60 Zimbabweans killed by elephants in 4 months

At least 60 people were killed by elephants in the first four months of this year in Zimbabwe.

A government official, Nick MangwanaImage, who confirmed the development on Twitter Wednesday, said about 50 people were also injured by the animals during the period.

He wrote: “The issue of Human/Wildlife Conflict has become quite emotive. This year alone 60 Zimbabweans have lost their lives to elephants and 50 injured.

“In 2021, 72 lost their lives. Zimbabwe will hold an Elephant Summit this month.

“In the district of Bubi, the elephants have devoured everything in the fields and are now moving into homesteads.”

A wildlife expert, Tinashe Farawo, who also confirmed the elephant invasion, said the situation was likely to get worse.

“The threat is likely to increase as we move towards the dry season when the herds will be moving in search of water and food,” Farawo said.

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