All my co-workers have laptop except me – Proud father reacts with excitement as his son buys laptops for him and his wife

A young man has taken to microblogging site, Twitter to reveal how proud his father was after he bought a laptop for him as Christmas gift.

According the lad with username @anteuzi, he bought laptops for his parents ,and his dad was over joyous because he is the only one who does not have a laptop in his office.

He said his dad spoke on how he would take the gift to work and show his colleagues what his sin got for him.

@anteuzi wrote; ”Bought my dad and mom laptops for Christmas and my dad said “I’m so excited now I get to bring this to work. All my coworkers bring their laptops and I never have one but now I can show them what my kids got me”

Honestly probably the cutest thing my dad has said.”

Like I was trying to keep it together but he followed up with how he never got things or gifts like this when he was a kid, now sir you’re really trying to get some waterworks out”

See his post:

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