“We Slaughtered Him First Before Drinking His Blood”-Class 8 Boy Confesses to Devilish Killing

In recent days, there has been a significant rise in the number of mysterious activities involving innocent children. The Dark World has successfully taken over the children and some have turned into cult Worshipers who will stop at nothing for blood. 

A class 8 Boy in Embu County has now confessed to the killing of his younger cousin after he was Allegedly brainwashed by cult worshipers. According to a report by the Star newspaper, the boy who has since been arrested confessed how they Slaughtered their younger sibling before they drunk his blood near a river. 

They then threw the body into the water to conceal any evidence. The incident happened in Embu where the residents took to the streets to riot about the increased killings involving their children. According to the report, another child was killed in Mysterious Circumstances before the Killers dumped her body into this particular river. 

According to residents, there is more to the killings than what meets the eye. The residents have been blaming certain businessmen in the town who have reportedly joined dark forces to gain wealth. 

One trader faced it rough from the angry mob who were accusing him of being behind the incidents. The area police commander has warned residents against jumping to conclusions instead they should give the police force enough time to find out what happened. 

Meanwhile, what do you think could be happening in Embu regarding the mysterious deaths of small children? Share with us your thoughts on the matter kindly.