Igboho drags Benin Republic to ECOWAS Court, demands $1m

Embattled Yoruba Nation activist and freedom fighter, Chief Sunday Adeyemo, also known as Sunday Igboho, has dragged the government of Benin Republic to the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) demanding $1 million as compensation for general damages for each day he has spent in detention in the country.

Filing the suit through one of his lawyers, Tosin Ojaomo, Igboho, asked for a declaration of court that the actions of the West African country regarding his arrest and detention was a violation of his freedom of movement, his right to an unbiased trial within a reasonable time, and violated his right to dignity as a person.

The suit which will be heard at a high court in Benin on Monday, according to Ojaomo, is seeking, among other reliefs, an order for the immediate and unconditional release of Igboho along with his Nigerian passport pending litigation and determination on damages.

“The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the “Banjul Charter”), Articles 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12(1), 12(2), 12(3), and 17(2). Article 3(2)(d)(iii) of the ECOWAS Treaty, Article 2(1) of the ECOWAS Protocol A/P.1/5/79 relating to Free Movement of Persons, Residence, and establishment, upon which Chief Adeyemo sought to escape the persecution by passing through the neighboring Republic of Benin (“Benin”), to take refuge in Germany,” Ojaomo said in a statement on Sunday.

Again, Yoruba group, Agbekoya, gives Benin Republic ultimatum to release Igboho

A Yoruba socio-cultural group, the Agbekoya Worldwide, has reiterated its call on the government of Benin Republic to either release detained Yoruba Nations activist, Chief Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, legally or they would have no option but to use traditional methods to release the agitator.

The Agbekoya had, earlier in the week, threatened to use ‘juju’ to free Igboho from detention in the West African country if he was not released legally but with the revelation on Wednesday by Igboho’s counsel, Chief Yomi Alliyu that the Benin authorities were on the verge of increasing Igboho’s detention period by another six months, the group has once again, given the country a fresh ultimatum.

Disclosing this at a press conference in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital on Friday, the President-General of Agbekoya Worldwide, Chief Kamorudeen Okikiola, said this was the last warning they would be giving to Benin Republic to release Igboho or the group would employ traditional means of securing his release.

Describing Igboho’s detention as illegal, Okikiola noted that the group would no longer allow the agitator Igboho to continue wallowing in detention in the West African country.

“Today’s meeting is purposely for Sunday Igboho who has been in illegal detention in Benin Republic.

“If you all remember, the last time I told them in Osogbo that Agbekoya was going to release Igboho through traditional means, but some people thought it’s just a threat. We are here again in Ibadan. We came to discuss finally how we will secure the release of Sunday Igboho.

“I thank all Yoruba leaders who have intervened on the issue. Agbekoya is one of the oldest associations in Yorubaland.

“Who says we don’t have the power to release Igboho? The power of the olden days still exist till today. For now, we want to explore the legal means of driving home our demand, but if nothing comes out of it, then we may have no other option, but to toe the line of traditional way of releasing him from their custody.

“I am saying it to the authorities of Benin Republic that everything they are doing on the issue of Sunday Igboho is nothing but illegality. If they like, let them move him from one prison to another; that will not prevent us when we are ready to strike.

“We want them to know that we mean business. We want Sunday Igboho to be released immediately. Benin Republic should not dare us. We can do it. They should not allow Nigerian Government to teleguide them.

“Sunday Igboho’s mother is seriously ill. Do they want the old woman to die without seeing her son? His counsel, Yomi Alliyu, has already told us that Igboho has not committed any criminal act to warrant his continued detention.

“We are ready for anything that will happen. Release Sunday Igboho now, no more six months in detention. We don’t need to enter their country before we can set Igboho free. If they like, let them mandate their entire army to guard his prison, that will not stop us,” the group warned.

Former Army Chief, Buratai appointed Nigeria’s Ambassador to Benin Republic

The former Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai (rtd), has been appointed Nigeria’s ambassador to Benin Republic.

President Buhari on January 25 replaced Buratai and other service chiefs with fresh appointees. Shortly after the President on February 4, appointed the ex-service chiefs as non-career ambassadors.

The former service chiefs have now been deployed. At a brief ceremony in Abuja on Tuesday, June 22, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, presented letters of credence to the ex-service chiefs.

While Buratai was deployed to Benin Republic, former Chief of Defence Staff, General Abayomi Gabriel Olonisakin (rtd) was appointed the head of mission to Cameroon.

A statement released by Kimiebi Ebienfa, information officer of the ministry announced the appointments.

It read; “The Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Geoffrey Onyeama today 22 June 2021, presented Letters of Credence to the Ambassador-Designate of Nigeria to the Republic of Cameroon, General Abayomi Gabriel Olonisakin (Retired) and the Ambassador-Designate of Nigeria to the Republic of Benin, Lt.Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai (Retired).”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs during the brief ceremony congratulated the immediate past service chiefs on their appointment by Mr. President and called on them to deploy their wealth of experience to promote Nigeria’s interest during their tour of duty in countries of accreditation.”

The statement was however silent on the postings of the other former Service chiefs, Vice Admiral Ibok- Ette Ibas (retired) former Chief of Naval Staff; Air Vice Marshal Sadique Abubakar (retired), ex-Chief of Air Staff and Air Vice Marshal Muhammad S. Usman (Rtd), former Chief of Defense Intelligence.

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