Biden reverses Trump’s policies on immigration, climate change, others

The new President of United States, Joe Biden, has signed a string of executive actions reversing key policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

A few hours after his inauguration, Biden headed to the White House and reversed the so-called immigration policy which banned citizens of Muslim nations from entering the US, rejoined the Paris Climate accord, and terminated the process for withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO).

The president, who told journalists in the Oval Office that there was “no time to waste,” signed at least 15 executive actions.

Biden said: “Some of the executive actions I’m going to be signing today are going to help change the course of the COVID crisis. We are going to combat climate change in a way that we haven’t done so far and advance racial equity and support other underserved communities.”

During his inaugural address, Biden urged the nation to unite around defeating the COVID-19 which he described as the deadliest pandemic in a century.

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