Gunmen kill 4 herders and rustle 60 cows in Anambra.

Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN), South East branch has alleged that four of its members were killed by gunmen in Anambra State on Tuesday, May 31, and 60 cows rustled.

The group stated this in a statement released by the zonal chairman, Allahaji Gidado Sidikki, in Awka, the Anambra state capital. According to MACBAN, the attack took place at a Fulani camp in the Ndukwenu community, Orumba North Local Government Area of the state.

The statement read in part;

“Our members are being innocently killed oftentimes; we don’t know our sins in Anambra State.

As we appreciate the state government under Prof. Chukwuma Charles Soludo and security agencies, we also implore for their quick intervention to stop the killing our people. We can no longer move freely now in the state.”

South east zonal chairman of MACBAN, Gidado Sidikki gave the names of the deceased as Mohammed Idris, Sale Idris, Abdulmumkni Idris and Musa Idris. He added that the remains of Mohammed and Sale have been recovered while the other two bodies were still missing.

The state police command is yet to react to this development. 

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