Nigerian Navy frees Comedian Cute Abiola from detention

Popular Instagram comedian and Naval personnel, Abdulgafar Ahmad, also known as Cute Abiola has been freed from the Nigerian Navy’s detention.

Director of Information, Navy Headquarters, Commodore Suleman Dahun, confirmed the development on Friday, Punch reports.

Recall that Cute Abiola was declared missing weeks ago, but the Nigerian Navy said that it detained him and he wasn’t missing as widely reported.

Dahun, had said Cute Abiola was taken into custody for violating and breaching Armed Forces of Nigeria social media policy.

The Naval spokesman, on Friday maintained that the comedian knowingly violated the armed forces’ social media policy but was given a punishment after he was tried for misconduct and indiscipline.

He added that Cute Abiola is no longer in the naval detention as he has been released to serve his punishment.

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