Teenager spends 6 years digging underground cave after fight with his parents

Andres Canto was 14-years-old when his parents rejected his idea of going to the local village donned in a tracksuit.

What could be seen by many as a minor argument angered Canto so much that he looked for ways to vent. This he did by using his grandfather’s axe to dig a hole in the family garden.

After six years of digging, Canto’s mancave boasts of steps, a living room, and a bedroom. Furthermore, it has a heating system, music, and Wi-Fi tethered from his smartphone.

He revealed that there was something therapeutic about digging in the evenings when he got back home from school, which turned him into a part-time excavator.

“It’s great, I have everything I need. It can be tiring to work here as it is wet and there is not much air going around, but I have found my own motivation to keep on digging every day,” he revealed, as reported by The Mirror.

Canto’s bizarre project got a boost when his friend Andreu joined him with a pneumatic drill, and the two chiselled a 10-foot dwelling underground.

For a project that began with him pushing out the soil using buckets, Cante began researching excavation techniques and created a homemade pully to aid in taking out the rubble.

Sometimes I came across a big stone and it could be frustrating after hours of digging that I had done almost nothing,” the youngster explained.

Canto reveals that the main challenges he faces are occasional floods during the rainy season, as well as insects, spiders and snails.

He even learnt how to reinforce the ceilings through arched entrances and reinforced columns, ensuring that the cave did not crumble.

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