See A Country Where People Live With Dead Bodies of Their Relatives

Torajan tribe in Indonesia bring up dead bodies of their relatives, clean their corpses, and dress them during Manene festival. It is done to strengthen the bond between the dead and the living. It is believed to bring luck in life. This ritual is done every three years.

For them, death is part of spiritual life. When a person die, food and water are put beside him/her everyday until the day of burial. Even then, they are exhumed to be cleaned and cared for by dressing them. They treat their beloved relatives as if they are sick, and not dead. They are bedded in a separate room of the family house until the family can afford a proper funeral.

Skin and flesh are preserved from decaying and rotting by coating of a chemical solution. This is regularly done so that the house could not be filled with bad odour. Corpses are buried in mountains because it is believed to be near heaven. and would be able to ascend with ease.

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