Meet The Nigerian Police Officers Awaiting Execution For Killing Innocent People

Nothing is more depressing in life that being on a death row. You are like a lifeless human living a life without purpose, every day is exactly like the last and the next. Waiting for the day you take your last breath.

In March 2017, two Nigerian Police officers, Ezekiel Achejene and Emmanuel Baba were sentenced to death by hanging for murdering two of the Apo- six Igbo traders who were shot dead in 2005.

The police claimed that the Igbo traders were armed robbers that had opened fire first on the officers when accosted at the checkpoint.

(The 406 peoguet of the Igbo traders shattered by bullets)

A judicial panel of inquiry set up by former President Olusegun Obasanjo found the police account to be false. Six officers were trialed for extra-judicial killings but only two, Ezekiel Acheneje, Baba Emmanuel were sentenced to death.

On the 3rd of November 2020, the Federal government disbursed the sum of N135 million to the families and relatives of the victims of the unfortunate incident.But I believe no amount of money can erase such pain.

Today, the two policemen, Ezekiel Achejene and Emmanuel Baba are currently behind bars. They are hopelessly awaiting their turn in the execution room. Until that day comes, perpetual misery and regrets is the condition in their lives.

( The Igbo traders)

China execute former bank executive for corruption

A former head of a Chinese state-owned asset management company, China Huarong Asset Management Company, Lai Xiaomin, has been executed after a court sentenced him to death on charges of corruption, bribe taking and bigamy.

Xiaomin who was sentenced to death by a court in Tianjin, east of Beijing, on January 5, was executed on Friday after President Xi Jinping signed the warrant for his execution.

The Second Intermediate People’s Court had ruled that the death sentence of the 54-year-old former bank executive was justified because he took “especially enormous” bribes to make investments, offer construction contracts, help with promotions and provide other favors.

According to prosecutors, Xiaomin had “asked for or collected 1.8 billion yuan ($260 million) over a decade” while he was the head of the company set up in the 1990s to buy non-performing loans from government-owned banks.

Under Xiaomin who was the Chairman of the company, it expanded into banking, insurance, real estate finance and other fields.

Court documents said one bribe exceeded 600 million yuan ($93 million). He was also convicted of embezzling more than 25 million yuan ($4 million) and starting a second family while still married to his first wife.

The accused “endangered national financial security and financial stability and the death penalty “was his own responsibility, and he deserved it,” the judge had said during the judgment.

Xiaomin was placed under investigation by the ruling Communist Party’s anti-corruption watchdog in 2018 and expelled from the party later the same year.

He was also accused by the anti-corruption agency of squandering public money, illegally organizing banquets, engaging in sexual dealings with multiple women and taking bribes while investigators seized hundreds of millions of yuan (tens of millions of dollars) in cash from his properties.

Key Phrase: Former Chinese bank executive executed for corruption

This Yoruba Man Is About To Be Executed In Saudi Arabia, Read The Crime He Committed

The best option to save oneself from all the problems faced by a common Nigerian is to migrate to a better and safer country, a country in which the system of government is favorable by all, a country in which the leaders are always responsible for the safety of all the citizens. But for those who successfully migrated, some of them have been involved in a crime.

Sulaimon Olufemi, a Yoruba Muslim Nigerian who traveled to Saudi Arabia when he was at a younger age in the quest for a better life and also to earn money for himself and his family was said to have been involved in a crime that the Saudi’s don’t take it lightly if committed.

In 2002, Sulaimon and 12 others were involved in the killing of a Saudi Arabian police officer. He was sentenced to death and has been on death row for over 18 years now. Other 12 individuals were sentenced to prison terms and corporal punishments.

Saudi Arabian way of punishing a killer is just the same way it happened during the olden days, the major religion practiced over there is Islam and Islam orders them in the holy Quran to kill whosoever involves in killing a soul intentionally.

Does that mean that Sulaiman would be killed for the offense he committed? Maybe.

The only way he could be saved from getting beheaded in Saudi Arabia is if the family members of the deceased agree to forgive him, he would be free.

Although the family of Sulaiman has pleaded to the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission known as NIDCOM to come to their son’s rescue so he would not be executed by the government of Saudi, the commission promised to do their best to ascertain his rescue.

Readers, what he regain freedom?

“Pray For Lisa Montgomery”, She Is Scheduled To Be Executed Today, See What She Did

Today is the schedule date for the execution of Lisa Montgomery the only female inmate on the federal death row in the United States of America.

The 53 year old woman is going to face date sentence today which will be by lethal injection at the Federal Correctional Complex in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Lisa Montgomery became a convict after she strangled a pregnant woman Identified as Bobbie Jo Stinnett on 26th of December, 2004 and also used a Kitchen knife to cut out the premature baby from the woman’s womb. She flew with the premature baby and was arrested the next day in Melvern, Kansas. The premature baby was taken away from her, the baby girl is now 16 years old as at the time of reporting this.

Though the attorney of Lisa Montgomery, Meaghan VerGow forbid the execution her client based on the fact that she suffered from mental illness while growing up.

Lisa Montgomery is not the only inmate to be executed this January, there are two others who will face death sentence this week before the inauguration of Joe Biden.

Meanwhile let watch and see how the execution will go, I pray God will recue her from this situation.

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