Ighodalo-led coalition calls for women-friendly Constitution

A group, Rebuild Nigeria Initiative (RNI) has called on Nigerians and the National Assembly in particular to embark on a constitution amendment process that would right the wrong and harmful gender discrimination practices against women in the country.

The group noted that these constitutional amendments are prudent steps in the right direction in bridging the inequity gap to include more women in politics and leadership which strengthens the role of women in nation building.

The RNI in a statement signed by its president, Pastor Ituah Ighodalo and secretary, Dr. Fatima Akilu among others said the ongoing constitution amendment process by the federal legislature is an opportunity to include more women in politics and leadership which strengthens the role of women in nation building.

The statement said the Rebuild Nigeria Initiative (RNI) is a “group of concerned Nigerians around the world who have come together in our humanitarian strategies to form a global coalition of strategic stakeholders and partners, with the primary goal of engaging all parties in meaningful dialogue, that can bring about constructive and peaceful resolutions and actions that foster unity, peace, progress and advancement of the great nation Nigeria”.

While stating its strong “support for ‘The Constitution Women want’, the RNI a noted that the “failure of the 9th National Assembly to pass a bill on March 1st 2022, which includes some of the following constitutional amendments, will be recorded as a sad day in Nigeria’s history.

• The right for a Nigerian woman to grant her foreign-born husband Nigerian Citizenship, while Nigerian men are able to get citizenship for their foreign-born spouse

• The right for a woman to take indigene ship of her husband’s state after 5 years of marriage

• 35% appointed positions for women

• 35% affirmative action for women in party administration and leadership

• Specific seats to be allocated for women in the National Assembly

“We are deeply saddened that majority of the National Legislators did not seize this moment in time to right the wrongs and harmful gender discrimination practices against women; our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters”, the group said.

It further stated that “These constitutional amendments are prudent steps in the right direction in bridging the inequity gap to include more women in politics and leadership which strengthens the role of women in nation building.

“We call on all men and women of goodwill to support the “NIGERIAN WOMAN” by engaging the National Assembly to correct these issues. Nigeria is better and stronger through our diversity, inclusion, and equity for all Nigerians”.

2023: Bakare forms new movement, demands new constitution

The Overseer of the Citadel Global Community Church, Tunde Bakare, has formed a new movement, Nigeria for Nigerians (N4N), ahead of the 2023 general elections in the country.

Bakare, who disclosed this during his state of the nation address titled: “The black box of Nigeria’s politics” in Oregun, Lagos, said the new movement was inaugurated because “it was time for Nigerians to take back their nation.”

The cleric stressed that the movement would be officially called the New Nigeria Progressive Movement and fight to entrench true federalism in the country.

Bakare said: “Fellow Nigerians, I’m here to announce to you that the time has come for the true progressives to arise, say enough is enough to political hypnosis. It is time to take our country back.

We are stepping in to shape the national conversation beyond elections and begin to lay the groundwork for the restructuring of this nation.

“We will be going to every nook and cranny with our agenda and message. We have only three points on our agenda — restructuring, restructuring, and restructuring.

“Therefore, our Distinct Nationhood Agenda (DNA) is simple, it is RUN — Restructuring For United Nigeria – this is what I’m set to advance.

I’m running and leading a movement called the New Nigeria Progressives Movement. We shall join forces with foreign countries, champion reintegration of diverse ethnic groups into true identity until every Nigeria is proud to say ‘I’m a Nigerian’, and also spearhead the orientation of every Nigerian until a minimum of 50 million Nigerians can say ‘no’ to hypnotic democracy.”

He also charged President Muhammadu Buhari to “tear down” the 1999 Constitution.

The cleric added: “I say to President Muhammadu Buhari: Mr. President, stop passing the buck to the National Assembly. Tear down this inhibiting concoction of a constitution; tear it down so we can build a truly great nation!

This is one enduring legacy your administration can still secure before your time in power draws to a close. If you do, present and unborn generations of Nigerians will remember you for it and write your name in gold when the history of this period is written.

“If you don’t, history will record that you failed to rise to the occasion and squandered a great opportunity.”

Akeredolu’s Order For Fulani To Leave Ondo Forest Is Constitutional, Falana Says.

Falana said the order was in tandem with Section 42 (1) (e) and (g) of the Forestry Law of Ondo State which provided that whoever in any forest reserve, except with authority in writing of the prescribed officer, digs, cuts, turns or cultivates the soil or makes a farm or plantation; pastures cattle or permits cattle to trespass or trespasses in any part of forest reserves in which trespass shall be prohibited by an order of the government.

Human rights lawyer, Mr Femi Falana (SAN), says the order by the Ondo State Governor, Rotimi Akeredolu, that herdsmen should leave forest reserves within seven days is legal.

In a statement on Sunday, Falana said the order was in tandem with Section 42 (1) (e) and (g) of the Forestry Law of Ondo State which provided that whoever in any forest reserve, except with authority in writing of the prescribed officer, digs, cuts, turns or cultivates the soil or makes a farm or plantation; pastures cattle or permits cattle to trespass or trespasses in any part of forest reserves in which trespass shall be prohibited by an order of the governor.

The human rights lawyer said the Presidency ought to have studied the law properly before issuing a statement last week to condemn Akeredeolu.

“Without addressing the relevant provisions of the Forestry Law or reaching out to Governor Akeredolu, the Presidency rushed to the media to challenge the directive of the Ondo State Government as it might affect undocumented herders operating in the said forests. Regrettably, such official mismanagement of the crisis has been allowed to polarise the people along ethnic lines to the detriment of national security,” Falana said.

However, he urged the state government to extend the deadline given to the herdsmen while also calling on the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria to register with the state government.

Falana stated, “Concerning the brewing crisis in Ondo State, we call on Governor Akeredolu (SAN), to extend the seven-day ultimatum to allow all farmers and herders operating in the forest reserve to register with the state government without any delay.

“The Miyetti Allah and similar groups should ensure that all their members who have not registered with the state government do so without any further delay in the overall interest of the security of the people in the state.”

He called on President Muhammadu Buhari to summon a Nigeria Police Council meeting to address the country’s heightened insecurity.

He added, “As a matter of urgency, the Federal Government should mobilise adequate police and other security forces to halt the menace of kidnapping, banditry, terrorism, armed robbery and other violent crimes in the land.”

Presidency abusing constitution, elevating Fulani herders above law –SMBLF

The Southern and Middle Belt Leaders Forum (SMBLF) has frowned at the Presidency’s position on Ondo State government’s order for herders to vacate the state’s forest reserves.

In a statement on Thursday, SMBLF described the Presidency’s position on the quit notice order by Governor Rotimi Akeredolu, as a “complete overreach and clear abuse of the constitution in a bid to elevate Fulani herders above the law.”

Akeredolu, in response to the rising insecurity in the state, had ordered herdsmen in Ondo forest reserves to vacate.

But the Presidency, in a statement by Garba Shehu, the President’s spokesman, kicked against the order.

In its statement signed by Yinka Odumakin (South West), Chief Guy Ikoku (South East), Senator Bassey Henshaw (South South) and Dr. Isuwa Dogo (Middle Belt), SMBLF called on the Federal Government to withdraw its unjust order against Ondo government enforcing the vacation order.

“We are supposed to be a Federal Republic and forest reserves in states are fully residual matter to which the Federal Government has no business with.

“The FG’s statement by Garba Shehu that the Governor of Ondo lacks the powers to decide on its reserves in spite of the Land Use Act that vests land in states in the governors was a complete overreach and clear abuse of the constitution in a bid to elevate Fulani herders above the law.

“It is a continuation of the obsessive attachment to Miyetti Allah, like the President instructing Governor Ortom to go and live peaceably with killers after Miyetti Allah killed 78 citizens of the state in January 2019, to prevent Ondo from holding its rights on its reserves in the face of persistent killings of its people by herders occupying the reserves illegally.

“No decent or responsible governor would allow what the FG wants for Fulani herdsmen. The SMBLF therefore asks the Federal Government to withdraw the unjust diktat and allow Ondo to enforce the law,” SMBLF statement read.


Jubilation as Chile votes to rewrite constitution

Chileans have voted overwhelmingly in support of rewriting their constitution, which dates to the dictatorship of Gen Augusto Pinochet.

With nearly 90% of the vote counted, 78% of people had voted “yes” in a referendum that was called after mass protests against inequality.

President Sebastian Piñera acknowledged the result and praised the peaceful vote. According to him, the exercise was “the beginning of a path that we must all walk together”.

A mass anti-government protest movement began in Chile a year ago. From the beginning one of the demonstrators’ key demands was that the country needed a new constitution to be able to fix deep inequalities in society.

“Until now, the constitution has divided us,” Mr Piñera said as people took to the streets in celebration. “From today we must all work together so that the new constitution is the great framework of unity, stability and the future.”

The referendum was delayed by seven months due to the coronavirus pandemic

The referendum asked Chileans two questions – firstly, if they wanted a new constitution, and secondly, what kind of body they would want to draw it up.

A large majority have voted for the new constitution to be drafted by a convention made up entirely of elected citizens, as opposed to one that would also include lawmakers.

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