120 terrorists killed, 38 kidnapped victims rescued in three weeks —DHQ

The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) said the military has killed over 120 terrorists including Boko Haram/ISWAP commanders, rescued 38 kidnapped victims as well as arrested over 50 criminals in several operations conducted in the last three weeks.

The Director General, Defence Media Organisation, Major General Bernard Onyeuko, who made this disclosure at a media briefing in Abuja on Thursday on the activities of the Nigerian troops in the operation theater in the North-East, said sophisticated and assorted weapons and ammunition, gun trucks and other dangerous weapons, were recovered within the same period.

According to the Army spokesman, over 965 terrorists, their families and 550 children surrendered to soldiers at different location including Gamboru, Tumbumma, Kukawa, Baga, Gwoza, Mallam Fotori, Damboa, Kirta Wulgo, Bun Yadi, Gujiba, Madiya, all in Borno and Yobe State, during the same period.

According to the Army spokesman, over 965 terrorists, their families and 550 children surrendered to soldiers at different location including Gamboru, Tumbumma, Kukawa, Baga, Gwoza, Mallam Fotori, Damboa, Kirta Wulgo, Bun Yadi, Gujiba, Madiya, all in Borno and Yobe State, during the same period.

“In the past three weeks, operations were recorded in all theatre of operations within the country which recorded significant results. This brief will cover the operational activities of own troops and other security agencies conducting operations to tackle insecurity in the country between 20 January – 10 February 22.

“Our troops consolidated their operational success against Boko Haram and Islamic State West Africa Province Terrorist (ISWAP) in the last 3 weeks.

“Some of the areas which the operations were conducted are; Bama, Gwoza, Monguno, Kanduga, Damboa, Damasak, Gudumbali and Nganzi Local Government Area. Kukawa, Chibok as well as Sambisa Forest, Kirta Wulgo in Marte Local Government of Borno State.

“Troops also recorded significant results at various locations in Adamawa and Yobe State around Goniri in Gujba Local Government Area of Yobe State.

Notably, the air interdiction eliminated several ISWAP Commanders and their fighters during the encounter. An ISWAP senior commnander Mallam Ari, the Amirul Fiya in charge of Kirta Wulgo and some foreign mercenaries fabricating Improvised Explosive Device for the terrorist were killed during the airstrike.

“Relatedly, the Air Component conducted air strikes on ISWAP enclaves at Abbaganaram, Bukar Mairam, Chukum Gudu and Jubilaram in Marte Local Government Area neutralized scores of terrorists including high profile Commanders while about 25 Terrorists got drowned in the lake in an attempt to escape the bombardment.

The ISWAP armoury and warehouse were also destroyed and arrest of several terrorists recovery of assorted arms, ammunition and captured their gun trucks and other weapons. Also, livestocks and other items of security concern were recovered as well as rescued abducted civilians.

Cumulatively, the troops within the period under review, neutralized 120 fighters, arrested 50 of the terrorists, 5 gun trucks, 50 assorted arms and 200 rounds of different calibers of ammunition were captured from the terrorists.

“Additionally, troops rescued 38 abducted civilians. Similarly, a total of 965 terrorists and their families and 550 children surrendered to own troops deployed at different location including: Gamboru, Tumbumma, Kukawa, Baga, Gwoza, Mallam Fotori, Damboa, Kirta Wulgo, Bun Yadi, Gujiba, Madiya all in Borno and Yobe State.

“It is noteworthy to state that out of the 965 terrorists that surrendered within the period under review, 104 are from ISWAP Camp that surrendered to our troops at Marte.

“The surrendered terrorist have been properly documented and handed over to the appropriate authorities for necessary action,” Onyeuko said.

Dreaded ISWAP leader, Al-Barnawi, reportedly killed

The once dreaded leader of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) Abu Musab Al-Barnawi, has been reportedly killed in a gun battle with security forces in Borno State, multiple reports say.

The terrorist warlord was allegedly killed in the last week of August, shortly after former boss and erstwhile leader of the Boko Haram sect, Abubakar Shekau, was killed by the ISWAP group.

Al-Barnawi, who was placed on the most wanted list of terrorists by the Nigerian Army and some international anti-terrorism agencies, was the son of the late Boko Haram founder, Mohammed Yusuf, who was also killed by security forces in 2009 when he launched a war against the Nigerian state.

After his father’s death, Al-Barnawi became the group’s leader but soon fell out with Shekau and in 2016, the Islamic State (IS) militant group announced Al-Barnawi as the leader of its West African affiliate, Boko Haram, which was hitherto led by Shekau.

Al-Barnawi then became a vicious terrorist, leading sustained attacks on military facilities and troops in the Lake Chad region, while at the same time strategising on how to subdue Shekau.

It was reported at various times that ISIS partly chose Al-Barnawi as leader in the Lake Chad region in order to punish Shekau who reportedly “violated all known norms” and to also retain the confidence of Boko Haram fighters who were loyal to his father, Yusuf, amid threats from other factional groups.

Al-Barnawi was also said to have been trained by ISIS for years ahead of his ascension to power.

He controlled large chunks of territory in Northern Borno, imposed taxes on the local population and earned serious income from fishing, asides from the financial and material support he got from ISIS.

Al-Barnawi’s fighters had also destroyed many military super camps in Dikwa, Monguno, Abadam and Marte in Borno, and other military facilities around Geidam in Yobe State.

During his reign of terror, Al-Barnawi established many cells on the Lake Chad islands and surrounding villages from where his fighters launched attacks on Nigeria, Niger and Chad.

There are, however, two versions of the story of Al-Barnawi’s death, with one saying he was killed by Nigerian troops and the other version saying he died during a rival war within the ISWAP camp.

The first version has it that security operatives in the theatre of operation killed him alongside five top ISWAP leaders and many foot terrorists in an ambush around Bula Yobe, a community near the Borno/Yobe states border along Mobbar and Abadam axis that leads to the Lake Chad area.

The second version say he was killed in a leadership tussle between his group and another faction of terrorists from Central Africa that wanted to overthrow.

The military high command in Nigeria, has, however, neither confirmed nor denied the killing of Al-Barnawi because of the sensitivity of the issues involved.

The Director, Defence Information, Maj.-Gen. Benjamin Sawyer, was also not forthcoming when asked to either confirm or deny the story.

“If there is a problem in their (Boko Haram) camp, how will I know? We normally have a fortnightly brief on operations.

“If ISWAP or BHTs are fighting among themselves, it is the media that always gives the entire nation the information. It is not us, because we are not in their camps,” he was quoted as saying.

Nigerian Army begs Boko Haram, ISWAP for reconciliation

The Nigerian Army has begged Boko Haram and ISWAP terrorists to seek forgiveness and reconciliation, saying soldiers and the public are not happy people are dying.

The General Officer Commanding (GOC), 7 Division, Brigadier General A.A. Eyitayo, made the appeal at a feast organised for journalists by the Army on Sunday in Maiduguri.

Eyitayo, who is also the commander of Sector 1, Operation Hadin Kai, noted that the recent military onslaught against the insurgents dealt a decisive blow on the terrorists leaving their remnants in disarray.

He, however, pointed out that the Nigerian military was not happy about the bloody insurgency.

According to the Army commander, the reconciliatory move would avail insurgents the opportunity to enjoy rehabilitation and acquire skills to enable them to live a useful life in society.

The GOC also lauded the contributions of the media in the counter-insurgency campaign and urged it to enlighten the insurgents to see the light and repent from their wasteful ventures.

“We are not here for bloodletting. Nobody is happy that people are dying.

“Some of them (insurgents) are listening to the media, so it is good for us to appeal to them through the media to shun violence, turn up to seek forgiveness and reconciliation,” Eyitayo said.

According to him, the feast with journalists was to show appreciation of the media reportage of military operations in the state.

“For the past three months since I assumed duty in Maiduguri in this capacity, there has never been any bad report.

“This is to appreciate the media for positive reportage,” he said.

On his part, Mohammed Ibrahim, Secretary of the Nigeria Union of Journalists in Borno, commended the GOC for carrying the media along and assured him of more support and cooperation.

Mohammed also lauded the military and other security agencies involved in the fight against insurgency for their sacrifices. He urged the military not to relent, adding that North-East residents were behind them.

ISIS ordered us to kill Boko Haram’s leader – ISWAP confirms Shekau’s death

The Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP) has confirmed the death of former Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau.

ISWAP confirmed that Shekau blew himself up after refusing to surrender following the invasion of his hideout on May 19, 2021, Daily Post reports.

This was contained in a message from Abu Mus’ab Habeeb Bin Muhammad Bin Yusuf al-Barnawi, born Habib Yusuf, leader of the terrorists.

According to HumAngle, al-Barnawi, in an address on Friday, described Shekau as “the leader of disobedience and corruption.”

He said Shekau’s fighters rejoiced over his death, adding that the former terrorist leader, who took over after the death of Boko Haram founder, Mohammed Yusuf in 2009, was apprehended “in the most humiliating manner.”

Speaking in Hausa, al-Barnawi said: “This was someone who committed unimaginable terrorism. How many has he wasted? How many has he killed? How many has he terrorised? But Allah left him alone and prolonged his life. When it was time, Allah set out brave soldiers after receiving orders from Amirul Muminin [leader of the believers].”

ISWAP, which broke away from Shekau’s Boko Haram faction in 2016, disagreed with the late extremist leader over his excessive use of force, especially on Muslims in areas under his influence.

He stated that the interim leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) ordered them to take action on Shekau for deviating and killing “believers.”

ISWAP fighters then took their arms, travelled through the Sahara, went into Shekau’s enclave, and engaged in a gun battle with his followers.

“Shekau preferred to be humiliated in the afterlife than getting humiliated on earth. He killed himself instantly by detonating an explosive,” he said.

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