There’ll be more trouble if Nnamdi Kanu dies in custody – Father Mbaka warns FG

Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry Enugu, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, has warned that there will be more trouble if leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, dies in custody of the Department of State Services (DSS).

Mbaka stated this in his Church on Sunday, November 14 while urging members to pray for the release of the secessionist.

The cleric, who commended IPOB for calling off its Monday sit-at-home exercise, said the danger of the order was becoming a problem instead of a solution.

He further stated that he was pleased that the intervention of stakeholders has yielded results with the cancelation of the lockdown of the entire South-East region.

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, the hero, Nnamdi Kanu, is expressing his empathy with the people of the Southeast over what they are passing through. He came to know that Igbos are suffering because of him. And he would not wish that suffering to continue. Therefore, nobody should stop anybody from going to his or her business any Monday.

“All of us should keep praying for his (Kanu) release, and work towards his freedom because if he dies inside that place, it will cause more trouble. If he comes out, he will come out as a hero.

”We don’t want him to die, because it is not Nnamdi Kanu’s issue, it is the issue that concerns the people that are suffering. Nnamdi is not asking the government to do anything for him; he is speaking for the Igbo people.

“And we that are affected and he is speaking on their behalf should do everything possible to see that it is well with him.

Many were saying they saw me at Abuja some days ago, yes. My own is if I am with you, I am with you. I will not sit here to tell you why I am in Abuja but whatever will make my people to be emancipated I will do it. There are people working to see that Nnamdi Kanu is released and it’s not by sitting. at home that he will be released.

”Canceling sit-at-home does not mean that it is over, the poor masses are suffering. Most of the rich people don’t have business over here, we are punishing our self. We thank the leader of IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, may God bless him,” Mbaka said.

Catholic Church bans Father Mbaka from commenting on partisan politics

The Catholic church has banned Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministries Enugu, Rev. Fr Ejike Mbaka, from commenting on partisan politics.

In a letter to Mbaka dated June 3, Bishop of Enugu diocese, Callistus Onaga, also converted the adoration ministry to chaplaincy.

Unlike in the past where Mbaka solely oversees the activities of the ministry as its spiritual director, making it chaplaincy brings it under the control of the Enugu diocese and gives the bishop the power to appoint a chaplain to oversee its operations.

Although the bishop said Mbaka still leads the chaplaincy, he added that he (bishop) can appoint any ministerial officer “to assist the chaplains to oversee the pastoral activities of the ministry.”

There shall be no partisan politics either by way of active engagement or by prophetic naming of candidates for position of power,” he said.

Fr. Mbaka not in our custody – DSS

The Department of State Services, DSS, says the Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, is not in its custody.

DSS spokesman, Peter Afunnaya, made this known in a text message sent to The Punch on Wednesday, May 5, 2021.

He (Mbaka) is not with the DSS, please,” Afunnaya wrote in response to an inquiry by The Punch.

Controversy trailed the whereabouts of Mbaka on Wednesday with a reported protest in Enugu State over the fiery cleric’s alleged arrest by yet-to-be-identified security operative.

The Ohanaeze Ndigbo Youth Council Worldwide (OYC), earlier raised the alarm over the whereabouts of the religious leader.

The clergyman had recently demanded the impeachment of President Muhammadu Buhari, after which the presidency released a statement, saying that he wants Buhari to resign because his contract request was not granted by government.

In a statement issued by the President-General of OYC, Mazi Okwu Nnabuike, he said Mbaka was last seen on Tuesday, adding that every effort to trace him had failed.

“We have it on good authority that his aides have neither seen nor heard from him since Tuesday.

Calls put to his mobile line have also remained unanswered; this has now prompted us to issue this alarm as we would not take it lightly should anything untoward happen to him.

“We are giving the Federal Government 48 hours to produce the priest, else they should be ready to face Igbo youths. They were dining and wining with him all along and now that he told the truth, they are no longer comfortable with him.

“Let nothing happen to Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka. It will not be in anybody’s interest,” the group warned.

Father Mbaka has gone missing – Ohanaeze raises alarm, warns FG

The Ohanaeze Ndigbo Youth Council Worldwide (OYC), on Wednesday raised the alarm over the whereabouts of Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministries, Enugu.

The cleric had recently demanded the impeachment of President Muhammadu Buhari, after which the presidency released a statement, saying that he wants Buhari to resign because his contract request was not granted by government.

Ohanaeze Youth Council has now claimed that the priest was missing.

President-General of OYC, Mazi Okwu Nnabuike, in a statement released on Wednesday, said Fr. Mbaka was last seen on Tuesday, adding that every effort to trace him had failed.

We have it on good authority that his aides have neither seen nor heard from him since Tuesday.

“Calls put to his mobile line have also remained unanswered; this has now prompted us to issue this alarm as we would not take it lightly should anything untoward happen to him.

“We are giving the Federal Government 48 hours to produce the priest, else they should be ready to face Igbo youths. They were dining and wining with him all along and now that he told the truth, they are no longer comfortable with him.

“Let nothing happen to Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka. It will not be in anybody’s interest,” the group warned.

Father Mbaka did not do anything wrong by asking Buhari for contracts – Adamu Garba

Former Presidential aspirant of the All Progressives Congress, (APC), Adamu Garba says Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka did not do anything wrong by asking for government contracts.

His comment comes after Garba Shehu, special adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on media and publicity, said that Father Mbaka was angry because he didn’t get contract awards he requested for which was why he demanded Buhari’s resignation.

According to a statement Shehu released on Friday, Mbaka came to the Presidential Villa with three contractors, but their attempt to convince the president into influencing government projects in their favour failed.

Reacting to the statement, Adamu said that Mbaka wasn’t wrong for going to see President Buhari with contractors.

He said that the concerns should have been about the competency of the contractors, not the visit.

The APC chieftain wrote; ”There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Rev. Father Mbaka going to see the President with contractors. The questions should be on the competency or otherwise of the contractors not the visit

Father Mbaka attempted to make someone’s life richer. This is far better than blackmailing”

Father Mbaka angry because Buhari didn’t give him government contracts – Presidency

The Presidency has said that Father Ejike Mbaka, Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministries, Enugu, was angry because he didn’t get contract awards he requested for.

A statement by President Muhammadu Buhari’s senior special assistant on media and publicity, Garba Shehu, said Mbaka came to the Presidential Villa with three contractors, but their attempt to convince the president into influencing government projects in their favour failed.

The statement comes after Mbaka, in a viral video, demanded President Buhari’s resignation, accusing him of plunging Nigeria into chaos.

Shehu said that Buhari’s refusal to bend the rules for Mbaka led to his outburst.

An outsider distilling the avalanche of verbiage, will be surprised that after supporting the President two times to win the Presidency, Father Mbaka has made a complete U-Turn, preposterously asking President Buhari to resign or be impeached.

”Here is the point of departure: Father Mbaka asked for a meeting and to the shock of Presidential Aides, he came accompanied by three contractors.

The President graciously allowed them in, and to everyone’s surprise, Father Mbaka asked for contracts as compensation for his support.

Anyone familiar with President Buhari knows that he doesn’t break the laid down rules in dealing with contracts or any other government business for that matter. He requested the appropriate authorities to deal with the matter in accordance with laid down rules.

Inside the Villa, discretion prevailed, that if those pictures and requests were made public, the followers will turn against the religious leader. None of it was released. Now, this is what is eating Father Mbaka.” the statement read.

God is angry with Buhari, asked me to withdraw support for him – Father Mbaka

Spiritual Director of Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Rev. Fr Ejike Mbaka, has alleged that God is not happy with President Muhammadu Buhari because of the insecurity and killings in the country.

Mbaka said it is wrong for Buhari to “maintain grave silence” despite the widespread killings in the country.

The cleric also asked the president to resign or be impeached.

He said; “I know people will say, Mbaka did you not pray for Buhari, did Samuel not anoint Saul? What are you talking about? Am I the creator of Buhari? God created him, Nigerians trusted him because he has done well sometime ago but now how can people just be dying?”

God will ask Nigerians: Nigerians why are you crying? We are crying because our leaders have failed us woefully. If it is in a civilized country, by now, President Buhari will resign. Quote me anywhere and let the whole world hear it. By now, with what is happening, President Buhari should honourably resign.

“We are crying because we don’t have a shepherd. All those that will fight what I’m saying now will eventually suffer the rot. If you can’t do it, either you resign or you be changed. A good coach cannot watch his team defeated when he has players sitting watching on the bench. Either Buhari resigns by himself or he will be impeached.

This statement is too mysterious and supernatural. I know that people will begin to fight it. The chief security officer consulting on lives in the country will be sitting down not making any comment. Gunmen are attacking everybody. Why are you crying Nigerian youths? As I said, overseas has become a dumping ground for our ingenious youths. Young doctors, lawyers, running away from Nigeria? Countries we are better than.

“What is the matter? Nigerians are crying, why? Because there is no security in this country. House of Reps and the Senate should impeach the President if he doesn’t want to resign.

If the members of these two houses do not want to impeach him and they want to begin to fight Fr Mbaka, something worse than what they ever imagined will happen to the members of the Senate and members of the house of Rep. Disaster is coming! Until the government of this country find something useful for our youths, they are going to face disaster, a time is coming when, if you are asked to be a governor, senator, house of a representative member, you will begin to run because I’m trying to tell you that we cannot continue like this.

The leaders have made the youth suffer, it is time for the civilians to make the leaders suffer. Enough of this rubbish, most of the reasons why you come here for prayers are not prayer projects, these are things government should supply. To feed, pay for house rent, even to import products from abroad, taxation has doubled, the international community cannot come to Nigeria to invest anymore. Are we living or dying?

“God is asking what is the matter, I am telling God now, let him change our leaders for us…“God is angry with our leaders, from Buhari to the last. God’s anger is upon you, you have failed God.

“Remember there was a time God asked me to support you people (Buhari regime), now God asked me to withdraw and prophesy against you.

I repeat, is it not shameful that the President of a country will be sick and there is no hospital to treat him, and he will fly out? So if other Nigerians are sick, will they fly away?”

Father Mbaka releases prophesy about Buhari’s govt,other politicians.

Father Mbaka has prophesied said President Buhari’s administration may be facing extinction and can only be saved if action is taken .
According to him, those in the political circle have looted so much and disgraced Nigeria enough. The cleric said God was angry with the leaders and what will befall them if they don’t change will be unbearable .

The fiery priest warned that no one should attempt to attack this prophecy of his, else the person will become a victim . A Catholic priest, Rev Fr Ejike Mbaka, has prophesied the end of President Muhammadu Buhari’s regime.

Speaking during the popular annual December 31 Crossover Night ministration, Mbaka, who is the spiritual director of Adoration Ministries, Enugu, Nigeria (AMEN), said this will depend on the president’s ability to act fast and save his government.
The Nation reports that the cleric advised Buhari’s government to create employment opportunities before Nigerian youths embark on restiveness that may consume this administration.

Rev.Father Ejike Mbaka Adoration ministry Prayer Line Songs and Praises He stated: “The Holy Spirit of God asked me to warn the government of the day to be very careful; to change policies and take care of the youths without politicising their (youths’) condition.

That the government should rise and urgently create jobs and innovate opportunities that would benefit the youths of the nation because they have suffered so much. “Don’t politicise the condition of the youths, otherwise, they will arise and end the political system.

“Should the government fail to do so as soon as possible that time is coming when the youths will rise against the government”

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