UN demands release of abducted political activist in Libya

The UN Support Mission in Libya said on Wednesday it was deeply concerned by reports of the recent abduction of a political activist whose whereabouts remain unknown.

Al-Moatassim Al-Areebi, 29, was abducted on Monday in the north-western city of Misrata, located roughly 187 kilometres east of the capital;Tripoli.

UNSMIL, in a statement, reiterated the call by members of the Misrata Municipal Council and community representatives, urging the city’s security and law enforcement agencies to urgently investigate his abduction.

It also asked the law enforcement agencies to disclose the activist’s whereabouts, and secure his safe and immediate release.

The mission has documented cases of at least 60 individuals currently detained across Libya for actual or perceived political affiliation.

“The mission calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all people who are arbitrarily detained, and accountability for those who are responsible for those arbitrary detentions,” the statement said.

Reports of arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, ill-treatment, torture, and deaths in custody committed with impunity continue to plague Libya.

These unlawful practices have created a climate of fear, shrinking civic space, and eroding the rule of law.

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