These 2 “Big Boys” Were Caught Trying To Pay For Food With “Fake Alert”,

The issue of fake credit alert has been quite rampant for some time now. Dubious people have deviced a way to scam unsuspecting vendors by issuing a fake credit alert after buying goods worth a lot of money. The scammers formulate a credit alert as if it is the real one from your bank and before you would realize that it is fake, the scammers must have already made way with the goods.

A video was shared online and in the video, 2 handsome, young “Big Boys” were caught in a restaurant trying to pay for food using a fake alert. According to the guy who narrated the video, the food they bought was worth over N10,000. The person who narrated the video stated that the two boys drove a luxurious car to the restaurant and he was shocked that they ended up trying to scam the salesperson by issuing a fake alert.

Immediately the 2 guys were caught, the restaurant management quickly informed the police and when the police arrived, the 2 guys were put in handcuffs and they took them to the police station.

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