The guy I caught in bed with my girlfriend beat me mercilessly and married her – Man reveals (Video)

A man has shared a heart wrenching and sordid story about how he lost his girlfriend to another man under one of the most embarrassing scenarios.

He shared a video on TikTok explaining how he caught his girlfriend in bed with another man, and the man beat him up so badly till he soiled himself.

The man added after he was beaten up, his girlfriend’s lover told her to clean him up.

Fast-forward to years later, the man who beat him up and his ex-girlfriend are now married with two kids.

Watch below:

The Guy That Was Mistaken For A Mad Man Has Been Identified

Some pictures went viral on social media yesterday where a young guy was spotted in tattered outfit as he begs people for alms on the road. Some people thought the guy was a mad man and many people pitied it for his condition. He became the cynosure of eyes yesterday and people could not stop talking about him. Some people were totally confused because the guy looks so much like he was mad but after so many findings, I have finally identified who this young man is and the actual reason why he pulled that public stunt.

This young man goes by the name ‘Onyeka Crecentz’ on his Facebook profile and he is an undergraduate student of Federal Polytechnic Oko. There is a tradition in almost all higher institutions in Nigeria knonw as ‘Rag Day’. It is done in many Nigerian Universities, Colleges and Polytechnics. Students dress in hilarious way and sometimes like someone who has mental disorder and storm the street begging for alms. The main purpose behind this Rag Day is to gather money and then, use the money to assist the less-privileged including those with Mental or Physical Challenges.

The Students of Federal Polytechnic Oko had their ‘Students Week’ which included different activities like Rag Day, Cultural Day amongst others. During their rag day, a particular student stood out of others as he literally took his own ragging to a different level that made people find it hard to tell if he is a mad man or just a costume.

The costume looks so convincing on him that it resulted into argument between many people and some still can’t believe that he is not mad but, in case you have been involved in such argument or convinced otherwise, the truth you should know is that the young man is sound and healthy. He is the Sports Director in his school and there is nothing wrong with him.

The young man participated in the Rag Day for the fun of it. No matter how convincing the costume looks on him, the man is not a mad man. He has now become a viral sensation and many people are talking about him on social media. He truly took his own ragging to a different level and it wowed so many people.

How 25-year-old Lady Who Visited A Guy She Met In Facebook On Valentine’s Day Got Stranded In Abuja

Valentine’s day is a day being celebrated for love. The Valentine frenzy is widely noticed among the single youths nationwide.

A Nigerian lady identified as Sandra who is based in Lagos State travelled all the way from Lagos to Abuja in search of love but she got stranded as the young man she was going to visit switched off his phone.

According to the story the young damsel met the guy on Valentine’s day in Facebook. They chatted and they scheduled to meet each other in Abuja where the guy lives. The man promised to cater for the transportation fare of the girl from Lagos State to Abuja. The guy name is D-Boy. 

D-Boy phone was off and the girl became stranded as there is no way he could be reached. The girl continually dialled his phone number all to no avail. The people in Kubwa area of Abuja where the girl got stranded have contributed to assist her to travel back to Lagos. 

Many people blasted and blame the girl for coming all the way from Lagos State to Abuja to meet someone she has never met in real life. She took a big risk in the name of love. They advised her not to take such risk again. It is equally applicable to other ladies who are prone to such love deception. Many people have gone through such means.

Notwithstanding some people have gotten married by taking such risk and it worked for them.

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