The type of leader Nigeria needs in 2023 – Tambuwal

The Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Tambuwal, on Monday urged Nigerians to vote for politicians with genuine interest of the people in the 2023 general elections.

Tambuwal, who made the call in his keynote address at the 4th Annual Criminal Law Review Conference of the Rule of Law Development Foundation, encouraged Nigerians to work with the governments at all levels to tackle insecurity and poor economy in the country.

The governor stressed that Nigerians should avoid a “parochial and provincial politician,” and go for an incorruptible leader who understands that the best way to fight corruption is by personal examples.

He blamed the heightened insecurity in the country on poor leadership.

Tambuwal said: “Nigeria needs a leader that is versatile, one that has friends and associates across the length and breadth of this country and a leader with a broad world view and not a parochial and provincial politician.

“We need an incorruptible leader who understands that the best way to fight corruption is by personal examples and also by the building of strong institutions that can withstand shocks and manipulations.

Nigeria needs a leader in tune with the times, who is reasonably aware of the modern demands of technology in solving societal problems.

“Yes, Nigeria needs a bridge builder. A compassionate leader, sensitive to the needs and aspirations of the poor and needy; a leader whose words count and can be counted on, indeed, a leader with courage, an accountable leader who can be trusted to face the challenges of nationhood squarely without sentiments or pandering to interests that are inconsistent with national goals.

“For leadership that galvanises, mobilises, and directs Nigerians on the path to sustainable peace, progress, and development, such a leader will not regard any part of the country as conquered people.

“We must find and support such a leader in 2023 so that Nigeria can begin the long walk back to peace, security, and prosperity for all her citizens.”

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