A Young Man Order People To Beat Up His Mother Whenever They See Her At A Funeral

Mothers are special, their love and care can never be matched. But what will make a young man ask people to beat up his mother whenever they see her at any funeral?

A young man posted on Twitter recently telling people to normalize beating his mum anytime they see her at funerals. Reading the tweet at first, one will think bad of the young man. But going under the tweet, almost all the 500 plus people commenting are also submitting their mothers to the same fate. You will get to know why later. But first, check out the tweet in question:

“Please Normalize beating this woman up when you see her at funerals!

Don’t worry she’s my mom and I give you that permission”.

Strange right? Well, after I got over my initial shock and anger. I started reading through the comment to understand why he would say a thing like that. I discovered that it was just a playful way of saying his mum attends funeral a whole lot.

Well, for me, I don’t see anything wrong in attending funerals. After all, we all will die some day and people will also attend too.

But when it becomes too much, what can you do? When is it too much even? Please kindly share your experience about this topic. Do you have the same issue with your mother or a family member?

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