential election is not a local government election and a man who has been the Commander-in-Chief of this country knows the full import of running in a presidential election.

“What he is doing is to respect every facet that has a role to play in the 2023 presidential election by consulting and having discussions with them and having them buy into this project. The man we are talking about is not selfish about becoming a President, he is not ambitious about becoming a President because he has been the commander of this nation.

“Therefore, he is making every step to see that consultations are full and conclusive before taking a step. But I can assure you today that Jonathan is going to run for the 2023 presidential election, God willing he is going to become the next President.”

Jonathan outlines ways to ensure peace in West African subregion

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has revealed that the achievement of peace is paramount towards resolving the challenges in the sub-region.

Jonathan stated this on Wednesday at the strategy meeting of the West African Elders Forum(WAEF), aimed at shoring up democracy and peace in the West African sub-region.

The former President of Nigeria noted that entrenching democracy requires a collective action and consensus building by all stakeholders to safeguard it.

“The fate of the West Africa democracy is been put to question by unconstitutional change of government as recently witnessed in Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso,” Jonathan said.

The meeting also assessed some of the current trends and events happening within the West African sub-region and proposed a plan of action towards forestalling a further deterioration of peace and stability of the sub-region.

Jonathan said, “Leaders must interrogate some fundamental issues such as recurring military intervention, democracy and good governance, peace and security, economic development as well as human trafficking in the sub-region.

“Democracy as a communal asset requires a collective action and consensus building by all stakeholders to safeguard it.

“These sad developments which have occasioned a gradual erosion of our civic space and value system is what has necessitated this meeting today.

Our gathering today therefore seeks to articulate possible solutions and strategies that will help consolidate our democracy.

“This is with a view to actively engaging with governments and key stakeholders to stem the tide of democratic backsliding and the breakdown of law and order in our nations.

“I am worried that some members of the sub-region are beginning to opt for military intervention because of what they consider as the weaknesses and flaws of democratically-elected leaders.

“As respected leaders, I am aware that many of you here wield great influence in our sub-region and continent.

“Together, we can leverage our experiences and the power of diplomacy to resolve the crisis in ECOWAS today.”

He, however, appealed to all leaders across the nations to make democracy work for the interest of all citizens.

“This is why we need to continually advocate for the strengthening of our democratic institutions. Strong institutions are the pillars for the sustenance of our democracy and the development of our nations.

“As stakeholders we must therefore, help in this regard and fashion out the best approach towards the strengthening of political systems.

“As I conclude, let me re-emphasise the point that is often made that for democracy to endure, it must yield basic public goods to its citizens. These include economic development, good social services, freedom, justice, peace and security.

This underscores the place of good governance in our discourse of democracy. Democracy losses its meaning if it does not guarantee the economic status and social security of the citizens.

“Today, we must interrogate some fundamental issues such as recurring military intervention, democracy and good governance, peace and security, economic development as well as human trafficking in our sub-region.”

Jonathan declares support for e-transmission of election results

Former President Goodluck Jonathan said on Wednesday the electronic transmission of elections results would help the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct free and fair elections in 2023.

Jonathan, who stated this in his keynote address at the National Defence College Course 30 Inauguration Lecture in Abuja, warned the National Assembly not to frustrate the commission in its quest to ensure credible conduct of the 2023 elections.

He said: “I have always made the case that electronic voting is the way to go, if we truly desire to secure the credibility and integrity of our elections.

“It is difficult, therefore, to understand why the argument against the possibility of electronic transmission of election results continues to subsist, despite all the advancements made in information and communication technology, over the years.

I want to appeal to members of the National Assembly to always ensure that they do not embark on measures that could hinder the progress and independence of INEC.

“ If they have to amend the electoral law, they should do so in a manner that would enhance INEC’s processes in its performance of its duties, especially through the adoption of innovations in ICT to aid its operations.

Since the beginning of the Fourth Republic, our nation has made incremental progress towards deepening the roots of the nation’s democracy. The fact that questions are today being asked by the people on the direction of that progress means that Nigerians appreciate democracy but expect us to do more to make it work better for our people and the country.

“From my experience in leading election observation missions to many countries, people hardly go to court to contest election results in countries where the processes are credible and transparent because of the level of confidence in the system.

It is not exactly the same here. In Nigeria, the system is such that as politicians prepare for elections, they also prepare for litigation. I recall that as a Vice President, then at one international engagement, I asked my counterpart, the Deputy President of South Africa about his country’s experience with post-election court actions, and he expressed surprise that people go to court after elections.

“Everybody should be involved in securing the country. Yes, the government will do its part but we as individuals should also do our own part.

“My humble suggestion is that government and stakeholders should do a lot of dialogue. When you start talking, it reduces the anger in people.

“In many circumstances, the fear factor in human survival, prosperity and security requires that more should be done to restore hope in the people and in their economic wellbeing.”

We have no plan to draft Jonathan into 2023 presidential race –APC

The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has laid to rest widespread speculations that it was planning to woo former President Goodluck Jonathan, to run as its candidate in the 2023 presidential election.

The Governor of Yobe State and APC Interim Committee Chairman, Mai Mala Buni, who spoke on the issue in an interview with the BBC Hausa Service on Tuesday, said there was nothing to the rumour as the party has not entered into negotiations with Jonathan on the 2023 election.

In the past few weeks, there have been rumors that some Northern governors on the platform of the APC were trying to persuade the former president to defect to the party and contest on its ticket in 2023.

The rumours gained more ground after Buni led some APC governors like Dave Umahi (Ebonyi), Atiku Bagudu (Kebbi) and Abubakar Badaru (Jigawa), on a solidarity visit to Jonathan on the occasion of his 63rd birthday in November 2020.

However, in the interview, Buni said this was far from the truth as the APC was not in any way trying to convince Jonathan to join the party.

“Those peddling such information they are afraid. But for now, there is nothing in the APC which has anything to do with the aspiration for 2023.

“Even if someone wants to base assumption on our recent visit to him during his birthday, we were there because of his capacity as a former President of Nigeria.

“Again, even if there is nothing, when we are talking of peaceful coexistence, we must give credit to former President Jonathan on the issue of peace. How he accepted defeat in 2015 and resigned to fate. That has qualified him to be a statesman and he is now among our fathers.

“Our visit to Jonathan was pronounced because of his status as a former president; that could be why some may think there was something beneath.

“There are numerous of such visits to leaders of PDP, APC, why are others not being mentioned but Jonathan?

“Even in America where we got this democracy, I’ve not seen where people are being confined to a limit.

“You are talking of democracy and at the same time talking of giving him, don’t forget even when President Buhari went to revalidate party membership in Daura, he said it is the people at the grassroots that will select leaders upwards, that no one should expect to be crowned from Abuja.

“This has shown that in APC now, it is from the lower level upwards. Not that people would be imposed from the top. Then who are we to say we are considering Jonathan? How? It has to be a party affair and once it is a party affair, then we are talking about the people.

“So we have nothing like that in our agenda. What we have now, and is of importance to us, is to ensure peace amongst party members. Also, to bring members of other political parties, whichever party it might be, whoever wants, should come in to the APC.

“This is our plan for now. We are yet to start talking about aspirants, we are not in any discussion about aspirants.”

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