Obasanjo cautions Yoruba monarchs against adoption of candidates in 2023

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo on Saturday warned traditional rulers in the South-West against the adoption of candidates for elective positions in 2023.

Obasanjo, who made the call at the conferment of chieftaincy titles on the Director-General of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Dr. Nterenya Sanginga and his wife, Charlotte Kurara, by the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, at Ile-Ife, Osun State, urged the monarchs to steer clear of politics.

He advised the monarchs to play fatherly roles to every individual seeking political offices, saying the strength of the Yoruba race lies in its diverse political views.

The ex-President said: “I want to advise that as traditional rulers in Yorubaland you must not dabble into partisan politics. Every Yoruba person that comes to you must be blessed and supported. They are all your subjects.

They will come to you seeking blessings to become governor, Presidents, and senators. Bless them and let them go, don’t direct Yoruba to support or adopt a particular candidate.

Yoruba people don’t have the same view or go the same direction in politics, which is part of our strength as a race. As far as politics is concerned, even in the pre-independence era in Yorubaland, we have two strong views, the National Council for Nigeria and Cameroon and the Action Group side. Also after independence, we had the same thing with Akintola’s side and Awolowo’s side.

“During the military rule we equally have two sides, we have the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Alliance for Democracy (AD). Ladoja was part of one side. Please don’t let the politicians add to your burden.

“I even love your forgiven virtue. Those who romance you now never wanted you to ascend the throne of your forefathers. Please Yoruba monarchs should be careful.”

Hollywood star, David Oyelowo admits he can’t speak Yoruba (Video)

Nigerian-British movie star, Davido Oyelowo has disclosed that he can’t speak his native language, Yoruba language.

He made the revelation in an interview with Channels TV’s Abidemi Dario. The Hollywood star said he can’t speak Yoruba because it’s been a long time he did, but he understands the language.

Oyelowo while narrating how he lived in Lagos from when he was 6 till 13, recalled how his friends who attended same boarding school with him for two years, felt he couldn’t speak or understand Yoruba language.

He however said they were shocked when he started speaking the language towards the end of his stay at the school.

Watch the video:

Hollywood star, Wesley Snipes speaks Yoruba as he hangs out with Ben Murray-Bruce (Video)

American actor, filmmaker and martial artist, Wesley Snipes, has been spotted hanging out with ex-Nigerian senator, Ben Murray-Bruce, where the ”Blade” star spoke Yoruba.

The Nigerian lawmaker recently took to his social media page to share a video of him hanging out with Wesley Snipes at an undisclosed location abroad.

In the opening part of the video, award-winning actor teasingly addressed his fans in the Yoruba language.

Snipes said “bawo ni?” which translates to “how are you?”.

Watch the video:

Meanwhile, Wesley Snipes had visited Nigeria in 2005 during the tenure of former President Olusegun Obasanjo.

He first visited the West African nation in 1986 while conducting a research on Professor Wole Soyinka’s Death and the King’s Horseman which was to be premiered in America at the time.

Blockade of cattle, foodstuff from north an act of war –Yoruba youth group

The Yoruba Council of Youths Worldwide (YCYW), the apex umbrella body of youths in Yoruba land, on Monday, condemned the recent move by the Amalgamated Union of Foodstuff and Cattle Dealers of Nigeria (AUFCDN) to block cattle and other foodstuff going to the South West, describing it as an act of war.

According to the group, the blockade was a move to sabotage the efforts of the government, knowing that past and present administrations have heavily invested taxpayers monies into the agricultural sector starting from the Olusegun Obasanjo’s and Goodluck Jonathan’s era.

President, YCYW, Aare Oladotun Hassan, said the South-West youths would not fold their hands and watch the “unscrupulous elements” under the guise of an association or trade union, sabotage efforts of the government.

With the level of commitments and investments in the agricultural sector over the years, he said there was a need at this point in time to separate national business from private business.

He said as a private business, if the cattle breeders association believes that it controls the food commodities that come from the north, the youths of the south-west states are not lazy, and are prepared for the task ahead.

In a counteraction to AUFCDN, Hassan told Ripples Nigeria that YCYW had made a resolution to put an embargo on further trading of all commodities coming from the northern part of Nigeria, and not only on agricultural produce, noting that the ban would get dipper than they thought.

He said: “We have put an embargo on all items coming from the north too. Anything that is coming from the north should just stay there. They should buy and consume all the commodities themselves.

“We voted for a president and not a northern president. If they believe they have a northern president, then we will all go regional and if they are crossing our boundaries then they would pay all our immigration rights and dues before we would permit them to trade or work.

“They have taken us for granted for too long. The worst of this nomadic idea is the fact that over billions worth of staple food are wasted because it is not the farmers that sell the products but private investors. If they had wanted to stop the farmers, they would have done that from the farm, but the investors who have invested heavily are the ones they are diverting their economic interests.”

He called on President Muhammadu Buhari to order a thorough investigation on the issue to be headed by the Inspector General of Police, and to ensure that anyone found culpable is ruthlessly dealt with and prosecuted accordingly.

“It is a criminal offence for them to sabotage a private individual’s investment. It is not the farmers that are bringing their produce to the south-west but the investors. They are now taking cattle breeding as a northern agenda. At the moment we are embarking on agricultural development zone,” he added.

Meanwhile, he said the silence on the part of the government towards the issue shows a high level of connivance; however, he called on President Buhari to act within 48 hours, nothing that failure to act means that he has already stepped in for a division.

Yoruba, Northern Elders Fight Over Fulani Herdsmen

The Nothern Elders Forum (NEF) and the Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE) on Friday exchanged hot words over the lingering security challenges posed by criminal herdsmen in the country.
NEF, in a statement signed by its director of publicity and advocacy, Dr Hakeem BabaAhmed, accused YCE and other similar southern groups of eroding the security and integrity of Nigeria through what it called unfounded allegations of genocide. 

“Allegations of planned or actual genocide are being made with reckless abandon, and even the international community is being lobbied in futile efforts to sell the fiction that some groups are intent on mass extermination of other groups.
The latest communication by the Yoruba Council of Elders to the United Nations is an example of lamentable desperation of some groups to erode our security and integrity as a country, and it is more regrettable that it is the handiwork of so-called elders who should forfeit all rights to that honour.” 

But the YCE fired back through its secretary general, Dr Kunle Olajide, describing the northern elders as reckless and unfeeling, keeping mum in the face of mass murder in the South West by their children.
NEF also said that there were plans by elites and some elected individuals to incite people against one another and cause breakdown of law and order. 

NEF said the individuals had gone as far as lobbying the international community in an effort to sell the fiction that some groups were intent on mass extermination of other groups. In a statement signed by its director of publicity and advocacy, Dr Hakeem BabaAhmed, NEF alleged that there were ongoing efforts to create multiple sources of falsehood in videos and other inflammatory materials with the aim of inciting people to act violently against each other. It said “now the nation is facing imminent threats from persons who are bent on pushing all of us nearer to disaster, to help them achieve their nefarious goals.” 

On herdsmen, NEF said: “We repeat our demand that Fulani who have broken no laws must be protected from abuse wherever they are. 
“We ask all governments to identify criminals among the Fulani and subject them to the laws of the land. 
“Similarly, we demand the cessation of threats and attacks by local ethnic defenders on Fulani communities. “People who have broken the law by attacking and harassing Fulani for just being Fulani must be brought to book.
“We encourage all law-abiding herders to stay put and seek protection, and if they cannot be protected, to relocate to safer areas in the country.
“We urge northern governors to prepare to receive law-abiding Fulani herders who may be compelled to relocate. We urge all northerners to assure Nigerians from other parts of the country that they are safe and welcome to continue to stay in the north.

“The Forum repeats: it is not a crime to be member of any ethnic group, and no one has the right to attempt to expel any Nigerian from places where they live lawfully.”
On the alleged destabilisation plot, the statement said: “The Forum particularly notes that continuing narratives and threats, including comments from seemingly responsible Nigerians and even elected officials who swore to protect the rights of all citizens and the survival of the country, are raising fears and passions that could make it easy to break more laws of the land and pitch citizens against each other.

“There are efforts to create multiple sources of falsehood in videos and other inflammatory materials in the media clearly targeted at inciting people to act violently against each other.
“Allegations of planned or actual genocide are being made with reckless abandon, and even the international community is being lobbied in futile efforts to sell the fiction that some groups are intent on mass extermination of other groups.
“Northern Elders Forum commits to continue to work to retrieve the country from the dangerous cliff where it has been placed by irresponsible people, many of them in positions of responsibility.”

NEF said it had plans to meet with governors in the North and South to improve collaboration and synergy and it also intends to visit communities where it has influence to lower tensions and provide assurances and comfort.
The forum, however, advised President Muhammadu Buhari and governors to consult and explore measures that would lower tensions and assure all Nigerians that they live in a country where laws have meanings, and all citizens have equal rights to live under secure environments.
“The fight against armed criminals must be pursued on all fronts and with a lot more seriousness. The criminal must not reap from the suspicions and fears which his activities also generate,” the statement added.

The NEF had, earlier this month, issued a similar advice to Fulani herdsmen asking them to move to northern region if their security could not be guaranteed in their host communities in the South.
Northern elders reckless, condone mass murder in S/ West —YCE
Dr Olajide of the Yoruba Council of Elders, reacting to the statement by the Northern Elders Forum, said: “The YCE is by far more patriotic and nationalistic than the Northern elders. In the YCE, we believe in a truly federal republic of Nigeria where equity fairness and justice will be available for all citizens of this country and where no citizen of this country will be regarded as inferior and where appointments will be based on merit; where there would be no ethno religious sentiments openly expressed by those in power.
“In the last three to four years, it actually started in 2016, the criminal herders have been so brazen in their invasion of Yorubaland, carrying sophisticated weapons, raping our women, kidnapping for ransom and murdering our people, destroying farmlands; the economic means of survival of our farmers. We have been shouting at the rooftops almost on a daily basis and the Federal Government seems to turn deaf ears to these complaints, giving gross insensitivity to the plight of our people here.

“So, we had to appeal to the global community to intervene in restoring normalcy into the Nigerian nation state. it was becoming obvious, especially in the last two years, that this country has been polarised along ethno-religious lines. In fact, we have never been so divided like this. We have made several appeals to Mr. President to speak to Nigerians to reassure us that he stays committed to a truly Federal Republic of Nigeria where justice, equity and fairplay will reign supreme, but not a word from the presidency. The statements coming from the presidential aides, in fact, polarise the nation the more. You hear all sorts of things, like ‘farmers should obtain permission before going to their farms’ when 43 farmers were killed in Borno State. And we don’t know where farmers take permission and who from… so we have such statements that give credence that this government is only for a particular ethnic part of the country and when you get to this particular situation, we have to appeal to the United Nations because virtually all countries in the United Nations have citizens in Nigeria and they must be made aware of the level of insecurity in this country in the interest of the entire world.
“So, what YCE did was to call attention of the global body to what appears to be the insensitive nature of the powers that be in Nigeria to the plight of Yoruba farmers, women, children and citizens. It is because we believe that a truly federal, united Nigeria will be the best for every part of the country. It is not because we want to secede. No, we have made too much sacrifice to keep Nigeria one. We are not into wanting to divide it at all because all parts of this country would feel the pain. On NEF’s advice to Fulani to come back to the North if they felt unsafe in the south, Dr Olajide said “there is freedom of movement. Anybody can go anywhere. We have not said Fulanis should leave. We said the criminal ones… we have Aliko Dangote in Lagos for example; nobody has said he should leave. We have some Fulani in the universities here who are contributing and adding value to society. But those ones killing and maiming citizens, raping women and kidnapping for ransom and destroying the means of livelihood of our farmers are the ones we said should vacate our forests.”

“They are in power today and they are in charge of all the security. If the security agencies allow what they call ‘genocide’ to go on, then whose fault is that? They should talk to the commander in chief of the armed forces and the Inspector-General of Police. In fact, if anything, we should accuse them of keeping mum and maintaining silence in the face of genocide and mass murder in the South West.

Cows that strayed into Soyinka’s compound owned by Yoruba man —Police

The Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Edward Ajogun, on Wednesday said that the cows that strayed into the compound of Professor Wole Soyinka, belongs to a Yoruba man.

The police commissioner disclosed this while speaking with newsmen during a visit to the property.

According to Ajogun, three cows strayed into the compound and they were immediately driven away.

He said: “Three of the cows that the guy was driving strayed into the compound of the Nobel Laureate, not more than about 20 metres away from the entrance and they were immediately chased out.

I also learnt that our highly revered Nobel Laureate even saw the cows heading towards the direction of his compound and of course directed that they should be chased away and they were chased away.

“The cows are owned by a gentleman by the name Kazeem Sorinola who is a Yoruba chap, and that is the joy of everything. He placed the cows in charge of a Fulani chap. So, the cows are not owned by any Fulani man, but the person in charge of the cows is a young Fulani man.

“No destruction was carried out on the compound and the act was not a willful one.”

It would be recalled that there were viral reports online, especially on the social media, of cows and herdsmen invading the home of the Nobel Laureate, with some of the reports claiming that he was attacked.

The Yoruba Disc Jockey That Just Died, See The Beautiful Moments He Had Before His Death

Earlier today, Punch NG (A reliable news source) shared a post on their official Instagram account about the death of a young Yoruba Disc Jockey who died of Covid-19 yesterday, according to the report the Disc Jockey named DJ Babus graduated from the University of Baltimore in the United States in 2010 with a Bachelors Degree in Information Systems and Technology Management.

DJ Babus before his death was once the talent manager at KnightHouse, a record label that signed musicians like Phenom and Mocheda, he also worked as resident DJ at Sheraton hotel, Lagos State between 2014 and 2015.

Within this short period, Nigerian entertainment industry have suffered from the hands of death, over 5 notable entertainers have lost their lives due to different health issues why some died of old age. This young disc Jockey that lost his life from Covid-19 yesterday was a humble man who once said he doesn’t believe in short cuts to riches, he said he believes in a slow and steady journey to greatness.

DJ Babus was the only son of Mrs Nadia Bello who is the proprietress of Belina Schools, Okoka, Lagos State, his fans and colleagues took his socal media page to wish him a farewell as he goes to meet with the Lord his creator.

Covid-19 is real, the Federal Government have put in place measures to help reduce the spread of this disease and wearing of face mask is very important.

Please, my esteemed readers always observed the safety measures that have been put in place so we can help fight this deadly disease.

May the soul of Babatunde Bello who died of Covid-19 rest in perfect peace. AMEN

This Yoruba Man Is About To Be Executed In Saudi Arabia, Read The Crime He Committed

The best option to save oneself from all the problems faced by a common Nigerian is to migrate to a better and safer country, a country in which the system of government is favorable by all, a country in which the leaders are always responsible for the safety of all the citizens. But for those who successfully migrated, some of them have been involved in a crime.

Sulaimon Olufemi, a Yoruba Muslim Nigerian who traveled to Saudi Arabia when he was at a younger age in the quest for a better life and also to earn money for himself and his family was said to have been involved in a crime that the Saudi’s don’t take it lightly if committed.

In 2002, Sulaimon and 12 others were involved in the killing of a Saudi Arabian police officer. He was sentenced to death and has been on death row for over 18 years now. Other 12 individuals were sentenced to prison terms and corporal punishments.

Saudi Arabian way of punishing a killer is just the same way it happened during the olden days, the major religion practiced over there is Islam and Islam orders them in the holy Quran to kill whosoever involves in killing a soul intentionally.

Does that mean that Sulaiman would be killed for the offense he committed? Maybe.

The only way he could be saved from getting beheaded in Saudi Arabia is if the family members of the deceased agree to forgive him, he would be free.

Although the family of Sulaiman has pleaded to the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission known as NIDCOM to come to their son’s rescue so he would not be executed by the government of Saudi, the commission promised to do their best to ascertain his rescue.

Readers, what he regain freedom?

See How This Yoruba Muslim Lady Dressed On Her Day

Muslim Ladies are beautiful. Islam is a religion of peace. Islam reduces evils with their dressing. Muslims are role models on Earth. They need to lay good example for others to follow.

Islam talks about everything. No aspect of Life Islam didn’t talk about. Muslims are blessed. Their dressings must be accordance with the teaching of Islam. Prophet Muhammad has come to perfect the Religion. Prophet Muhammad is the last and the seal of all Prophets.

Hameedah Soliu is muslim Lady that dressed well to make people love Islam. Her nickname is Umm Nabeela. She’s a lady from Ibadan in Oyo State. She dressed to attract many people to the religion of Islam.

Muslims are not allowed to put on wears that will expose their bodies. Muslimah are to cover their heads. They are allowed to open Everything when they are with their families.

Nollywood actress, Laide Bakare celebrates her birthday.

Nollywood actress, Laide Bakare took to her Instagram page to celebrate her birthday. The well known actress and mother shared beautiful pictures of herself .

She stated the following;

“Have you heard that today is a very important holiday? This is not a joke, this is my birthday and I want to celebrate it on a ground scale, so be ready my friends we gonna party so hard”

Below is the video showing clips from her photo shoot session.