Gov Matawalle to join APC Tuesday – Aide

The Zamfara State Governor, Bello Matawalle, will complete his switch to the All Progressives Congress (APC) on Tuesday, his aide said.

The governor’s Director-General, Media, Yusuf Idris, disclosed this to journalists in Gusau on Sunday.

He said: “All is now set for our governor to move from the PDP (Peoples Democratic Party) to the APC.

“All the committees that are charged with responsibility for a smooth transition of the governor have reported from their various committees that things have taken shape for the event which is scheduled to hold at a grand reception in Gusau on Tuesday, June 29.”

Idris said the governor’s defection to APC would further strengthen the party in the state.

The aide added: “Let me emphasise to you that Zamfara politicians have always been a single family and even as a PDP governor, my principal, Governor Bello Matawalle has always related very well with those in the opposition parties.

Many people from high and low have followed the governor into the PDP in order to offer their positive advice for the growth and development of the state. Some of such persons were given top government positions and responsibilities which they held very well too.

“Under this new development which will be witnessed by 18 APC governors, the governor will come along with all the National and State Assembly members as well as the PDP executives from all levels of the state.”

According to him, Governor Matawalle will be received by the Chairman of the APC National Caretaker Committee, Mai Mala Buni.

Buhari, US Secretary of State to meet on security, economy, others on Tuesday

The United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, will meet with President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday.

The US Secretary of State’s spokesman, Ned Price, who disclosed this in a statement on Monday, said the discussion between the two leaders would centred on strengthening of democratic governance, security and promoting economic ties and diversification.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, will be at the meeting where bilateral relationship between the two countries would also be discussed.

The trip will be the Secretary of State’s first virtual trip to Africa since US President, Joe Biden, assumed office on January 20.

The statement read: “Secretary Blinken will begin his virtual travel to Africa meeting with Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) alumni. In a ‘Ten Questions with Tony’ event, YALI alumni will have an opportunity to engage with the Secretary on a range of topics, including the role of youth in the future of Africa, economic development, democracy and good governance, climate change, and health.

Through YALI, the United States works with public, private sector, and civil society partners across the continent to develop initiatives and economic opportunities to support the creativity, innovativeness, and energy of Africa’s youth.

“Secretary Blinken will then travel virtually to Nigeria, where he will underscore our shared goals of strengthening democratic governance, building lasting security, and promoting economic ties and diversification.

People-to-people connections, underpinned by the dynamic Nigerian diaspora in the United States, amplify and strengthen our relationship. During his visit, Secretary Blinken will meet with President Buhari and Foreign Minister (Geoffrey Onyeama) to reiterate the value of our bilateral relationship and discuss issues of shared importance.

“Secretary Blinken will also participate in a health partnership event to underscore our collaboration to combat the pandemic as well as long-term US investments in combating infectious diseases. He will meet with a beneficiary of a PEPFAR program and a Nigerian health care worker.”

APC chairmen of northern states to meet on Tuesday

The Forum of 19 States APC Chairmen comprising of state Chairmen of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the 19 northern states of Nigeria will be meeting in Jos, the Plateau State capital on Tuesday (tomorrow).

The meeting is with a view of charting a new course for the party in the region as well as brainstorming on how to move the party forward.

The Chairman of the Forum, Chief Letep Dabang who is also the Chairman of the Plateau State chapter of the APC disclosed this at a news briefing in Jos on Monday.

Letep said that the meeting which would hold periodically in different states of the federation, “was coming at a time the party had concluded all modalities to welcome new members into its fold as well as revalidate its existing membership.”

“The APC Chairmen from 19 northern states will be in Jos to fashion out ways for more success in the region and discuss other issues critical to the continuous growth of the party.

“As we are all aware, Nigeria is in a very challenging time at the moment, grappling with the adverse effects of the COVID-19 and economic challenges.

“Therefore, the meeting has become imperative to further galvanize and build more effective ways of working with the APC governors within the region to further deliver good governance to the people.

“Our party is set to welcome new members into our growing fold and this exercise will be done at the various poling units across the country,” Datep said.