Nigerian govt responsible if anything happens to Ortom, group reacts to alleged assassination plot

A group under the aegies of the Coalition of Southern and Middle Belt Youth Leaders Assembly (COSMBYLA), has called on the Nigerian government to investigate allegations of an assassination plot against Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom.

The group also called on the government to make sure nothing happens to the Governor due to his constant criticism of the FG as that could lead to the break up of the country.

The COSMBYLA was reacting to Ortom’s allegation on Wednesday that his intelligence team had discovered plots to assassinate him.

“Several attempts have been made to eliminate me, but God has protected me. I am not afraid of death and because of that, I have already written my will. I am not afraid of anyone,” Ortom had said.

In a statement on Friday issued by the coalition signed by Goodluck Ibem, the group said the Federal Government should be held responsible if anything should happen to Ortom.

“Information gathered have shown there was a meeting that was recently held to plan how to assassinate the Executive Governor of Benue, Dr. Samuel Ortom, and the security agencies have the details and they have not moved to arrest those involved in such despicable plan,” the group said.

Our country Nigeria is owned by all Nigerians and nobody or ethnic group or tribe, owns it more than the other.

“For one ethnic group (Fulanis) to target an entire state for extermination is vallainious and wickedness taken too far and we condemn it in its entirety.

We warn those actors who are killing Benue indigenes and at the same time, plotting to assassinate the Executive Governor of the state to steer clear now.

“We warn these evil actors to note that any attempt on Governor Samuel Ortom’s life will be totally resisted and it will lead to the disintegration of Nigeria.

“Ortom is a defender of the people; he has given a voice to the voiceless and we the youths stand solidly with him.”

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