Nigerian man arrested in Cambodia for allegedly defrauding woman of $5,000 on Facebook

A 37-year-old Nigerian man has been arrested in Phnom Penh, Cambodia for allegedly defrauding a woman of $5,000 on Facebook.

The suspect identified simply as ‘Kel Chi’ was arrested on Tuesday morning, October 11, 2022 by the light criminal police department of the Ministry of Interior and sent to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court for legal action.

According to local media, the 24-year-old victim, Un Srey Net, was approached with a Facebook account named Don Richard in August 2022.

In September 2022, Don Richard’s Facebook account told the victim that he wanted to send some supplies and money from Korea to the victim by air.

The victim then received a phone call from a man claiming to be a customs officer at Phnom Penh Airport, saying that $10,000 was needed to pay tax on the imported items.

The family of the victim sent $5,000 via a remittance service but then became suspicious and contacted authorities, which resulted in the arrest of Mr Chi.

Appeal Court upholds life sentence of two Nigerians and others jailed for drug smuggling in Cambodia

The Phnom Penh Appeal Court has upheld the life sentence given by the municipal court to two Nigerian men, a Filipina and Cambodian woman, in connection with smuggling of more than 2.5 kilogrammes of cocaine from Brazil to Cambodia in 2014.

Presiding Judge Ky Rithy said, “After having a clear consideration in this case, the Judges’ Council of the Phnom Penh Appeal Court has found that the sentences given by the Phnom Penh Appeal Court is appropriate and fit for their offence.”

The four convicts have the rights to appeal against the judgement to the Supreme Court within a month.

Judge Ky Rithy named the four as 49-year-old former nurse from Philippines Macoy Mavill Villamor; Nigerian cloth vendors Emmanuel Thankgod, male, 41; and Michael Sunshine, male, 39; and Cambodian Meng Sinuon, 38, a former waitress working with a French-owned-restaurant living in Chamkar Mon district’s Phsar Doeum Thkov commune.

Macoy was sentenced on September 16, 2014 by the Municipal Court with a life sentence while Sunshine got 30 years, Thankgod 27 years, and Meng Sinuon got 22 years in prison.

Besides, all the convicts were slapped with fine of $10,000 each. They were charged with ‘drug transport and trafficking’ under Article 40 of the Law on Drug Control.

Macoy was arrested on February 12, 2014 at the Phnom Penh International Airport in a joint operation by the police in the anti-drug department at the Ministry of Interior, the excise and customs police officers and immigration police.

Police seized a total of 2,513 grammes of cocaine powders from Macoy and her confession led to the arrest of Nigerians who arrived to receive the drug from her.

2 NIGERIANS have been arrested by Cambodia police

The anti-cybercrime department of the Cambodia Police has arrested two Nigerians, Makcava Femi Wisdom, 28, and Spark Onwa, 33 over an alleged online scam.

Also arrested was a 33-year-old Cambodian woman, Thon Sarem.

General Lieutenant Neth Savoeun, the director of National Police, disclosed this in a statement on Monday.

According to Savoeun, the arrest was carried out by officers led by lieutenant Chea Pove, and coordinated by the Phnom Penh court prosecutor, on October 1. 

He said they were brought to the Department of Technology Crimes for processing and later sent to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court for legal action following a complaint.

More to come…

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