Celebrity, now a Covid19 survivor shares her experience.


A multiple award winning make-up artist , Bimbo Onakoya shared her experience as she survives covid19. She madethis known via her Instagram page , where she posted the following;

“I survived the covid!! Since the 23rd of December I tested positive it didn’t relent, my temperature was constantly between 38 to 39.8 till New year eve when I could no longer breathe without choking and coughing, I had already developed pneumonia at that time , to cut a short story short , I got discharged yesterday , Covid is real and it also comes with alot of complications, please guard your life with all your might , this disease is unforgiving!!! Don’t ever get tired of masking up , washing and sanitizing your hands, it took the intervention of Jesus for me to survive this!! I am still in Kenya.”

Watch the video above!

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