Somalia’s president appeals for International help after deadly bomb blasts by Al Shabaab terrorists that claimed 100 lives

Somalia’s president has issued an urgent plea for international help for wounded victims of devastating car bombings at the weekend that killed 100 people.

The attack on Saturday, October 29, wounded more than 300 people, and was the deadliest in the fragile Horn of Africa nation in five years.

The attack has been claimed by the Al-Shabaab jihadist group. During the attack, two cars packed with explosives blew up minutes apart near the city’s busy Zobe intersection, followed by gunfire.

Somalia has been mired in chaos since the fall of president Siad Barre’s military regime in 1991 and has one of the world’s weakest health systems after decades of conflict.

As at Monday, October 31, Bulldozers were still clearing the blast site in the capital Mogadishu in the hunt for bodies feared trapped under the rubble.

Al-Shabaab, an Islamist group linked to Al-Qaeda said it had targeted the country’s ministry of education. The explosions tore through walls and shattered windows of nearby buildings, sending shrapnel flying and plumes of smoke and dust into the air.

The attack took place at the same junction where a truck packed with explosives blew up on October 14, 2017, killing 512 people and injuring more than 290, the deadliest attack in Somalia.

“We appeal for the international community, Somali brothers, and other Muslim brothers and or partners to send doctors to Somalia to help the hospitals treat the wounded people,”

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said in a statement .“We cannot airlift all these numbers of wounded people… anyone who can send us (help) we request to send us,” said Mohamud.

“The Somali nation and these terrorists are at war, as I speak now, there is fighting ongoing in many parts of the country,” Mohamud said. “We are at war with them, and we are killing each other.”

“We must get united in providing assistance to the families, children and parents of those who were martyred,” he said, lauding donations of water, food and clothes to survivors.

Somalia’s Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre has ordered schools closed so that students can take part in national blood donation. Mohamud said he himself was among several hundred people who had donated blood to hospitals for the victims.

The World Health Organization said on Sunday it was ready to help the government treat the wounded and provide trauma care.

Al-Shabaab fighters have stepped up their attacks in Somalia since Mohamud was elected in May. After his election, Mohamud vowed an “all-out-war” on the Islamists.

In August, the group launched a 30-hour gun and bomb attack on the popular Hayat hotel in Mogadishu, killing 21 people and wounding 117.

Somalia government says it killed al Shabaab co-founder

Somalia’s government said late on Sunday, October 2, that it had killed Abdullahi Nadir, one of the co-founders of Islamist militant group al Shabaab, in an operation with international partners.

The country’s information ministry said that the operation that killed Nadir happened on Saturday, October 1.

It said he was al-Shabab’s chief prosecutor and was in line to replace the group’s leader, Ahmed Diriye, who is sick.

“His death is a thorn removed from the Somali nation,” the statement said.

“The government is grateful to the Somali people and international friends whose cooperation facilitated the killing of this leader who was an enemy of the Somali nation.”

In recent weeks, Somali security forces have touted gains made against the al-Qaeda-linked group while fighting alongside local self-defence groups.

But al-Shabab has continued to conduct deadly raids, including two last Friday that killed at least 16 people.

Al-Shabab claims responsibility for Somalia hotel attack which claimed nine lives

Feared militant group, Al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for a deadly attack launched at the Afrik Hotel, in Somalia which began with a car bomb on Sunday afternoon and killed nine people in the process.

Reports say a car hit the hotel’s front entrance in the capital of Mogadishu and detonated before gunmen stormed the building, according to officials and others at the scene of the incident.

“The blast made the hotel tremble as we sat inside and were talking. We were panicked, confused,” eyewitness Ahmed Nur was quoted by Reuters as saying.

“The operation is over now. Nine people, including four attackers, died and over 10 civilians were injured. There is no electricity,” a police spokesman told reporters from the scene and via Facebook.

The incident came two months after a deadly bomb blast in the capital of Mogadishu claimed the lives of no fewer than seven victims and left 10 others seriously injured.

The incident was confirmed by BBC’s Bella Sheegow who said that the explosion happened in a popular ice-cream parlour and bakery near the airport.