RIP: Before The Plane Crashed, See The Message A Woman Posted On Her Instagram Account

Rathi Windania, her daughter and her nephew didn’t survive the plane crash that reportedly happened in Indonesia. Shortly before the plane crashed, this woman posted a sad and final message on her Instagram account. According to THE SUN, the Boeing 737 took off from an airport in Indonesia capital, it reached an altitude of 10,900 fts and then disappeared from the radar screens. It was later confirmed that the aircraft carrying 62 passengers crashed into a sea minutes after take off, no one survived the crash.

Rathi, her daughter and her nephew were among the 62 passengers who lost their lives in the plane crash. Shortly before the crash, she posted the picture of herself, her daughter and her nephew sitting side by side in the plane, she also wrote a message that touched the heart of many. Here is the photo that she posted below

Here is the message that she posted on her Instagram account shortly before the crash.

According to the sun, she posted the picture and wrote “BYE BYE FAMILY, WE ARE HEADING HOME FOR NOW.”

It was minutes after she posted this that the plane she boarded fell from 10,900 fts in under 60 seconds, crashing into sea and killing 62 people. May their souls rest in peace.

Kidnapped little boy found dead in his neighbour’s car at Egbu, Owerri in Imo State.

The day started like any other day. Shop owners who had returned from Christmas festivities or who did not travel were opening their shops for daily sales. Workmen were starting their daily hustle. Little did anyone know that the events of the day were going to be unheralded.

Tragedy struck at about 1 pm on Tuesday, Jan 5th, 2021 in the family of Mr Stevens.

Little Stevens Osinachi who lived with his grandmother at Ama-wire, Egbu, Owerri was sent by his aunt to buy sachet water for her in their neighbourhood. That was the last time anyone saw him, anyone but the agents of darkness.

His aunt and grandmother raised an alarm when the 5-year old Osinachi did not return as expected. They quickly organised a search, going from shop to shop asking about their little grandson and nephew. This proved abortive as everyone denied seeing him. It seemed as if Osinachi disappeared into the thin air.

Mr Stevens, a soldier in the Nigerian Army was immediately contacted and informed about the situation on the ground. He made some calls and an announcement about the missing Osinachi was made around the community. He even threatened to send men of the Nigerian Army to barricade the community and conduct a house to house search until his son was found. He pleaded that anyone with useful information about the missing boy should come forward and promised not to reveal their identity.

Two days ago, on Thursday, the 7th of January 2021, at about 9 pm, shouts were heard at the house of one Mr Izunna. Mr Izunna is a native of Ohaji Egbema of Imo state but resides at Ama-wire as a tenant. Mr Izunna who lives with his family is a generator repairer while his wife is a dressmaker. Both are neighbours to Osinachi’s family and run a kiosk to make ends meet.

Residents who heard the screaming ran out of their houses to find out what was going on. They were shocked to see the corpse of little Osinachi being carried away by men of the NPF from Mr Izunna’s compound.

This is what happened.

At about 8 pm, the alleged suspect, Mr Izunna reported to the police that he had perceived a foul smell from the car when he went to pluck paw-paw from a paw-paw tree close to the car. On a close look, he found the boy’s corpse already decaying. 

On questioning by the Police, he admitted that Osinachi had visited his shop requesting to buy “pure” water but insisted that he sent him away since he did not have any “pure” water to sell at that point. He also added that he locked his gate after the boy left.

The car in question, which was properly locked, belongs to him, Mr Izunna and one must be left to wonder how the corpse got there in the first place especially as he claimed his gate was locked even though neighbours said he never locks his gate in the afternoon.

The chances that someone scaled the fence and entered into the compound is very small as the fence around Mr Izunna’s compound is very high and barb-wired.

However, one cannot forget the fact that it was Mr Izunna who had reported this matter to the Police himself.

There must be more to this story.

Mr Izunna has been reprimanded by the Police who has continued investigations and further arrest has been carried out.

He is married with three boys. At the time the corpse was discovered, his family was nowhere to be found. It is rumoured that they’ve gone into hiding for protection from the wrath of the angry youths. The youths of the community visited Mr Izunna’s compound and would have razed everything to the ground. It took the intervention of some people who reminded the youths that the house did not belong to Mr Izunna to calm them down.

An eyewitness who pleaded anonymity narrated the line of events which has taken place in her neighbourhood since Tuesday.

She condemned the heartless kidnap and murder of an innocent little boy. 

When questioned on what could be the motive of the alleged suspect, she stated that she couldn’t tell although she had heard that Mr Izunna has been passing through trying times recently.

She also called on the Police to carry out their duties effectively.

Some other persons suggested that it may not be far from ritual killings or organ harvesting.

The turn of events is very surprising as many thought that stories like this are things of the past.

What is the way forward?

JUST IN: Seven feared dead in fresh Amotekun raid in Oyo

No fewer than seven people have allegedly been killed in a fresh clash between officials of the Oyo State Security Network Agency also known as Operation Amotekun, and some herdsmen at Okebi village, Aiyete area in the Ibarapa North Local Government Area of the state.

Sources told PREMIUM TIMES that some Amotekun operatives in the early hours of Saturday visited Okebi village in search of suspected kidnappers in the axis.

A source in the community who pleaded anonymity because of fear of being attacked by Amotekun operatives said the killings has since put the community in disarray.

“Amotekun stormed the community today and they drove into villages in search of suspected herdsmen. The clash already caused the death of seven people,” the source said.

Another source told this newspaper that “it was a clash between Amotekun operatives and Fulani herdsmen that led to the deaths. Some people also sustained severe injuries”.

When contacted by PREMIUM TIMES, the Commandant of Amotekun in Oyo State, Olayinka Olayanju, did not respond to calls and text messages.

Meanwhile, sources within Amotekun in the state confirmed to PREMIUM TIMES that the incident truly occurred and efforts are in place by Amotekun commandant to hold a press conference on the said matter.

“The matter truly happened but we have not been authorised to speak with the press. You know that Amotekun has been in the news for negative things recently and we need to address this as soon as possible,” one of our sources among the Amotekun operatives said.

The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Olugbenga Fadeyi, did not respond to this newspaper calls and text messages as of the time of filing this report.

Bobby Brown Jr dead at 28

Bobby Brown Jr., the son of the R&B artist and producer, was found dead at a home Wednesday, according to Los Angeles police.

A cause of death was not clear, but foul play is not suspected, a Los Angeles police spokesman said. Brown Jr.’s age has been reported to be 28.

TMZ first reportedBobby Brown Jr.’s death, citing a person described as a source close to the family.

Authorities were called to the home in Encino for a medical emergency shortly before 2 p.m., the police spokesman said.

More information about the circumstances leading up to the call was not available.

The Los Angeles County coroner is leading the death investigation.

Brown Jr. was the son of Bobby Brown and Kim Ward.

The elder Bobby Brown lost daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown when she was 22. The only child of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston  was found face-down and unresponsive in a bathtub in January 2015 and was in coma for six months before her death.

Investigators with the medical examiner’s office were not able to determine exactly how Bobbi Kristina Brown died. 

An autopsy showed that she had morphine, cocaine, alcohol and prescription drugs in her body, but the medical examiner couldn’t determine whether she killed herself, whether someone else killed her or whether her death was accidental.

She was discovered in the bathtub just before the third anniversary of her mother’s death. 

Houston, a seven-time Grammy winner, was found submerged in a bathtub in a Beverly Hills, California, hotel on Feb. 11, 2012.

The elder Bobby Brown is known for hits including “My Prerogative” and “Every Little Step.” He also was in the film “Ghostbusters II.”

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