El-Rufai insists on sacking workers despite agitations by organised labour

In the aftermath of the suspended strike by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), the Kaduna State Governor, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai has reiterated his pledge towards ensuring a revamp of the state’s civil service by sacking unqualified workers for the development of the state.

The Governor made this assertion via a statement issued on Saturday while commending the residents for their forbearance during the strike period.

According to El-Rufai, his administration is “verifying personnel records to remove staff without the required qualifications or with fake qualifications. While we exit unqualified and poorly skilled people, we continue to recruit more teachers, health workers and other professionals for our agencies.

“Therefore, we will rightsize the public service in the interest of the state. In shrinking the public service, we will reduce the number of political appointees and civil servants.”

The Governor also lauded the resilience of Kaduna residents “in the face of the sustained assault on your rights, freedoms, and livelihoods by the NLC over the previous four days.

We appreciate the calm response by our citizens to the NLC’s unwarranted provocation, lawlessness, and denial of essential services.

“The Kaduna State Government wishes to express its regrets that such lawlessness was permitted by those with the duty to prevent it. We sympathise with all our citizens for the denial of electricity for four days and the persistent attempt to disrupt normal life and prevent government offices, hospitals, banks, and other private businesses from functioning.

“As your government, we will pursue accountability for the crimes that have been committed and seek remedies for our people.”

He further berated the organised labour for singling out Kaduna State despite the fact that “it is the first government, whether federal or state, to start implementing the new minimum wage.

“From September 2019, we began paying the new wages with consequential adjustments that raised take-home pay by up to 66%. Our 23 local government councils also complied.

“Many states are yet to pay these wages, while some that began paying have reversed it. But it is the state that is consistently paying that the NLC came to sabotage. We will not become a state that only pays salary, and no amount of pressure will change that. We are a state that believes in progress and development, and we will continue to prioritize this.

We cannot continue to use 84% to 96% of our revenues to pay salaries of less than 1% of the population. The rest of our people, all 99% of them, need better schools, hospitals, water supply, roads, markets, and support for agriculture to make a living outside government.”

Let us all stand together against the entitled unionists who invaded our state to inflict pain and misery on our people. I assure you that the Kaduna State Government will always put the people first.”

Kukah opposes secessionist agitations

Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Matthew Kukah, has registered his opposition to the agitations for secession, stating that the cost of staying together as a nation is cheaper than the cost of dividing Nigeria.

Kukah made this call during his speech at the 2021 virtual edition of the Platform, an annual conference organised by Pastor Poju Oyemade of the Covenant Christian Centre, Lagos.

According to the cleric, the Federal Government is responsible for the appalling state of the economy, alienating the citizens in the process.

The fiery cleric said, “Yes, it may be right for everybody to want to go. Yes, it may be right for people to want to feel so dissatisfied that they want an end to what we have today. But the cost of staying together is far cheaper than the cost of everybody going his way.

The most important thing here is that the government must give us a reason – the body language – we need to be inspired as a country to inspire ourselves that this country is worth the psychological, the spiritual, and the cultural engagements.”

The agitations for secession by various groups across the country continue to resonate against the backdrop of the raging insecurity and poor state of the economy.

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