We Dated Online, Our Personality Was Almost The Same And We Both Attended The Same Church- Man

Love is a beautiful thing to either behold or to experience, especially when you have found someone with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life with. The thought of building a home with he or she is something that is hard to put in words. The World is moving to the digital part of life, gifting us with social media platforms in varieties, where you get to meet and greet new people from different parts of the World. Most people take to social media, with the hope of finding someone he or she can love and end up marrying, if things go well.

This is the case of a man, Agbo Emmanuel,,who took to a Facebook Group called “United Family & Friends”, to thank the founder of the group, because he met his newly married wife from the group. He said he sent her a friendship request on the 28th of January, 2020 and she accepted the next day. He revealed at that time, he was in Ghana, while she was in Nigeria. She requested for them to meet, which he accepted and they found out that they share almost everything in common. Their personality was almost the same, their Church and religion was the same and their houses were not far from each other.

He shared the lovely photos from their wedding, where they both looked fabulous in their outfits and they are really cute together. We wish them all the best in their marital journey.

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