Trump ‘unremorseful’ over Capitol riot – Report

Former United States President, Donald Trump, is reportedly not showing any remorse for the riot that broke out at the Capitol Building on January 6.

Trump had allegedly incited his supporters to disrupt Congress sitting to ratify the victory of President Joe Biden on November 3, 2020 election.

At his impeachment trial on Thursday, Senators were told that the ex-President has not expressed any regret over the violent incident and his lack of remorse could influence wavering members.

A congress source reported that Trump was unmoved by the footage while watching the trial from his home in Florida.

Mr. Trump was in a really good mood during the second day of his impeachment trial as shocking footage from the Capitol riots was shown.

“So far, he has not shown any remorse or contrition,” the source said.

Former Vice President, Mike Pence, who was seen in footage being ushered away by the Secret Service with his family as the mob attacked the Capitol, has reportedly still not repaired his relationship with Trump over the incident.

At the resumed sitting on Thursday, prosecutors will conclude their arguments for the impeachment of Trump while a verdict could be out as early as Friday.