We cannot afford a breakdown of law and order.- Hon. Shina Peller

Honourable Shina Peller who currently serves in the house of representatives, has made his views concerning the nationwide protest in Nigeria known.

He stated the following through his official Instagram account;

“Nigerian youths should beware of infiltrators. It has been an intense last couple of days across the country, the youths are using their voice to drive social change and the whole country is listening. While we exercise our rights to peaceful protest, we must remain calm and recognise the fact that several of the demands have been met.”

“Our economy has been battered as a result of Covid-19 pandemic,we cannot afford a breakdown of law and order. Change is a process, let us address the root causes to ensure that the reforms are institutionalised.”

The video below has the video of the details of Shina Peller’s speech;

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