Dino Melaye’s victory is ‘fraudulent’- says aggrieved PDP guber aspirant

Abayomi Awoniyi, one of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Kogi governorship aspirants, says the party’s Sunday primary election is not credible and the victory of Dino Melaye fraudulent.

He said this in a statement on Monday in Lokoja, adding that the election was not free, fair or credible as it was marred by fraud.

Mr Melaye emerged as the PDP candidate for the November 11 governorship election.

Ahmed Makarfi, the chairman of the PDP primary election committee said Mr Melaye scored 313 votes to defeat his closest rival, Ilona Idoko-Kingsley who scored 124 votes at the primary. But Mr Awoniyi, a former Kogi deputy governor, said the election was not credible.

“This has led to the PDP in Kogi State, fluffing a great opportunity of winning back the state from the ruling party,” he said.

Mr Awoniyi said the delegates’ list was manipulated, with authentic delegates’ names from Yagba West, Kabba-Bunu and Ijumu council areas replaced.

“Without an iota of doubt, I make bold to say Melaye’s victory is a pyrrhic one. This victory portends great danger to the unity of our party and the prospect of winning the Nov. 11 governorship election. The reason for this assertion is simple. The primary that threw up Melaye was flawed,” claimed the former deputy governor.

He added;

“About 158 delegates who emerged from the state ad hoc congress of March 29, were replaced by the Senator Abdul Ningi congress committee working in concert with Melaye’s enablers within the party hierarchy at the highest level. To gift any aspirant, a total of 158 votes in a contest for 739 votes involving eight aspirants is not a fair contest. It is fraudulent, duplicitous, sinful, and unwholesome because it confers undue advantage on the favoured aspirant.”

Mr Awoniyi insisted that “Senator Dino Melaye won a fraudulent primary.”

Stressing, “What we have today in Kogi, is discontent within the PDP rank and file, and some measure of elation within the other political party.”

The disgruntled aspirant further stated, “This pyrrhic victory may look like a fait accompli, but the dust is unlikely to settle even beyond the November 11 governorship election.”

Dino Melaye replies Wike after the governor laughed off his Kogi governorship ambition

Senator Dino Melaye has fired back at Rivers state governor, Nyesom Wike, who on Tuesday, April 11, laughed off his aspiration to become the next governor of Kogi state.

At a media chat earlier on Tuesday, Governor Wike ruled out Melaye ahead of the PDP primary which precedes the November 15 governorship poll.

Describing Melaye’s ambition as a joke, Governor Wike said;

“When you give Dino that ticket, you know he won’t win in Kogi State. Why would Kogi people say they would vote for a candidate like Dino? Are we joking?” the governor queried.

However, in a statement released on his social media handle, Melaye said it was surprising that Wike has suddenly become the self-appointed public office regulator, who could determine what would happen in states.

He said that the governor has by his utterances against him stepped on the tail of Tiger and will see the repercussions.

“On recovering from his inebriation, Wike should be reminded that Kogi is not Rivers, and the people of Kogi State would not worship any foreign God. Above all, Wike should also understand that power belongs to God, and he gives it to whoever he wants, even the basest of men. Today, Wike can take a swipe at me, and mark me down as unqualified to govern my state, but has he forgotten that he believed my Gubernatorial aspiration in 2019?

Can he be reminded that I have served as a member of the Federal House of Representatives and have also been elected twice into the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”he wrote

Melaye said Wike is against his governorship ambition because he backed PDP flag bearer, Atiku Abubakar against the governor’s interest in the G5.

“He (Wike) needs to appreciate that now that he has touched the tiger’s tail and murdered sleep, the discomfort of a bird perched on a rope has now become his portion.”

“Wike, stay on your lane. I am Daniel Dino Melaye. My speciality is to tame lions, whether they be white or black, dwelling in rocks or floating on Rivers,” he said.

Read Dino’s full statement below

”The simultaneous appearance of Nyesom Wike on some national television in Nigeria earlier today is a sad reminder of the misfortune that the people of Rivers State have suffered in having an unstable mind and a prodigal head as the Governor of the State for the past 8 years.

In the end, all that the indecorous Wike achieved was to buy precious media time to vent his spleen on fellow Nigerians who are more qualified than him to be Governors in Nigeria.

Hallucinated by the patrimonial resources of the good, but impoverished people of Rivers State, Wike has turned himself into a depraved interloper, who probably out of schizophrenic impulse engage in pitiable melodrama whenever he steps away from the intoxication of his bottle companions.

He has suddenly become the self-appointed public office regulator, who could determine what would happen in states not in any way contiguous to his colonised State.

On recovering from his inebriation, Wike should be reminded that Kogi is not Rivers, and the people of Kogi State would not worship any foreign God. Above all, Wike should also understand that power belongs to God, and he gives it to whoever he wants, even the basest of men. And but for this absolute and indiscriminate dispensation by God, how did a conceited person like Nyesom Wike become a governor? Is it his oratory, diligence, finesse, wealth or intellectual endowment?

Today, Wike can take a swipe at me, and mark me down as unqualified to govern my state, but has he forgotten that he believed my Gubernatorial aspiration in 2019? Can he be reminded that I have served as a member of the Federal House of Representatives and have also been elected twice into the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

I can understand the pain of Wike. He wanted my support for his misplaced aspiration to become the Flagbearer of the People’s Democratic Party in the 2023 Presidential election, but knowing his avowed credential to be eminently unworthy of the ticket I deployed support for His Excellency, Atiku Abubakar, a cosmopolitan and cultured statesman who ignored all the tantrums of Wike throughout the period of the election.

Wike is probably mistaken me for His Excellency Atiku Abubakar. He needs to appreciate that now that he has touched the tiger’s tail and murdered sleep, the discomfort of a bird perched on a rope has now become his portion.If Wike were a reflective mind he should now be more concerned about his post-tenure survival, because with the recklessness he exhibited in mismanaging the resources of Rivers State, his prison uniform must have been sewn and his inmate number must be waiting for his allocation.

As for me I will not only continue to savour my freedom, I will be sending relief assistance to Wike from Government House Lokoja, by the grace of God.The indiscretion and war of attrition embarked on by Wike contributed to the public perception of our great Party.

He sees nothing good in the Leadership of the Party, yet he can not move to another Party, because which Party will accept Wike in his irredeemable state of ignominious liability.

As the good people of Kogi State prepare for the Gubernatorial election, the choice is theirs to make. All the evil machinations and self-destructive conduct of Wike will fail. I have neither sought for nor expected support from Wike. My aspiration is on course. The least I will spare time is distractions from the contentions of the untamed tongue of Wike.

As I move forward, I’m guided by the Scriptural invocation:

For the Lord God will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed.He is near who justifies Me; Who will contend with Me? Let us stand together. Who is My adversary? Let him come near Me.Surely the Lord God will help Me; Who is he who will condemn Me? Indeed they will all grow old like a garment; The moth will eat them up

Isaiah 50:7-9

As I draw the curtain, let me also drop this last verse for Nyesom Wike: Look, all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with sparks: walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled- This you shall have from my hand: you shall lie down in torment

Isaiah 50:11.

Wike, stay on your lane. I am Daniel Dino Melaye. My speciality is to tame lions, whether they be white or black, dwelling in rocks or floating on Rivers.”

APC asks DSS to arrest Enenche, Dino Melaye

The All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Council on Monday called on the Department of State Services to invite the General Overseer of Dunamis Church, Paul Enenche, over his ‘inciting sermon’ on the pulpit last Sunday.

Also, the APC PCC asked security agencies to arrest two spokespersons for the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, Dino Melaye and Dele Momodu, for allegedly attempting to heat the polity through their utterances.

The PCC Special Adviser on Media and Strategic Communications, Dele Alake, made the call in Abuja on Monday during a press conference.

He said;

“We note with utmost concern those inciting comments and call to violence by some spokespersons for the opposition, especially those from the Peoples Democratic Party.

We are particularly concerned and call on the State Security Services and the Nigeria Police Force to immediately restrain persons such as Dino Melaye, Dele Momodu and a certain Pastor Paul Enenche of Dunamis Church from their clear call to violence.

“Melaye’s tweet threatening violence, Momodu going on the TV to announce a purported winner and Enenche’s hate speech from the pulpit violate every law of the land.

They should not go scot-free. The Christians community in this nation should even rise up to call him to order before the invitation by security agencies.

We encourage the DSS to do their work by apprehending and restraining these people calling for violence to reduce the tension.”

Also speaking, a former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, described the Dunamis preacher’s action as a disgrace to the Pentecostal mission society.

He said;

“I was invited by the DSS for a tweet I made. We are all aware of that. Therefore I see Eneche’s outburst as an insult to so many pastors, particularly Pentecostals like myself. That is because when this violence they are calling for begins, they will run away and leave hapless Nigerians to face it.

“What the opposition is doing is trying to heat up the polity and intimidate our supporters.”

Dino Melaye Slams Blogger Over Link To Skit Makers

The spokesperson for the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Council, Dino Melaye, has expressed anger at being linked to two Nigerian skit makers, Ashmusy and Nons Miraj.

Controversial blogger, Gistlover, took to its Instagram account to share a picture collage of Ashmusy, Dino Melaye and Nons Miraj on Tuesday and captioned it, “I like fine fine pictures sha. Hard work under Dino no be small work oo. I dey come.”

Melaye, who reshared a screenshot of Gistlover’s story on his verified Facebook account on Wednesday, lashed out at the blogger and threatened to sue over the story.

He said, “I will sue you this time. Will locate you. I don’t know any of these ladies. Agent of APC. You will not get away with your lies and unfounded story this time. You just dialled the wrong number. Apologise within 24 hours or face consequences.”

Femi Fani-Kayode mocks Atiku Abubakar and Dino Melaye

Femi Fani-Kayode took to Instagram on Monday morning, November 7, to mock PDP presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar and PDP’s spokesperson, Dino Melaye.

The former Aviation Minister, who is backing the APC presidential candidate, shared photos of what he claimed were Atiku and Melaye’s legs.

He also included a photo of a lightening cream. “Bleacher’s united,” FFK wrote in the caption

Nigeria’s economy ruined under Buhari, says Dino Melaye

A former Senator representing Kogi West, Dino Melaye, said Nigeria’s economy had been ruined under the administration of the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.).

According to him, Nigeria has been turned into an unenviable poverty capital of the world.

In a press statement made available to our correspondent, Melaye said over 82.9 million once-thriving Nigerians could no longer afford their daily meals and other necessities of life.

Melaye also faulted the president’s Democracy Day Speech.

“From the speech, it is even glaring that the dividends of democracy are yet to be felt by Nigerians under this administration. From the speech, I sincerely expected Mr. President to succinctly enumerates the dividends the citizens had gained under his administration. But unfortunately, the speech was full of promises to get things right. Mr. President, after how many years in the office? Are you not tired of these promises? Well, be informed that Nigerians are tired and fed up with your promises.

“For the avoidance of doubt and for the umpteenth time Mr. President, the dividends of democracy Nigerians are yet to reap and are clamouring for under your administration include but not limited to good governance, rule of law, respect for human rights and social justice, fight against corruption, economic empowerment and a better standard of living. But is disheartening that this administration has failed on all fronts more specifically on these three- insecurity, corruption and economy you promised to tackle in 2015.”

The former lawmaker said Buhari has failed Nigerians as the countrymen now live with perpetual fear.

“People killed or kidnapped on daily basis and having their carcasses littered on the street. We can no longer travel to any part of this country with the hope of arriving safely

“As I stated sometime last week, the corruption scandals oozing out of his government have never been witnessed before in the history of Nigeria. Transparency International revealed that Nigeria is more corrupt today than it was in 2015. The United States’ 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released by the US Department of State has described the scale of corruption in Nigeria under President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration as massive, widespread, and pervasive.

“My fellow Nigerian, as we celebrate our democracy day today, let it be our resolution not to continue this way. Let it be a wake-up call. We cannot afford to get it wrong come 2023. We must vote this government out and remind them that supreme power is vested in the people. The year 2023 will be a year we decide whether to continue wallowing in the valley of the shadow of death by allowing APC to continue or we want to be taken to the promise land by a Nigerian who can unify this country and transform the economy.

“I, therefore, encourage Nigerians to get their Permeant Voters Card, make sure we vote come 2023, protect our votes and save this country from these economic cankerworms and scavengers and have the economic transformation we all longed for,” he said.

It’s a shame! Buhari without certificate attending global education summit —Melaye (video)

Former Senator that represented Kogi West Senatorial district at the 8th National Assembly, Dino Melaye, has taken President Muhammadu Buhari to the cleaners for attending a global educational summit in London when he (President), does not possess an adequate certification that should qualify him to attend the event.

Melaye who posted a video on his Facebook page on Wednesday, questioned the capacity of Buhari to represent Nigerians in a global education summit in the United Kingdom.

The former lawmaker further slammed the president for representing the country at a summit meant to address educational deficiencies, adding that he has nothing to offer academically.

According to Melaye, the President would have rejected the invitation and send the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, to represent the country in the global summit.

“It is very funny that President Muhammadu Buhari has gone to London to attend the Global Education Summit,” Melaye said.

“It is funny and it is putting Nigeria in a very bad shape because I’m wondering what will President Buhari be discussing in a global education summit.

This is the man that has just secondary school certificate, a school certificate failure and unfortunately, that certificate is even missing. We have not seen it, no copy of it.

“And you are going to a global education summit where you have professors emeritus. Where you have intellectual mobile characters. And Buhari is going to sit down and discuss what?

“I was even thinking that he would send someone like the Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo to go and interact. Except the president is going to be deaf and dumb in the summit.

“Except he is going there to be an observer, I’m imagining what President Buhari is going there to discuss.

It is a shame that Nigeria is not represented in this global summit because we have a president who has nothing to offer, who is intellectually stagnant, who has no capacity academically.

“Present Buhari should have told us that he is going for medical not Global education summit,” he said.


Actress Biodun Okeowo denies dating Dino Melaye

Nollywood actress, Biodun Okeowo has taken to her Instagram page to deny reports that she is in a relationship with the former Kogi State senator, Dino Melaye.

In a lengthy Instagram post, the actress addressed the controversy that her photo with the senator caused on social media after it surfaced online.

Okeowo revealed that she did not intend to instigate brouhaha with the suggestive photo; she explained that she met Dino Melaye at a wedding function where she decided to take a photo with him.

In her opening paragraph, the actress stated that she does not intend to snatch the former Kogi State leader from a certain colleague.

Biodun Okeowo wrote;

A few days ago, my attention was drawn to an audio recording circulating on social media, which I also listened to myself; purportedly accusing me of being romantically involved with Dino Melaye.

“It was shocking to hear about insinuations of snatching him from a colleague, and being in a romantic relationship with him.”

She continued;

“I met Dino Melaye at a certain wedding ceremony where we took photographs together; just as I did with other guests and dignitaries at the party.

“Thereafter, I posted on my IG handle.

Unknown to me posting a picture of myself and Dino only gave rumor mongers a field day to spread lies and unfounded allegations against me that I’m dating this particular man.

“I unequivocally state and reaffirm that I am not and was never in any amorous relationship with Dino and neither am I in any form of entanglement with him.”

The concluding part of her statement reads;

“I will appreciate it if this settles any misconception; assumptions; innuendos; as well as falsehood about my alleged relationship with Dino Melaye.

At this point, I will like to state explicitly that I am certainly not involved in any form of relationship with him whatsoever.

“To all my Omoborty Nation, I will never let you down.

“For now, my focus is on my kids; my man, business, and my acting career.

“I have set my face like flint on that path.

“Thank you to all who reached out to me and believed in me. One Love!!!”

A couple of days ago, Dino Melaye took to his social media page to deny reports of his entanglement with any actress.

”Stop denying me in public or I won’t let you sleep with me again” – Leaked voice note allegedly between Iyabo Ojo and Dino Melaye (Audio)

A voice note which is alleged to be between Nigerian actress, Iyabo Ojo and ex-lawmaker, senator, Dino Melaye has surfaced on social media.

Blogger, Gistlovers who shared the voice note on Instagram, claimed that Iyabo Ojo was heard telling Dino to stop denying her in public or else she will stop giving him her body.

Gistlovers wrote; ”dey talk #yabdin matter Una think say i Dey lie,I tell Una say Dino collect my wife Una Dey use me laugh,now this is the confirmation say I no lie ontop Dino head o???As God go butter my bread,God don make them fight,I can now have my wife???? 

”According to our source and the voice note played up there,Na Miwa Kayanamata and Biodun Omorborty make Dino and Iyabo fight,wey GLB NATION don go dey price Aso Ebi for #yabdin2020 naso Miwa and Omorborty Carry big yansh come chance Iyabo,let the biggest yansh wins????

I keep educating people on here,calm down you are doing well,no let anybody tension you on this gram??one thing I like Dino about be say him share the house round??? They are all Landladies,

”In the Voice note shared above you can hear Iyabo warning Dino to stop denying her and stop saying negative things about her to Miwa and Omorborty(his girlfriends)and vowed never to allow Dino knack am againIyabo wey me dey keep,Dino don enter am anyhow?? well we meuveeee,

in the voice note that was shared to my source by Iyabo’s supposed bestie,you can hear her laughing out loud at the background and mocking her friend. Well enough said over the years,young entrepreneurs who are legit and striving,keep up the work,don’t be tensioned by anyone,

”even business owners ways no pure nowadays,just keep grinding,someday fortune will smile on y’all,I come in peace,Abeg if you be blog and you wan repost,Biko give me my deserved credit o,make bab wire no shock Una to death,igi ewedu oni wo pawa o,PART 2 coming soon”

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