Again, Uche Mefor accuses Nnamdi Kanu of causing violence in South-East

Estranged former Deputy Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Uche Mefor, has, once again, accused the detained leader of the proscribed Igbo separatist group, Nnamdi Kanu, of orchestrating and instigating the violence, destructions and killings in the South-East through his comments.

Mefor who has continued to blame Kanu and IPOB for the escalating violence in the region, said in a post on Facebook on Wednesday that the “deliberate killing and spilling the innocent blood of Igbo people by Kanu’s IPOB insurgents have effectively dimmed the light on the prospect of achieving a Biafra Republic soon.”

He said, “the insecurity in Igboland was orchestrated by Kanu’s violent utterances, threats of such violence, and its official adoption as a policy,” Mefor wrote.

“Simon Ekpa is a member of IPOB and was among the Facebook bloggers drafted by Kanu in the last quarter of 2020 to help do the hatchet job of blackmailing innocent people and promoting violence against those they called saboteurs and traitors for him.

“They are one and the same group of people. They are essentially part of the wider alliance of evil non-state actor violators of human rights in Igboland—targeted assassinations, torture, enforced disappearances, and other forms of inhumane and degrading treatments against unarmed Igbo Biafran civilians.

“These are killers of their own people, all in the hope of getting Biafra. They kill their brothers in the name of Biafra, the same people that they claim to protect and liberate.

“Finally, take this or leave it, we maintain that IPOB will destroy themselves by themselves. Their latest self-destructive, self-annihilating move is hypocritically denying their atrocities in broad light and shifting their culpability to one of their own called Simon Ekpe.

“The more Simon Ekpa is demonised by IPOB, the more IPOB exposes and implicates themselves; and ultimately compound the case of their leader because they are the same evil syndicate and conglomerate.

IPOB have made the reality of Biafra restoration even more remote by their criminality and are helped and enabled by helping the Nigerian state to criminalise the project.

“Consequently, rather than being near or immediate, the Biafra restoration will continue to be a mirage until the dent and damage are repaired and undone,” Mefor added.

This is not the first time Mefor has accused Kanu of being behind the violence in the South-East.

In another Facebook post on March 14, Mefor had accused Kanu of “turning the gun against the very people he claims to protect” and killing them in the process.

The Indigenous People of Biafra under Nnamdi Kanu (IPONK), crossed the line when they turned their weapons against and joined the Nigerian state to begin to victimise the already victimised people of Biafra and especially the Igbo part of Biafraland (Alaigbo),” Mefor had written then.

IPOB is in no position to dictate to Gov. Soludo –Uche Mefor

Former Deputy-Leader of proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Uche Mefor, has warned the group that it is in no position to dictate to the newly sworn-in Governor of Anambra State, Charles Soludo, insisting that the group has no option than to embrace dialogue being proposed by Soludo.

Soludo had, shortly after taking oath of office last week, sent an open invitation to IPOB, the Eastern Security Network (ESN), and other agitating groups in the South-East region, to embrace dialogue as a way of resolving their grievances.

In a statement by IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful on Sunday, the group said it was willing to work with the former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), as long as he does not allow “himself to be used to oppress and persecute Biafrans.”

But in a response to the issues raised by IPOB, Mefor said they were in no position to tell Soludo what to do after they had accused the Governor of paying him (Mefor), N5bn to destroy the group in the past.

In a post on his Facebook page on Monday, Mefor wrote:

To you, IPOB-ESN, are you tired of your criminality, targeted assassinations of Igbo Biafrans? This is the soft landing that you need now or lose it for good——for you must get tired after the spirit of land must have finished dealing with all of you who supported this abomination and crimes against humanity against Igbo Biafrans (killing your brothers in the name of freedom).

“Isn’t it instructive that the same man, Prof Soludo, whom you lied and accused of giving Uche Mefor 5billion Naira to destroy IPOB is the same man that you are now shamelessly going back to and who will definitely lead a solution to stop you from your self-inflicted, self-inflicted destruction?

“So, you are now ready to work with politicians? But, of course, this is a fact that your leader, saviour and Messiah, Nnamdi Kanu, has been doing secretly and behind the scenes but unconsionably accusing innocent people of. What a hypocrisy!

In the circumstances, you are drowning and obviously have no choice than to embrace dialogue or perish, so stop bragging, Emma Powerful.

“Finally, here is a test for you: if you know that all these useless, cowardly, delusional conditions you are thoughtlessly dishing out is not that of an empty vessel and that you are not drowning, please continue with your criminality and don’t embrace dialogue.

“Whether you like it or not, you must eventually come back to our position of imbibing human rights principles and democratic ethos (either by proxy or otherwise).”

Biafra agitation will not end with Igbo President in 2023 — Former IPOB leader, Mefor

Former Deputy-Leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Uche Mefor, says the agitation for a Republic of Biafra will not end even if an Igbo man becomes President of Nigeria in 2023.

Mefor, who has been in a running battle with the hierarchy of IPOB and his former boss, Nnamdi Kanu since he was removed from his position, said in a statement on Monday that the clamour for a president from the South-East region in 2023 has nothing to do Biafran agitation and will not stop the demands for a republic.

In the statement he posted on his Facebook page, Mefor said an Igbo president will even do more to intensify the agitation for the restoration of Biafra.

Mefor titled his statement ‘Will the Nigerian President of Igbo-Biafra extraction stop Biafra agitation?’ which reads:

“This is very unlikely. An Igbo president of Nigeria will even intensify the agitation for the restoration of Biafra.

“Biafrans must concentrate on the Biafra territorial politics with a view to controlling the political space in Biafraland.

Nigeria, as a ideal candidate, would be completing the cycle of the status of an ideal contender highly and likely to be subjected to remedial secession if she manhandles the Igbo bid for the presidency and denies or schemes them out of the presidency in 2023, will be justified as a last resort in extreme case of oppression.

“It will also mean an arbitrary or systematic human rights violations against a group that qualifies as a ‘people’ or ‘peoples’ and ultimately, the denial of INTERNAL SELF-DETERMINATION against such group(s) by a state (in this case, Nigeria).

“When that happens, and to such an extent that the territorial intergrity of such state (in this case, Nigeria) is called to question, that state loses her claim to her sovereignty because she has failed to adequately represent her whole population in the governance of her affairs.

“No doubt, there are consequences but if crafted and guided and guarded strategically, the group(s) is/are likely to succeed with recognition of the members of the international community.

If the Igbos (either alone or in collaboration with others) decide to seek for a separate country by exercising their right to self-determination through the LENS OF REMEDIAL SECESSION, they are strongly and likely going to be justified subject to external RECOGNITION.

“In summary, I believe that Nigeria has since reached the threshold to such an extent that any Indigenous People of any ethnic origin within the Nigerian state can seek REMEDIAL SECESSION on account of monumental human rights violations and extreme oppression against them by the Fulani-controlled Nigerian state government.

“Nigeria is, indeed, an ideal candidate ripe for and should be subjected to REMEDIAL SECESSION by the component units. This is what the Biafra agitators must continue to focus on and consolidate.”