I made an error — Lalong apologizes to Catholic bishops over comment about the Pope

Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau state has apologized to Catholic Bishops in Nigeria after referencing the Catholic church and the Pope during his interview on leading the campaign for the Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Lalong had said that as a Catholic, the Pope has not informed him that it is improper for him to serve as the Director-General of the APC presidential campaign team.

In a letter addressed to Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) and dated August 12, Lalong said he made an error and realised that his comment brought “embarrassment” to the Catholic church, especially to the family of Papal Knights.

He said;

“I have followed with some shock and deep regret, the reactions that have trailed my appointment as the Director-General of the Campaign Council for the Presidential Candidates of our Party, the All Progressive Congress, APC, Ahmed Bola Tinubu and Ibrahim Shettima.

“The appointment understandably was received with mixed reactions across the Christian community who genuinely feel aggrieved by the decision of our party to settle for a Muslim-Muslim ticket.

“While many people commended me for the appointment and saw it as a way of remaining within the system to fight for our interests, others cast aspersions on it on the grounds that our faith had been insulted and denigrated.

“In the course of this, many of my opponents turned the issue into a political weapon with some spreading rumours and questioning the integrity of my credentials as a Catholic and a Papal Knight.

In trying to make my case, I have granted interviews to justify why I believe that the appointment did not in any way undermine my commitment to the Catholic Church.

“During the week, in the course of defending myself, I had cause to make reference to my credentials as a Catholic and a Papal Knight. In the process, I made reference to the Holy Father.

“I now realise that this was an error on my part and has caused some level of concern and even embarrassment to many especially the Members of the family of Papal Knights to which I belong.

“I now understand that I may have overreached myself in the course of trying to defend my personal decision in accepting this appointment and thus, the reference to the holy father was not intended as an act of disrespect to his exalted and revered office.

“Your Grace, by this written letter, I wish to tender my unreserved apologies and ask for their understanding and forgiveness from my brothers in the Catholic faith and, through you, the entire members of the Bishops’ Conference, our Fathers and our Leaders.

My commitment to the Catholic faith to which | belong remains unreserved and undiluted.

“I will continue to uphold the banner of my faith in public life as I have done over the years. You may recall, Your Grace that in the last five or so years, I have been at the forefront of facilitating our dialogue as politicians with you our fathers in the faith. I remain committed to this and pray that you will continue to encourage us as we ascend the slippery slope of politics. While soliciting your episcopal blessings.”

President Muhammadu has woefully failed Nigerians – Catholic priests

Some Catholic Priests in Edo State have said President Muhammadu Buhari’s leadership failed woefully in its primary duty of protecting the lives and properties of Nigerians.

The Priests said President Buhari ought to proffer solutions to the increasing rate of killings and kidnappings in parts of the country or step down from being the President.

The priests made the assertion at the weekend when the acting Governor of Edo State, Philip Shaibu led other government functionaries to pay last respects to a Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr. Christopher Odia, who was murdered by suspected kidnappers.

The deceased Catholic priest was murdered by his abductors in Ikabigbo, Etsako West LGA of Edo State.

Very Rev. Fr. Johnbosco Ezehi, National President of the Nigeria Catholic Diocesan Priests Association (NCDPA), at the funeral mass and interment held for the priest at the Priests’ Cemetery, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Ivianokpodi-Agenebode in Etsako East LGA, appealed to President Buhari to take immediate steps to ensure the safety and security of Nigerians.

He said, “We condemn the increasing attacks by suspected herdsmen, who have turned the country into a massive graveyard. If the president cannot keep our country safe, then he automatically loses the trust of the citizens. He should no longer continue to preside over the killing field and mass graveyard that our country has become.”

The Priests called on the president to take drastic and urgent steps to reverse the ugly tragedy, which he said is threatening the peace and foundation of the collective existence and unity of the nation.

He said it is clear to the nation that the president has failed in his primary duty of protecting the lives of Nigerians.

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